Kellyann Schaefer

: Business and Marketing Coach

Expert Overview

I’m help business owners who offer 1 to 1 services make more money, get more clients, and have greater impact in their communities.  My specialty is helping offline businesses market successfully in an online world.

I find that many business owners have a dream of doing what they love, because they want to make a difference. But then they step out into entrepreneurship and quickly get sidetracked with all the “marketing noise” out there.

I teach a proven marketing process that is centered around "nurture marketing", which in real words means - building relationships, nurturing those relationships and creating referral systems that can create money on demand.

I teach what works, and only what works. (And tech isn't required!)

Direct, to the point, spiritually awake, with a side of love and a side of badass all wrapped into one coaching experience.

Work with Me

I offer 2 core group coaching programs: Fully Booked (for those who want to be fully booked)  and the 100K Club, where we work together to hit 50K then scale to 100K and beyond.

1 to 1 Coaching is offered by invitation only or when spots become available.