Kim Tanner

: Birth Confidence Coach

Expert Overview

I’m the After Before Birth Coach. I help mamas AFTER a tough birth and BEFORE their next birth experience.

There are a whole lot of emotions that flood in after a tough birth which can lead to a lot of anxiety for a future birth.

I help moms create more resilience and confidence with their births. Birth transforms us.

I help mamas powerfully step into that transformation.

Work with Me

When it comes to birth, no two women or even births are the same.

This is why 1:1 coaching is so powerful.

Some women want focused emphasis on healing after a tough birth.

Some want help preparing for an upcoming birth.

Some want both.

I offer a customizable approach. The tools & methods I teach are great, but the secret sauce is the 1:1 coaching sessions. You and me.

I create a safe, non-judgmental space to look at your specific situation and the thoughts and feelings that are creating your reality.

I use proven tools and techniques to get you where you want to be.

Click here to schedule a time to chat with me about how we can work together.