Courtney Gray

: Body & Life Coach for Women

Expert Overview

I help women lose weight permanently and stop obsessing over food and their body.

You are intelligent and successful in most areas of your life, but you haven't figured out how to lose weight, keep it off, and enjoy your life at the same time.

Diets don't teach you how to do this.

Diets don't teach you how to handle thoughts like.....

"I will just start Monday"

"What does it matter anyway"

"I had one, I might as well eat them all."

These type of thoughts used to keep me in a constant loop of starting and stopping. Never feeling in control and never getting to my goal weight.

I lost weight permanently by learning how to feel in control around food.

I learned how to eat better. I learned how to follow through with what I ultimately wanted for my body and life.

This is what my program is all about.

I work privately with women to eat better, forever. We uncover why you over eat in the first place, and we fix that.

I teach you how to follow through, and become the woman who feels in control and at peace.

You don't have to do things perfectly, and you don't need to give up all your favorite foods.

This is more than just weight loss.

This is about quieting the mental drama around food and your body.

This about living a bigger life.

Work with Me

If you are looking for a 1:1 private coach to help you lose weight permanently, click HERE to schedule a consultation with me.

My program is curated to your specific body and life.

This is the beauty of private coaching.

We will dive into your thoughts, uncover what is holding you back, what your triggers are, and create a plan that works for your unique life.

In addition to private weekly calls with me is a workbook, educational videos, and voxer access.

Can't wait to meet you
