Karen C.L. Anderson

: Master Coach For Women With Troubled Mother/Adult Daughter Relationships

Expert Overview

Dear Adult Daughter...

You want to both quiet the Inner Critical Mother you have in your head, AND take care of yourself in the relationship you have with your actual mother, and not be miserable in the process. I got you.

In The Mother Lode, we work together on three three core skills:

#1 Creating Safety so you're no longer reacting in a way you’ll regret later, but rather responding firmly and confidently – fiercely even – and liking your reasons for the way you choose to respond.

#2 Creating Intentional Identity and peeling away shame-based beliefs about yourself, that were never yours to begin with. This is a mind-body practice that goes way beyond positive affirmations and mindset work and taps into experiences you loved having to remember what's really true about you.

#3 Creating Healthy Boundaries and communicating them with the least amount of anxiety and guilt. You will also learn how to set energetic boundaries, no communication necessary. It’s who you become as a result of setting boundaries : a grownass woman who doesn’t spend her precious time and energy explaining, defending, proving, and hiding.

I excel at helping clients who want to...

- Re-establish contact with their mothers

- Improve the relationship they have with their mothers

- Have healthy boundaries with their mothers in an effort to avoid estrangement

- Make peace with choosing to go "no contact"

- Do certain things in their lives that they’re worried their mothers will disapprove of

- Do certain things in their lives but are terrified of “out shining” their mothers, while at the same time telling themselves their being ridiculous, but still not doing the thing

- Make sure they don’t pass on unhealthy patterns to their own children

- Navigate their role in their aging mothers’ lives but not at their own expense

- Reduce the amount of guilt, shame, resentment, and anxiety they feel

My clients share that they...

- Spend way less time and energy "managing" and "coping" with their mothers or daughters.

- Are able to find a middle path between estrangement and enmeshment.

- Live with less guilt, defensiveness, anxiety, resentment, hopelessness, and rage.

- Feel both safe and powerful in making changes to the relationship.

- Experience a lot less shame.

- Stop people-pleasing.

- Are better able to respond (versus reacting).

- Have more trust in themselves, and respect for themselves.

- Establish and maintain healthy, mature boundaries.

- Have richer, more intimate relationships with those who matter most to them.

Work with Me

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