Parastoo Jangouk

: Mind-Body-Gut Wellness Coach

Expert Overview

I'm a board-certified gastroenterologist, gut health expert and certified life coach. My coaching combines my several years of practicing as gastroenterologist and my passion for physical and mental fitness. I believe definition of wellness goes beyond lack of disease, diet and exercise. It actually encompasses three muscles of mental fitness, physical fitness and gut health. You cannot be well if one of these muscles isn't flexing.

I help professional women to become the healthiest version of themselves by saying goodbye to stress, leaving pain and fatigue behind and by improving their gut health. This way they can truly enjoy the life they've worked so hard to create.

Work with Me

You can schedule a 45 minute discovery call with me here.

Also you can visit this page and add your name to the waitlist for my FREE TRAINING called TRANSFORM, to learn how you can transform your mental and physical health in order to live the healthy productive life you truly deserve.