Clair Mackenzie

: Weight Loss Coach

Expert Overview

I help female professionals and entrepreneurs, in the 40s and 50s, create a relationship with food and themselves that they love, so that they can stop overeating and lose weight for the last time .

Don't embark on another diet, set sail on an adventure that will take you...

  • from diet deprivation to enjoyment of tasty nourishing food
  • from battling will power to total food freedom
  • from self loathing to self-loving
  • from living to eat to eating to live
  • step-by-step from overweight to permanently slim

I lost 6 stone after struggling with my own weight for decades when I learned how to look inwards and create a better relationship with myself, food and my life though mindset work and coaching. Would you like to find food freedom, feel self-appreciation and live a life you love too?

Work with Me

Work with me to create a relationship with food, yourself and your life that you love.

You just need to decide whether you would prefer the flexible self-paced learning experience of My One Life Academy membership, the group support of the Lose Weight. Live Life. Mastermind, or private coaching.

Book a time on my calendar and let's chat to see if I'm the right coach for you.