Anne Thomas

: Anne Thomas Life Coach for Empty Nesters

Expert Overview

I help women create a life they love during the changing dynamics of an empty nest.

Work with me to align your next chapter into a happy and purpose-filled life.

Work with Me

As a certified life coach, I can teach you how to take your default life to a thriving life. I know this because I’ve been where you are and know how to help you. I now have a life I love, thriving and purposeful and you can too! It doesn’t mean saying goodbye to your favorite memories. These can be tender times. I have a process that’s helpful and insightful. I’ll walk you through the steps that worked for me and then map out the plan to get you where you want to go, while you flush out any doubts.

Here’s what you’ll discover through coaching with me:

  • Discover the freedom of a fresh start.
  • Get clear on next priorities.
  • Identify your new avenues for purpose, fulfillment, contribution and validation.
  • Reinvent the areas you’ve been wanting to change.
  • Redefine your relationship with your adult child and others.
  • Reignite the things and relationships you are passionate about.
  • Put together a process to create a life you love

You’ve done a great job, and your child is bravely going out into the world creating a life they love. You can too. Schedule a time to talk with me about your next amazing chapter.
Find me here.