Mind-Blowing Results

At The Life Coach School we teach you how to blow your own mind and create the life of your dreams. Hundreds of people have shared their incredible outcomes and experiences with us.

“Coach Certification overdelivered on value, incredible teachers, supportive peers.”

Jo Ryan

Mariana Fávero Bonesso

“The podcast is just a sliver of what Get Coached offers. When I came to Get Coached I had no idea of what was possible for me and how much I could change my life with the value we have inside. Get Coached is the content on the podcast on steroids and that totally reflected on the growth I created for myself when I joined.”

Mariana Fávero Bonesso

“Coach Certification was well thought out, well put together, excellent coach instructor, excellent experience. The thing that helped me the most was the safe space The Life Coach School provided for me to do brave things. ”

Kate Kirsh

Jeff Gardener

“Get Coached has transformed my life in massive ways in just my first month. Not only am I happier (and healthier), but I also feel in total control of my life. Between her live coaching calls, Ask Brooke, the video training and manuals... I have EVERYTHING I need to create my best life. My only regret is that I didn't join the moment I heard about it. But now that I'm in—and "get it"—I'm never leaving! I joined to stop overdrinking which I accomplished—faster and easier than I ever thought possible (without willpower) and have easily not been drinking for 3 years+.”

Jeff Gardener

Elizabeth Salazar

“I teach people to overcome doubt using the tools of a trial attorney, but my own doubts can still hold me back. This week Brooke elegantly coached me on beliefs as a choice, and I immediately put her coaching into action by making offers to a past corporate client and a current 1:1 client. As a result, within hours of her coaching I’d created $33k in my business.”

Heather Hansen

Amy Latta video testimonial

“Do it—the longer you wait the longer you’re putting off the rest of your life.”

Bethany Laurin

Cheryl Bennet, Dom Ikahihifo, Patrick Fox, Rae Tsai, Natalie Brown
Barbara Isaac Croce

“In one month I set up my entire coaching business. I am pretty amazed by all that I have accomplished by just doing my daily homework—no drama. I now use the Model daily (hourly). And, I no longer let myself be a victim of my own thinking.”

Barbara Isaac Croce

Jon Tucker

“Don't let the money stop you from this amazing opportunity. It is worth every penny!!! I got even more than I came for!”

Susie Krandel

Brooke Castillo, Judith Gaton, Bev Aron, Corinne Crabtree, Kara Gaisie, Chris Hale
Emily Washburn

“I love Get Coached because I'm finally taking the time to work on myself and this is the perfect program to really take a look what is going on in the mind and effectively make change.”

Emily Washburn

Corinne Crabtree

“First off I just want to say how amazed and blown away I am with the value gotten from this program, I knew it was worthwhile but honestly my mind has been blown by the overdelivery of this program (now I understand what Brooke means when she says overdeliver).”

Tasneem R.

Zoe Perez video testimonial

“Just wanted to say that I've been coached by Brittany Durazzani a few times now and she is amazing! She always gets me back on track and follows the Model beautifully. Just wanted to let you all know she's a keeper!”

Ronda Voorhees

Noelle Pedace

“Brooke, I want to thank you. I am in Coaching Certification because I felt so much help from the Model and I hope to share it with others too. It has changed and blessed my life. I spoke with you recently during a Diamond Coaching Call and I am working through fears about my ability to coach and pass on the Model. I am not a great coach, yet! But as I go through Certification I am still learning so much more. So there are many concepts to thank you for. But today I want to thank you for helping me love myself. I didn't realize there was a lack of love there and I think there was some love there (among the fear and perfectionism). But since your podcast about how you talk to yourself, I realized that I tell my parents and siblings and spouse and children and many friends that I love them. But, I have never said. "I love ME." Wow! Starting to say that to myself has given me a feeling of love, and grace for myself. I can feel joy and forgiveness or allowance for ALL of me as I say "I love ME." Life changing! I am allowing myself to be me and love me at a level I had never felt before. Thank you.”

Jayme Bahouth

Jill Rosenau video testimonial

“I just wanted to first thank you for the amazing weekly coaching we receive. I haven't missed a session since I signed up almost a year ago and it's life changing! Every coach has helped me greatly and they are absolutely fantastic. I've had the honor to be coached by Mindy Neal three times in the last month or so and she has been fantastic. With each call and each different topic, she has listened and coached with such love and given me amazing thoughts to consider. I'm not sure how she does so much work with me in 20 minutes but she does! She's wonderful and a great example of the coach I want to become. I just wanted to say thank you to her and you!”

Jille Dunsmore

Melissa Stimson, Nikita DCruz, Susan Scollen, Rachel Thompsen, Marta Madeira, Keira Walton, Lesha Reese, Emily Harris, Valerie McMichael, Kayla Celeste, Wendy Rams, Natalia Irodova

“Hi guys!! All your Get Coached coaches are amazing, but today I'm compelled to write in...I just had an incredible 20-minute session with Chris Hale! They held incredible space, was totally focused, and asked poignant questions at just the right moment for what I needed today. They got to the heart of it in like 10 minutes! PA-POW! Great hire!!”

