What is a Life Coach?

A life coach is someone who can help you improve your life, feel better, and achieve your goals. You may be wondering, however, what exactly a coach does and what you should expect during a coaching session. Or maybe you’re curious how to become a life coach.

The reality is that the life coach industry is exploding. In fact, it’s one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. Becoming a life coach offers you the flexibility to work whenever and wherever you want—while getting paid to serve others. You get to create as much value as you want while living the life of your dreams. There’s no other career like it.

So, why would you need a life coach in the first place? Simply put, coaching helps you identify what’s going on in your own brain. When you feel unable to get the results you want or feel frustrated with your life, coaching is the answer. A life coach can help you recognize where you’re stuck and show you exactly what needs to change when you can’t see it yourself. A life coach is like the best friend who will call you out when you’re showing up in a way you don’t want to, give you tough love, and believe in you way before you may be able to. They help you create the exact life you’ve always wanted.

What Can a Life Coach Help With?

You can be coached on absolutely anything. At The Life Coach School, we use a coaching model created by Brooke Castillo, which shows you the exact steps you need to take to make a permanent change. The Model is proof that solving your problem doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, it lays the solution out right in front of you.

When you decide to work with a life coach, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you get unstuck and start changing your life in ways that will blow your mind. You’ll start to understand your brain and why you’re doing what you do without having to beat yourself up to make any kind of change. You’ll discover your true potential and begin to notice amazing results. It will completely change your life.

What to Expect During Your Session

You’ll be amazed at the clarity, insight, and help you can get from working through your problems on a coaching call. Whether you’re being coached directly during a private session or listening to others being coached on a group call, listening to the application of the Model will help you experience life-changing breakthroughs.

You can bring an infinite number of topics to a coaching session. You may seek coaching when you are ready to overcome any obstacles you are facing to get unstuck and grow to uplevel your life

What Skills Are Needed to Become a Life Coach?

If you’re interested in becoming a life coach, there’s no better place to get certified than through The Life Coach School. We train the best coaches in the world. Period.

During the six-month journey to Certification, you’ll learn the tools of life coaching and establish the skills you need to work directly with clients. Master Coach Instructor, Brooke Castillo, will teach you her secrets to becoming one of the most successful life coaches in the world. By the end of the six months, you’ll have a level of confidence and knowledge that no other school provides.

How Do You Get Certified?

When you enroll in the Coach Certification Program at The Life Coach School, you must take the massive action that is required to become a practicing coach. We believe it’s an honor and a privilege to coach people who need help, which is why we consistently overdeliver, setting the standard for the life coaching industry.

During your six month Certification process, you will practice live with your instructor. This allows your instructor to provide insightful feedback to help sharpen your coaching skills and set you up for success after you receive your life coach Certification.

At The Life Coach School, you continue to receive additional training after you’ve been certified. You will leave the School prepared to be a successful entrepreneur with coaching skills that you can’t get anywhere else. We’d love for you to come join us at The Life Coach School and start your journey to the perfect career today.