Candice Toone

: Former Marriage & Family Therapist Turned Master Life Coach

Expert Overview

I believe that every wife ought to feel cherished and valued. Appreciated and adored.

I know we can make that happen.

Even if it seems impossible to you.

Here’s the truth.

I love you.

And I respect your husband.

I’ve already decided to believe that both of you are doing your best and I’m here to help you figure out how to make your best even better.

Because “for better or worse” is no joke.

Because sometimes it’s a little shocking to find out what “for better or worse” really means.

As your coach, I won’t spend time agreeing that your husband is terrible or suggest you should leave your marriage.
I won’t suggest you should stay either.

I have no idea what you should do.

I only know that you and I can get you to the place where your mind is clear enough that you’ll know exactly what to do.

You in?

Work with Me

Time for truth. Resentment builds when your needs aren’t being met. Simple as that.

Getting your needs met? A little less simple, but still totally possible.

And probably easier than you might think.

Here’s something new. I’ve outlined the tasks. Made the plan. Thought through the details. Drew up the checklist.

All you’ve gotta do is show up and follow along. Easy peesy.

Click here to learn actionable need-meeting-strategies you can start right away, EVEN if…

- you're never alone
- it's nothing close to quiet
- there's not a spa in sight

Me taking care of you.

How’s that for a nice change of pace?