Christine Kell

Carrie Marshall

“YAY! I'm so happy. I was listening to How to Parent with the Model series last night preparing for my boys to start school today and I saw myself get coached on 3rd episode. I'd completely forgotten that I got coached on the very topic I'm preparing for right now! It was cool and my brain (today) understands Brooke differently than my brain (on the call) heard her. It was hilarious because I was on the outside of the circumstance I has experienced listening in preparation for the circumstance occurring this school year with my son. Awesome! This is a great reminder to reflect on where I was four years ago vs today vs where I am going. Thank you Get Coached for the support in my emotional growth. I am still growing on the topic that brought me into the program, allowing my emotions, but I've come such a long way. When I turn on (aware/intention is up) I'm really doing great things vs when I'm turned off (auto-brain/default mode) I'm still freaking doing well. How cool! Excited for Get Coached this next 5th year.”

Danielle Allen

Shanna Pyzer, Natalia Irodova, Susan Scollen, Rachel Thompsen, Marta Madeira, Chao Sun, Melissa Stimson, Lesha Reese, Nikita DCruz
Valerie Bestland

“Thank you. You saved my life. The irony is, I save lives for a living. Yet, I had never thought to save my own. I take the tools and knowledge you have given me to make my life so much better. I lost 30 pounds, I’ve taken a break from drinking alcohol, I’ve improved relationships with myself, husband, and co-workers.”

Valerie Bestland

“Get Coached is like a five-star hotel. You get incredible service and value. It has truly changed my life over the past year. I am a completely different person. I have left behind my fear that big emotions meant I would be mentally ill like my mum. I now feel my emotions and welcome the ups and downs of life. A huge weight lifted. I set an impossible goal and achieved it, and felt the fails and eventually realised I could feel any emotion and that is power. You have emotions if you do nothing or take action, so you might as well achieve something for you. I have stopped overdrinking most of the time. I have better relationships with my family, husband and kids. I take action again and again without knowing the how—the list is endless! Sign up now, you won't look back, Get Coached is truly transformational with tools to draw on for life.”

Anna Richmond Reid

Stephanie Bertram video testimonial
Gina Tveten

“I’m now a 52-year-old women with dreams that I can touch. I know that I have thoughts that aren’t always healthy for me. And I know I can change them. I understand that this is hard stuff, but the most powerful knowledge I’ve gained is that I can do hard stuff.”

Gina Tveten

Andrea Scalici

“Brooke is remarkable. She transmits energy and light when you’re engaged with her. And she has created an accessible program that gives a growing number of people peace and then empowers them. Whether you become a coach or someone like me, who has no plans to coach anyone but myself. It doesn’t matter what one creates or builds with this program as a foundation. Every human who gets it and builds a life employing these habits makes the world a better place.”


Zil Eiler

“I would like to give feedback on 3 separate coaches. Cheryl Bennett: Cheryl was EXACTLY the coach I needed for my 20-minute coaching session on November 4th. Her relatableness and compassion without believing my story really helped me to see where I was getting in my own way. It was fun and refreshing and gave me so much hope for moving forward in a way that creates more openness and possibility versus the path of self judgement and inaction I was on. I could have talked to her for hours but also felt like I got exactly what I needed in those 20 minutes. Marlene McNally: I was grieving and feeling silly for it. I had a foster dog, Darla, for six months who I loved very much, cared for her through having a litter of 10 puppies and then through their weaning process and ultimate adoption. When Darla had to go to another foster I was flooded with grief as well as shame and disappointment for not being able to keep her. On top of that I was feeling like I shouldn't be so upset. Marlene really helped me by creating a safe space to share and showed me how I can feel the sadness without the judgement. To realize all I had given to Darla and her puppies and how I was the perfect person for them during that time and of course I would miss that connection. I loved her calm energy and compassion. It was so freeing to be shown the beauty of allowing the sadness almost as a way to honor the time I was able to care for Darla. I know she was the perfect coach for me in that moment and I am so grateful for the lasting effect of knowing I can feel and allow sadness in a new and loving way. Noelle Pedace: I just love her energy! I always get excited when I see she will be my coach. I have brought everything from confusion to tears in our coaching sessions and always leave the call feeling complete with new awareness of work I need to do and knowing I can do it.”

Dawn Ledet

Stacey Boehman with long wavy hair, wearing a white dress and gold bracelet
Elizabeth Salazar

“Going through Get Coached changed my life. I wasn't making any money and I was working all the time. I was not spending time with my family. The continuous problem was that I doubted everything about myself. In 2018, my impossible goal in Get Coached was to make $100k and I made $120k. Now I've created $800k in my coaching business using these tools. I'll be in Get Coached forever.”

Elizabeth Salazar

Kim Job Business 3.0_GC simple end screen

“This is bananas—two sessions per week? Y'all are not playing when it comes to overdelivery. Joining Get Coached is in my top five best life decisions. Please pass my love on to the team.”

Mel Selcho

Michelle A Bourque video testimonial
Margaret Hosterman

“The freedom from food addiction has been something I have wanted my entire life. Every day I wake up giddy that I have given myself the gift of being at goal weight for so long and finally forever.”

