Arianna Hope Anderson

I grew up with learning challenges that impacted my self-confidence for years. I learned how to overcome my challenges and appreciate the gifts they brought me. I help students and young adults create unshakable self-confidence that is just lying beneath the surface waiting to shine through. I work with students to overcome their harsh inner critic and learn to embrace challenges on their path to success.

Amanda Queen,MD

I help women physicians stop enduring and start enjoying the lives we’ve worked so hard to create. I will help you find a better path forward for yourself and your family regardless of what life throws your way.

I specifically love helping women docs create more peaceful relationships with their exes. If you want more serenity in this space, contact me below. I want to help you find better!

Sara Dill

I work with busy practicing physicians on how to reduce your stress levels, create a better balance between your medical career and personal life, and have a sustainable and enjoyable clinical practice. Learn how to feel better now while designing a life and medical career that feel good to YOU.

I am an Ivy-League educated, still-practicing dermatologist who has worked in academics, managed care, private practice, and as a consultant in the pharmaceutical industry. I have been an active coach since experiencing burnout myself in 2012.  I combine my breadth of clinical experience and depth of coaching expertise to help you feel better and discover how improving your wellbeing can be simpler and happen faster than you think.

I combine multiple coaching philosophies and techniques, with mindfulness, and tools from Brooke Castillo, Martha Beck, and Byron Katie., as well as Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR).

Abbe Kruger

I work with couples and partners once issues surrounding gender identity or sexuality enter the relationship. In general, cis and straight partners, and couples with differing gender identities, cannot find the support they need in the cis/heterosexual or LBGTQ+ communities as they do not fall neatly in either camp. The challenges that arise are particular and require knowledge of the complexities surrounding transition and sexuality as well as the ways in which cis and straight partners respond to these fundamental changes. Whether seeking support managing gender transition, reinventing their relationship, or leaving it behind, I empower each client to navigate a path forward.

Stephanie Martin

I coach executives and entrepreneurs rediscover the meaning and impact of their activity.  Understand yourself better, to deploy your full potential and have more impact on what really matters to you in your personal and professional life.

Feeling isolated, overwhelmed, with no time for yourself or your family doesn’t have to be that way.

It’s possible to succeed in your business and in your life !

Stephanie Bickel

Helping leaders be consistently compelling forces for their organizations by helping them develop exceptional communication skills – so they can transform their businesses, teams, and relationships to new heights.

Annie Gibb

I am a certified life coach who specializes in helping young women challenge and conquer their inner critic. I have found that by my religious and Christian background, using scripture and doctrine along with my coaching tools brings so much more success with my clients. Are you tired of listening to that negative voice in your head? I get it. It can get exhausting when fighting that inner voice day after day. That is why I am here to help you discover new and effective ways to conquer that inner critic all while finding personal value in who you are now and who you are meant to become.

Anne Reid

We may not be able to change what happens to us, but we can definitely change how we manage and react to it! This is particularly true for parents and guardians of children with disabilities who may be feeling helpless, hopeless, overwhelmed and alone.

Marc Hildebrand

I empower leaders to excel in both business and family life! My focus is to help you connect deeper with your family, prioritize your physical and mental health, and build a business you love. Finding YOUR version of success!

Caryn Gillen, MA

Caryn Gillen is a trusted coach, advisor and chief of staff for wildly amazing, remarkable humans. She takes the big picture view, asks the unexpected questions, and helps her clients figure out what’s right for them. Caryn is known for her warm but direct manner and her laser-like ability to get to the root of the issue (and it’s usually not what you think it is.)

Her primary focus is helping her remarkable clients get what they want and do life their way, taking the most impactful route, and doing it in an aligned and elegant manner.

Caryn is a former therapist with a Masters in Counseling Psychology, a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach through Coaches Training Institute, Master Coach through The Life Coach School and a Certified Equity Centered Leadership Coach.

Melinda Evans

I help young moms and middle-aged women, who are fighting their past, or their kids; who worry about what others think, and who believe they aren’t good enough as a wife or parent.  The way we see ourselves can effect our relationships, our self-worth, and our health. I help women find value, happiness, and peace while helping them embrace themselves/others just as they are. I help create a life and relationships full of hope and possibility as they increase their self worth without fear of others and the past that haunts them.

Angela Pleune

I help mothers of adopted children learn to parent from a place of unconditional love. Through a blend of compassionate support and practical guidance, I coach mothers so they will learn to see themselves and their children the way God sees them.