Monica Sosa

: Weightloss Coach

Expert Overview

To help women shine is my passion, and today I do it by helping Spanish-speaking women who want to reach their ideal weight forever to do it consciously.

After more than 25 years of trying diets and exercise routines, I was able to discover what really allowed me to lose weight and learn to keep it off was something more than that.

What was that?  Transforming my thoughts.

Understanding the effect of my thoughts on the results I generate in my life has allowed me to not only achieve my weight goal, but to adopt the lifestyle I so desired and with it transform my entire life.

I learned this thanks to coaching, and it is how my program “Puedes Hacerlo” was created.

I am committed to share what I know with any woman who has decided to put an end to her weight struggles for good.

Work with Me

I offer a program called Puedes Hacerlo Espectacular, that includes my guidance and support through group coaching for 6 months.

My program takes each participant by hand through a spectacular process of self-knowledge and self-acceptance, which is reflected in: weight loss, creation of new habits, ability to listen to your body and become an expert on yourself, achieve the ideal weight, learn to stay there permanently, and even manage to harmonize this new empowered clear and determined version of yourself with your external image.

In my program I share everything I have learned in my quest to create my best version of myself, from specific health coaching ideas, human development concepts, to image consulting tips. Applying all this with coaching allows participants to create and live the most spectacular version of themselves.

My program is in Spanish and if you want to do it, visit my website and contact me, it will be an honor to accompany you on your way.

I am waiting for you!

Vive espectacular,

Puedes Hacerlo