Nicky Bevan

: The Emotional Resilience Coach

Expert Overview

I’m Nicky Bevan, the loving, no-bullshit life coach specialising in emotional resilience for working mums who love their job, fiercely loves her children but isn’t enjoying either because of the constant battle in her head of ‘shoulding’ herself. You know, when I’m at work I SHOULD be with the kids & when I’m with the kids I SHOULD be working. And because of this relentless hamster wheel of kids cooking cleaning clients, kids cooking cleaning clients.

I teach you the mind & emotional management tools that we didn’t learn in school so that you to ESCAPE that bitchy voice in your head, you become CALMER, more in control, less stressed & stop snapping at your kids.

If you’re ready for this, then let’s have a chat.

I offer a free virtual consultation where together we’ll look at where you are now, & why, where you want to be, & how working with me will help you get there.

Work with Me

I'd love to have a chat & get to know you better so please click here to book a consult with me.