Hey, my friends, this is a very special announcement where I am inviting you to ask me anything. I know that so many of you have been listening to this podcast for years. Some of you have been listening to every single episode.
And now I want to give you the opportunity to talk directly to me through text message. Simply go to your iPhone or any phone that you have and put in the text message. Pop that little text message button.
And in the upper corner, you are going to write a new text message. It has like that little box with the pen, right, to write a new text message. Where it has the 2 button, you're just going to type in the number 48527.
48527 is a text number that goes directly to me. Once you type in your question, you can ask me anything. You can ask me to help you with something.
You can ask me clarification on something. You can ask me something personal. I will respond to all of your questions on our social media platforms.
I am so excited to do this project. I'm working with my kids all summer here in Colorado, and I'm excited to interact with each of you, and especially those of you who have been my loyal listeners forever. I want to make sure that I can address any questions that you have.
So again, go to your text message app, put in the number 48527, type me your question, and then check us out on social media for the answer. See you there.