Reid Allen

: Life Coach

Expert Overview

Empowering Transgender Individuals and their loved ones to live their most unapologetic lives.

Work with Me

My journey of honoring my true self as a transgender man inspires my coaching practice with transgender individuals and their loved ones. The unique individual journeys within our community are wrought with equally unique and challenging obstacles.

I am committed to supporting the transgender community in being unapologetically themselves and helping their loved ones throughout their own process of transition as well. WHY? Because our loved ones go through their own unique transition. YOU matter. YOUR process matters. Your loved one's process matters.

Through coaching, I learned how to navigate depression, debilitating social anxiety, dysphoria, self-sabotage, substance use challenges, and deep-rooted insecurity. I learned to practice self-compassion for the first time in my life and to listen to my intuition instead of silencing myself. I learned to love myself. In that process, I was able to cultivate the version of myself I’d always dreamt of being but had not known how to become.

You deserve the support and the space to process YOUR transition. You deserve to claim your joy. THIS is the place to become unapologetically YOU.