Gunila Pedersen

: Life Coach for Veterinary Surgeons

Expert Overview

I work with veterinary surgeons who want to fall in love with their profession again. I help you with:

  • Burn out
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Time management
  • Confidence in daily practice and theatre
  • Work/life balance
  • Deciding on changing jobs
  • How to get an increase in salary
  • Deciding on specialising
  • Dealing with difficult clients with ease
  • Enjoying your time off and sleep better

I have been a small animal veterinarian for 18 years and owned my own practice for 8 years. I got burnt out and left the profession for a year, only to fall in love with it again after certifying as a life coach and learning to manage my mind around all the challenges we experience as veterinarians in the current climate.

Now I combine ECC work with one-on-one coaching of other veterinary surgeons that want to learn how to enjoy their job again and live a balanced, joyful life.

Work with Me

I coach online, one to one, in 45 minute sessions once weekly. My programme runs over 12 months where we work closely to get you to a place where you enjoy your job, get paid what you're worth and have zero stress on your time off.

To find out if you’re ready to take the next step and change your life forever, sign up for a free 60 minute consultation. If you’re a good fit, I’ll get you started as soon as I have spots available.