Ariel Jolie

: Teen & Young Adult Life Coach

Expert Overview

I am a big sister teen life coach that empowers teens gain mental clarity over mental struggles to develop self confidence, self worth, and self compassion for themselves. I whole-heartedly believe that the teen life can be exciting, memorable, and truly amazing.

As a young adult myself, at 22 years old, I bring a fresh perspective as a certified teen life coach & recent college graduate. I work with my generation to offer them the mental tools schools never teach us from:

- School Stress Management
- Self Awareness for More Self Control
- Emotional Resilience & Emotional Intelligence
- Confidence & Connection with Family & Friends
- Establishing Unwavering Self-worth and Positive Self-image

I present tools in a way that speaks their language, meets them at their level, and creates a judgment-free zone where they don't just have to survive, but thrive too!

Work with Me

Parents, if you are ready to remove the stress of always being your teens therapist, always getting through to your teen, and focus on empowering them as their friend, parent, and team member, I’ve got you!

Support your teen with a comfortable, thought-enriching, judgement free zone of life coaching with a coach who’s been there so recently!

Click here to learn more about my mission, philosophy, background, and my story!

I have slots for 1:1 coaching with clients ages 11-22.

Click here to schedule a complimentary "Discovery Coaching" call!