Joey Mascio

: Teen Confidence and Social Skills Coach

Expert Overview

A sidekick is someone who wants to do more, to BE more, but they feel like they can't due to various reasons out of their control.

A hero is someone who is in control of their destiny despite their circumstances and their failures.

I take teens from sidekick to hero in the following HERO arenas:

- Headspace: improving their mindset
- Emotions: managing their feelings
- Relationships: building their social skills
- Objectives: reaching their goals

I package the powerful life coaching strategies and teachings that adults love in a way that teens can use.

Work with Me

I am the creator of Sidekick to Hero, a gamified mindset training app for teens that looks and feels like a video game but in this game the teen is the main character and the game is played in real life.

Sidekick to Hero is perfect for teens ages 12-16 and includes arenas and stages teens play through where they watch short, powerful training videos and then complete challenges in the real world. Then, they come back to the game to claim their experience points (XP), level up their customizable avatar, and increase their chances to win monthly prizes (gift cards, gaming accessories, headphones, etc).

The program includes weekly livestreams, replays, podcasts, leaderboards, and the option to add private coaching for your teen with my Sidekick to Hero coaches.

Sidekick to Hero is a web-based app, so no smart phone is required. It will work on any device with a browser.

This is going to revolutionize the way teens develop mental resilience.

Sign up HERE to start your teen's transformation from sidekick to hero.

I also occasionally have slots available for 1:1 coaching with clients ages 14-25. Click here for more information.