Kelly Feng

I am here to bring wholesomeness back to the dating world.

Dating is one of the shortest–yet most impactful seasons we will ever have during our lifetime. Most people view it is a time that we need to just get through in order to achieve the coveted “engagement and marriage”. However, what people don’t realize is that dating truly never ends. The common mistake I see as a Love Coach is that most adults view dating and marriage as completely separate concepts. But they are inevitably connected.

Don’t believe me? Think about it about like this.

How you approach dating is very much so setting the foundation for your relationship and eventually your marriage (if that is your end goal). The way you show up for dating shows your future partner an idea of what to expect in a relationship with you. If you are not showing up to the dating game the same way you see yourself showing up for your marriage–it may be time to reevaluate what you are trying to achieve while dating.

I also fully believe this world of ours would be much better off if we led with love.

If you are looking for a way to refresh how you approach dating and relationships too, that is what I am here for!

Joanna Wen

I help busy moms heal their relationship with their bodies physically, emotionally, and mentally so that they lose weight and keep it off permanently.

Elsa Ren

I coach women through the fear of breaking up, so they can confidently leave and live a new life.

Diane Yeung

I help women professionals get unstuck quickly as they ride through change cycles in their lives. I guide my clients through the proven thought-provoking processes that rewire the brain so they can build the lives they love with clarity, ease and joy.

Whether your goal is:

  • Reducing burnout
  • Have more time with your kids
  • Making more money
  • Fight procrastination
  • Add more joy and ease to parenting
  • Lose weight

I’ve tools and methodologies to help you tackle it for one last time. On your way to your best self, let me be your guide.

Dr. Nikki Neretin

I help moms who are worried, anxious and overwhelmed stop yelling at their kids so that they can have a fun, safe, peaceful, and connected family life. Overly worrying creates a fearful life that stops us from going after our big hopes and dreams and weakens our connections ultimately recreating the same results for our children.

When we are overly anxious and worried our children get the message that the world is unsafe and that they can’t be trusted to navigate it leaving them feeling insecure and incapable. Our worry, anxiety and overwhelm makes our children take the responsibility of managing our emotions, a job they did not agree upon, leaving little room for their struggles which they ultimately won’t want to share with us. This creates more danger and uncertainty because they will look for other, often unsafe, outlets to work on their hard feelings and find relief. The best way to help our children not repeat parental worry, anxiety and overwhelm and stay connected and safe is for us parents to become so good at managing how we react and respond to difficult situations and become a role model in living a fun, safe, connected and peaceful life.

Michelle Chou

I help busy, stressed, overwhelmed physicians and professionals overcome perfectionism, cultivate a wholehearted relationship with themselves and others, and create a life with joy and peace without sacrificing time and compromising their impact in the world.

Sarah Shiozawa

Hello, Iā€™m Sarah Shiozawa.

I am a certified Leadership & Management Coach. My personal 16-year professional adventure has led me to share the lessons I have learned about resiliency and change.

I mentor leaders in ANY transition or stage of growth. Leaders, while often surrounded by people, are at unique risk for stress, anxiety and overwhelm.

There are few people that can appreciate the unique challenges that leading an organization brings.

I work with leaders in business, government, nonprofits, hospital administration, military & universities.

Executive coaching optimizes the focus needed to consistently accomplish personal and professional goals.

A strengths-based leadership approach can improve your delegation skills, increase team diversity and create a more collaborative approach.

Chao Sun

If you are an employee with a six-figure salary but do not feel happy,

If you are an employee who wants to leave your full time job and become a full time entrepreneur but do not feel like you can replace your full time job salary with your business.

If you are an employee who wants a successful business but do not feel like you have enough time to build it after your 9 to 5 job.

If you are an employee who wants financial freedom but do not want to feel like you have to sacrifice your current life style to achieve it.

I got your back.

Johanna Chen

Do you feel stressed or stuck in your life? There is a way out of it and chances to thrive, without needing to quit your job (except you really want to).

No matter if engineer, product manager, marketing or sales manager, designer or HR. The work in the tech industry can sometimes feel stressful, competitive and demanding.

But often you do love your job, but just feel stuck or like you do not have a work-life balance or that you are just not sure how to go the next step.

I help people in the tech industry or in startups to get unstuck and thrive, because you deserve to feel great while you create great new things.

Rae Tsai

I help women to find love, confidence, and compassion for themselves so they are grounded, empowered, and fulfill their dreams.