Sarah Moody

: Certified Burn Out Coach

Expert Overview

I'm Sarah.

Certified Coach. Tech Industry Veteran. High Achiever.

After decades of frantically overworking, never believing I could have what I really wanted in my life, and feeling anxious, overwhelmed and completely burnt out daily, I FINALLY figured life out.

I learned how to feel confident, reclaimed work/life balance, and have created a life I am totally flipping in love with using the cognitive tools I teach in The Rockstar Program.

If you're a high achiever with a team that’s struggling with burnout, and your mission is to help them grow as humans, and retain this badass team, I got you.

How do I know what you’re going through and what you need?

I’ve been that high achiever on the team who never said no and was always people pleasing, worked long hours, and never EVER believed what I did was good enough.

I had no work life balance. I didn’t even have ideas of what I wanted to do if I wasn’t working or seeing friends. I was trapped running on a productivity hamster wheel.

I felt empty and lost.

And I’ve led the team that was overwhelmed, anxious and fried.

On the outside everyone thought I was confident and had my sh*t together, but deep down I felt insecure and scared.

I tried DECADES of talk therapy and seminars. I felt hopeless as I couldn’t find an answer for how totally sh*tty I felt inside.

It wasn’t until I discovered cognitive coaching and learned how to coach myself that I was able to rewire my brain so I could feel confident on my insides, create insane work/life balance, and build a life I am completely in love with.

I used these cognitive tools to rewire my brain so that it thinks and feels in ways that serve me.

My beliefs in my brain now create the feelings of confidence, calm, and a ton of love for myself.

So this is what I teach and I keep it super simple.

You'll learn the neuroscience based cognitive tools I and my clients use daily to create that reality.

NOTE: You’ll run the risk of being PASSIONATELY in love with your life and career again.

Yup, things will feel kinda magical again.

Let's do this!

Work with Me

Would you like to wave a magic wand and see the following in your team in just six months?

  • A feeling of connection + community in support of each other? #CrushingItTogether.
  • Common language and tools to break down barriers + build collaboration - Skills to set crazy unthinkable goals and nail them.
  • Skills to deliver on your OKRs for yourself, the team, and the company on your time frame, guaranteed.
  • Drop the anxiety, overwhelm, self doubt, procrastination and replace them with calm, confidence, and ease.
  • Stop thinking about how there’s not enough time. Skills to get it done, without changing time or hiring fresh talent.
  • An actual plan to future proof your amazing team in a constantly changing tech landscape.

I got you. Click HERE to get started!