Kerrie Iannuzzi

: Dating & Finding Love Coach

Expert Overview

Do you wonder why you're still single or what's wrong with you?
Invest way too much time in relationships that go nowhere or settle for partners who are not who you truly desire? Often wonder why it looks so easy for others to meet and fall in love?

Let me help you to stop asking these questions and start attracting Soulmate level LOVE with my "4 simple steps to attracting great LOVE" coaching program. I'll help you find love in a way that feels aligned and enjoyable while showing up as the truest version of yourself and only attracting the highest caliber of partners who align with your core values and life plan.

Work with Me

What if your Soulmate was looking for you just like your looking for them? I have a simple process you can follow to "call in" your perfect partner very quickly.

In my program you'll learn to date efficiently by weeding out emotionally unavailable or unaligned partners easily and quickly. You'll understand why you must first transform into "The One", to meet "The One" and learn to implement boundaries, embody self-worth and unwavering self-respect. Through my course you'll become a master of visualization and manifestation to create massive change quickly. I'll teach you why adopting a "Soulmate self-concept" changes how you approach partners and the whole dating world. In many cases my clients actually do less "outer work" than they're doing now but create much more connection and love.

If you desire a conscious, committed and compassionate partner and have a deep desire to meet "The One" then reach out to me. Creating your happily-ever-after starts here.