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Monday Hour One
The Simple Time Management System to finally get the important things done
What is Monday Hour One?
Monday Hour One is a time management system developed by Brooke Castillo at The Life Coach School. It's the system we use, and teach, to get the most important things done every week and honor our commitments to ourselves.
How is Monday Hour One different from other time management systems?
There are three main reasons why Monday Hour One helps people take control of their time when their previous efforts haven't worked:
- It's a results-based calendaring system (that eliminates procrastination for good) that holds you accountable for your commitments.
- It's an easy step-by-step process that's simple to follow. No special planners or tools are needed. All you need is a calendar and a piece of paper.
- We explore and solve for the deeper behaviors behind working effectively—like why you don't complete a task on your schedule when you know you should (because no time management system is going to work if you don't follow it).
Why lack of time isn't your problem
You’ve probably thought, “If I just had more time, then everything would be easier.”
I used to think that, too.
Until I realized it was the biggest lie. And it was stealing all my dreams.
As the founder of The Life Coach School, host of a popular podcast, and mother of two, I know this:
You don’t need more hours in your day.
Or a fancy new planner.
I teamed up with two of my amazing coaches—Lauren and Tyler—to teach you the exact methods we use at The Life Coach School to get more done in less time with less stress.
Monday Hour One includes 10 self paced modules to help you manage your time, your mind, and build a relationship with yourself.
You’ll learn how to honor your commitments. Every single time.
It’s life-changing.
Whether you’ve never used a time management system before, or you’ve tried everything, Monday Hour One is the simple solution you’ve been looking for.
And now it can be yours.
Get the best selling course now

Corinne Crabtree
Brooke taught me how to quit thinking of who I wanted to be and actually start becoming the person I always was meant to be.

Erin Aquin
I don't wait anymore to feel inspired to work or create. I just plan it out and get it done now. I've upleved my business as a coach, teacher, and author. In general, I take myself more seriously while having an absolute blast living this beautiful life.

Chao Sun
Whether you think you can, or you think you can't—you are right. Why not give 'YOU CAN' a shot?