LCS Directory

Through our Coach Certification Program, we train and certify top coaches from all over the world.
Search the directory to find the coach who is right for you.

Coach for Mums with School-Aged Kids

The Mindset Coach for Midlife Men

Time Management Coach

Master Life Coach for Women Doctoral Students

Work-Life Balance for Busy Mums

Anxiety/Confidence Coach for Teens & Adults

Balanced Business Coach for Women

Life Coach for Women in Agriculture

Christ-Centered Life Coach for Moms

Wellness and Productivity Coach for Busy Moms

Relationship Coach

Business Coach for Personal Chefs

Business & Personal Growth Coach

Productivity Coach for Creative Entrepreneurs

Mind & Body Intelligence Coach for Entrepreneurs

Food & Mood Coach

Work/Life Balance Coach for Working Mums

Business Coach for Creatives

Business Coach for Catholic Moms

Family, Life & Health Coach for Mothers of Faith

Productivity Coach for Entrepreneurs

Business & Marketing Coach

Online Business & Marketing Coach

Time and Mindset Coach

Change Coach for Women

Life Coach in Coping with Emotions

Money Mindset & Business Coach

Mental Health and Addictions Life Coach

Time & Productivity Coach

Mindset & Life Coach

Catholic Life Coach

Leaders Vitality Coach

Life & Wellness Coach

Business Scalability Coach

Business Process & Mindset Coach, LGBTQ+ Advocate

Mind, Body, Spirit Connection Life Coach

Life Coach for Women Physicians

Work-Life Balance Coach for Women

Coach for Women Who Want It All

The Soul Purpose Business Coach

Habits Coach for Creative Entrepreneurs

Self Love & Empowerment Coach for Women

Life Coach and Occupational Therapist

Life & Money Coach for Divorced Working Moms

Trauma Coach

The Creative Minds Coach

Side Gig Coach

Certified Life Coach

Life + Triathlon Coach

Life & Health Coach for Dental Professionals

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