Dolly Wyatt

: Happiness Coach

Expert Overview

Life is an adventure full of beauty. It is easy to get stuck. I unleash the potential of each client through thoughtful and meaningful education, coaching, and training to better navigate the rollercoaster of life.

With intentional building of our belief in ourselves, and our capabilities, we can not only find joy, we can reach toward the dreams we hold closet to our hearts.  My clients break free from their limiting beliefs, and are able to live powerfully and contribute the world in amazing ways.

We have been trained to look for what’s wrong with ourselves, under the guise of being able to improve.  But studies have shown that being hard on ourselves doesn’t work.  My clients discover how to motivate themselves with kindness, to love the life they have and find the confidence to go after big dreams.

We are going to live our lives, let’s find the fun and joy that it has to offer along the way.

Work with Me

You can be happy.  Whether it’s your work is unsatisfying or your partner is frustrating I can help you.

I know you can have the life you want.  I know how to get you there.  Work with me for 3 months and you will not only love your life, you’ll see new opportunities all around you.

Click here for a free consultation to see if will work well together.