Margaret Hosterman


“I just wanted to share this story with you guys because it is a testament to all the amazing effects the School has in the world. Last year I wanted to sign up for Certification but didn't have the money nor the confidence that I would make it back in time. I decided to stick to the work in Get Coached and give myself a year. Thanks to the amazing content and coaches in Get Coached (big shoutout Astrid von Weittenhiller, Lisa Martinello and especially Marlene McNally who kicked my butt big time when I wanted just to give up during lockdown), I have managed to grow my business and was able to sign up for Certification a couple of weeks ago. I had the first three instalments already set aside and, thanks to all the Get Coached work and coaching, was positive I would be able to make the rest of the money over the next couple of months. Pretty good stuff. But it gets even better. This morning I received a letter from a notary. Back in the early 90s, when I was 17, I'd decided I wanted to study in London and was looking for sponsors because my family couldn't afford it. I had an aunt and uncle with lots of spare cash and they offered to fund me. We agreed on a festive meeting to make it official, but on that day my best friend ended up in hospital and I decided to go to hospital with her rather than to the meeting. My aunt and uncle were really offended and decided to withdraw their offer of funding me. To cut a long story short: I found another way to make it to London but our relationship didn't improve and I hadn't really been in touch with them much since then. My uncle died a couple of years ago, and two weeks ago my aunt passed away after a long and fulfilling life. Fast forward to today and the notary's letter. It turns out that my aunt has left me pretty much the exact funds for Certification school and has dictated that the money should be earmarked to only benefit me, not any members of my family. No brainer. I will use the funds to pay for coaching school. So totally amazing! After all these years they are funding my education—I am so happy and grateful that this old issue has been unexpectedly healed in such a beautiful way. Another great incentive to make the absolute most of this year (not that I needed one). Can't wait to start. Thanks again for all the work you do.”

Else Kramer

Kristin Lindell video testimonial
Natalie Bibeau

“I run a business and I know that when the leading head is doing well, everything is fine. I was looking for tools to help me manage my mind and my brain to grow my business. In nine months, I have regained my enthusiasm and my sharp mind. I found an ideal business partner, created a 10-year business plan, and my business is growing to the next level. My employees are so amazed at my results that they I run a business and I know that when the leading head is doing well, everything is fine. I was looking for tools to help me manage my mind and my brain to grow my business. In nine months, I have regained my enthusiasm and my sharp mind.asked me to give them a talk on Brooke's program.”

Natalie Bibeau

Amanda Kingsley video testimonial
Caroline Holke

“With the help/tools/resources, I have been able to identify and start living my life's purpose. Being in control of how much and when I drink has honestly blown my mind because drinking/partying has always been such a part of my identity. Letting go of this story about myself has been very scary and yet empowering.”

Caroline Holke

Kristen MCCLELLAN Mean to self 3.0 _GC simple end screen
Janet Archer

“Honestly, what I love the most is watching my students grow throughout the six months we are together. Watching the transformation that happens as they step into being a coach and believing in their ability to coach is so fun. Coach Training is one of the most amazing processes; the students not only learn a new skill but they literally transform their life at the same time! My life has been changed because of what I’ve gone through and all the self coaching I have done to believe that I could and can be an instructor for others learning to coach. I remember when Brooke asked me years ago if I wanted to be an instructor for an in-person training that she was holding. I was a few years out of being Certified and I told her no. I didn’t think I knew enough or was good enough to teach. I thought I might fail, and as we are so fond of teaching at The Life Coach School, what I was doing, was simply failing ahead of time! What I love about this story is that after this incident, I decided to question my beliefs about myself and my ability. Because of this, I have been able to really help my students who also have fears. I have learned that believing in one’s self is a choice, is a practice. I know it works because I believed my way into being a great instructor and coach. One of the things I love about Coach Training is that I get to dive into the material that we teach again and again with a beginner's mind. It feels fresh and new with every new session I teach. I am always amazed at how I continue to learn and grow with each 6-month class I teach. I never tire of what we teach, and I am always learning more and more. My enthusiasm for my students never wavers. I love their questions and their willingness. I love doing what Brooke did for me so many years ago: believed in me as I grew into that belief for myself. That is what I do now, I believe in my students and the possibilities for them and their life. Yes, yes, yes! If you are wanting to enroll, AND you are older, please do not let your age stop you! You are never too old and it is never too late to do this training!! I was 62 when I trained to be a life coach. I was coming out of a 30-year career as a kindergarten teacher. While my friends were retiring, I instead followed that small voice within urging me to sign up for Coach Training. I wasn’t quite ready to “pack it all up” and retire. I have never looked back with regret once! In fact, now that I think of it, I don’t believe I have ever had a student in my class who has looked back and wished they hadn’t done the training. For me, it was an opening into a world of possibility, of amazing personal growth. At 70, I feel as though I am getting younger all the time. I love what I do. I love the students who are attracted to train at The Life Coach School. Who they become and who I have become, keep me going. I pinch myself every day with gratitude for the amazing opportunity and privilege that I have been given to serve in this way.”

Janet Archer

Relationships Social Video 1 - We Each Have a Gift Inside of Us
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