LCS Directory

Through our Coach Certification Program, we train and certify top coaches from all over the world.
Search the directory to find the coach who is right for you.

The Big Birthday Coach

Certified Life Coach and Master Certified Weight Loss Coach

Fitness & Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss for Women 50+ who want to lose 50+ pounds

Life Coach and Nutrition Coach for Women with Autoimmune Conditions

Certified Life Coach Specializing in How To Be Comfortable With Uncertainty and Working Through Chaos To Order

Life & Weightloss Coach

Body Image & Weight Loss Coach

Plant Based Weight Loss Coach

Rediscover Purpose & Connection Coach for Estranged Parents

Business & Mindset Coach

Body Positivity & Weight Loss Coach

Life, Weight, and Binge Eating Coach

Obesity Medicine and Coaching

Mind Body Weightloss Coach

Body, Mind, and Lifestyle Transformation Coach

Certified Life Coach & Minimalist

Weightloss Coach for Professional Women

Weight Loss Coach for Women

School of Skinny

Life Balance Coach for Female Entrepreneurs

Catholic Life Coach

Weight Loss and General Life Coach

Life Balance Coach for Overwhelmed Moms

Stop Over-drinking Coach

Sugar Rehab Coach

Self Development Coach

Weight Loss for Women over 45

The Nurse Coach for Nurses in burnout.

Life and Mindset Coach for Midlife Women

The Catholic Life Coach

Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Suck

Life & Leadership Coach for Women in Real Estate

Life and Fitness Coach

The Curvy Girl Dating Coach

Diabetes Coach for Women

Weight Loss Coach

Certified Life Coach

Weight Loss Coach to Stop Yo-Yo Dieting

Time & Productivity Coach

Body and Mindset Transformation Life Coach

Life Coach for Teachers

Binge Eating Coach & IFS Practitioner

Life and Weight Coach

Healthy Eating Coach For Women

Coach for Midlife Women Who've Dieted Their Entire Lives

Life Coach and Advanced Certified Weight Coach

Pediatric Weight Loss Coach, Pediatrician

Catholic Life Coach for Women