LCS Directory

Through our Coach Certification Program, we train and certify top coaches from all over the world.
Search the directory to find the coach who is right for you.

Life and career coach for working moms

Certified Life Coach

Master Certified Relationship Coach

The Authentic Confidence Coach

General Life Coach for Mid- Career Women Physicians

Career & Life Coach

LGBTQIA+ Confidence Coach

Life & Leadership Coach

Life & Mindset Coach for LGBTQ+ Individuals and Allies

Master Midlife Coach for Women over 50

Marketing Coach for Life Coaches & Practitioners

Business and Life Coach

Blow Up Your Life Over 40 Coach

Business Storyselling Coach

Certified Life Coach

The Do It Anyway Coach

Empowerment Coach for Women Over 50

Master Certified Coach and Personal Stylist

Mindfulness & Productivity Life Coach for Professional Women

Life Coach for Foster Mothers and Mothers of Neurodivergent Children (Autism/ADHD)

Master Executive and Personal Brand Coach for Women

Emotional Health Coach

Love Coach

Life, Mindset & Self Mastery Coach

Heal and Navigate the Complex Relationship You Have With Your Mothers

Coach to Gifted Introverts

Life & Money Coach for High Earning Women Who Overspend

Blow Up Your Life Over 40 Coach

Life and Confidence Coach for People in Tech

Career, Mindset & Life Coach for Physicians

ADHD Coach

Life Coach

The Deep Dive Coach

Romance Coach

Master Coach for Lawyers Who Want a Life

Self-Love & Body Confidence Coach

Stress Management Coach for Moms

Empowering Women Physicians

Life Transformation Coach

Certified Life Coach

Bipolar Recovery Coach

Life Coach and Mindset Mentor

Empowerment Coach for Sensitive Souls

Master Life Coach

Master Impossible Goal Coach

Stress, Productivity, and Purpose Coach

Master Life and Business Coach

Expert-Certified Coach & Physician Mom

Dating After Divorce Coach

Executive Leadership Coach

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