Jeannine Peart

: Confidence Coach for Young Adult Women

Expert Overview

I help young adult women overcome self-doubt and create a life they love.

  • Do you struggle with comparison (especially after spending time on social media)?
  • Are your actions governed by what other people might think?
  • Are you dating the wrong guys or not dating at all?
  • Do stress and anxiety about school, work, relationships, and the future affect you frequently?
  • Do you question your worth and value?
  • Are you afraid to go for your dreams?

If you answered yes to any of these, I can help you.

"We did not come to this earth life to gain our worth. We brought it with us." -Ardith G. Kapp

You just forgot who you are. I can help you remember.

Work with Me

I offer an 8-week, one-on-one coaching program. We meet one hour each week over Zoom.

Once you finish my program you will:

  • Feel more confident, more capable, more worthy, and more motivated.
  • Spend less time comparing and more time creating a life you love.
  • Develop better emotional health = less anxiety and less self-doubt.
  • Learn how to create healthy relationships.
  • You will like yourself and your life more.

I offer a free 30 minute coaching session to see if we're a good fit. Click here for the details.