Corinne Crabtree

: Master Weight Loss Coach

Expert Overview

You need a program that addresses the mental weight slowing down your physical weightloss.

You aren't overweight because you haven't found the right meal plan, workout, or calorie range. You're overweight for one simple reason. Your hand goes to your mouth when you ain't hungry for food.

I lost 100lbs because I learned how to quit eating when I…

  • Worried I'd be left out of the fun.
  • Had a bad day and tried to fix it with a roll of cookie dough.
  • Wanted to get my money's worth by finishing off food instead of savoring what I was eating.

These are just a few examples of the BS eating that had me 100lbs overweight most of my life. When I figured out how to quit emotionally eating, I lost my weight—and I've kept it off for over 15 years.

When you drop the mental weight, your physical weight comes off so much easier.

Mental weight comes in many forms. Maybe you...

  • Restrict the foods you allow yourself because you're afraid you'll eat your face off.
  • Talk to yourself like an asshole after overeating or when you "screw up."
  • Worry and obsess about what people think of you.

You see, these are the things the diet industry doesn't teach you. But, I will. Because I get it.

You need someone who can walk with you, hand in hand, as you learn how to change your life so you can change your weight.

Work with Me

In my membership, the No BS Weightloss Program, I teach a simple system of weightloss you can do anywhere, anytime, and through anything life throws at you. You learn...

  • Four simple weightloss rules that free you from counting calories, macros, and restrictive meal plans.
  • A simple technique to identify and overcome self-sabotage thinking that keeps you stuck in endless diet cycles.
  • How your brain works so you can unwind old food habits and replace them with eating habits that work for life.
  • How to keep momentum going by conquering the scale, improving your self-concept, and feeling confident in your body.

And, together we will do all of this in a private community of badass women creating one hell of a life. Through live group coaching calls, recorded weightloss courses, and 24/7 support, the No BS Weightloss Program gives you the right tools you need to change your weight and your life.