Kirsten Simon

: Master Certified Feminist Burnout Coach

Expert Overview

What if you don't have to leave the job you love to end your burnout?

The truth is, leaving your job won't end your burnout anyway because you take your brain with you everywhere you go.

I'm Kirsten Simon, Master Certified Feminist Mindset Coach, and I help high achieving, growth-minded women solve their struggles with burnout by helping you uncover the root cause of your burnout - your mind. We work together to uncover and change the gender-based socialized beliefs that are unconsciously and drastically impacting the way you think, feel, and act when you're on (and off) the clock.

I'll help you untangle your worth from your productivity, learn how to approach your work (and your life) in a sustainable way, rest without guilt & anxiety, and prevent yourself from burning out again in the future.

In my coaching practice, I believe you and I have a collaborative and mutual relationship. I’m here to facilitate and empower you on your journey to wherever it is that you want to go. I create a space of inclusiveness, openness, and non-judgment where you feel like you can just relax and be your authentic self.

I believe that you are sovereign in our relationship. You have ultimate power in your life; only you know what’s best for you. This is why I won’t ever give you advice or tell you what you should do. Because I don’t know what you should do - only you know that. So when you look to me as an authority who has the answer, I’ll lovingly guide you back to your own inner wisdom.

Work with Me

Curious about what it's like to work together?

Click here to learn more about one to one coaching.

If you're not quite ready for one to one coaching, you can get to know me in the following ways:

1. Access my free mini course, Heal Your Burnout From The Inside Out, here.

2. Follow me on Instagram and send me a DM telling me about you and what you're wanting help with. I would love to chat with you (and of course, it's completely pressure-free).

Talk soon!