Kirstin Sarfde

: Life, Weight, and Binge Eating Coach

Expert Overview

I help people to stop binge eating and start living their ideal lives.

If you feel out of control around food, like you can't trust yourself around food, you eat until you feel sick, and you feel guilty, ashamed, and frustrated, then I know exactly how you feel. I was the exact same way for about 10 years.

To stop binge eating, you have to stop trying to change the food and start changing YOU. Your thoughts, how you respond to your urges and feelings, and how you make your eating decisions is what needs to change. I teach my clients how to eat according to their true wants, their body's wants, and in a way that they love. No more diets and quick-fixes. It's time for you to create your ideal eating and the best version of yourself.

Work with Me

I offer a group coaching program. Information can be found here.

I have a highly rated podcast called The Stop Binge Eating Podcast available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, and any other podcast listening apps.

You can download my free tips for How to Not Binge Eat Tonight by clicking here.