Alana Schramm

: Life and Business Coach

Expert Overview

You’re a mindset master, you’ve used the Model to create some amazing results, you're convinced it's the best thing ever and yet…

…It’s just not working anymore.

You feel like you need to try harder with thoughtwork, but there’s just so much resistance,

and all these emotions keep coming up and blocking you from taking action,

and you’re getting exhausted trying to thoughtwork through them (even if you did, it doesn’t feel like it’s shifting them anyways…)

When this happens, it’s time to celebrate! 

Because it means, you’re ready for the next level, a paradigm shift:

It’s not that you aren’t working hard enough at your thoughtwork or actions, 

it’s that you are working too hard, forcing your mind to create energy, motivation and direction all by itself, when it was never meant to.

Your mind was always meant to work as a team with your body.

The sticky feelings that won’t leave, your resistance, your exhaustion… these are all benevolent messages your body is bringing up to help your mind do things differently.

They are sources of wisdom and intelligence that your mind could never have access to.

When you learn how to tap into that channel AND use thoughtwork together, that’s where effortless and easeful results can flow in.

I will teach you a way to work with your emotions, to harness their wisdom, energy, and inherent beliefs so you can supercharge your results.

Work with Me

3 months 1-1 consent-based, client-centered coaching package that includes a blend of trauma-informed emotional processing, intuition work, somatics and a deep understanding of how they work together to leverage thought work.

Your consent and safety are super important to me, let’s have a zero-pressure chat so we can see if we are a good fit and answer any questions you may have. I’m also happy to coach you so you can experience what my energy is like.

You can schedule a call here.