Shaina DeFichy

: Coach and Mentor for Coaches

Expert Overview

I help coaches stop quitting on their goals and get the results they want while maintaining balance in all areas of their life.

You’ve created some results as a coach.
You love the idea of setting goals and the impossible goal but something feels like it’s missing.
You sometimes forget about your goal, get distracted by life or other things, and/or look back a few months after setting your goal and ask yourself what happened because there has been no progress.

If that sounds like you, then I can help you.

Work with Me

I created the exact coaching program that I wish I had when I was jumping from goal to goal, program to program, and quitting on my goals.

Over a 12 month period, I help coaches blow their own minds, achieve their impossible goals while maintaining balance in all areas of their life.

When you work with me you will learn how to set and think about your yearly, quarterly, and monthly goals in a way that you actually achieve them.

You will no longer forget your goal or look back a few months after setting your goal and ask yourself what happened because there has been no progress.

Plus working towards your goals will actually be FUN so you won’t want to forget about them.

If thinking about actually achieving your goals lights you up and you are tired of bouncing from thing to thing then you need to get on a call with me.

Click HERE to schedule a free consultation call.

Let’s get you started on learning how to never quit on your goals again.