How Do I Deal with Jealousy with my Partner?

How Do I Deal with Jealousy with my Partner?

Are you jealous or are they jealous?

Maybe they’re flirting with someone else, talking to someone else, or have an ex-partner who they’re having conversations with. Maybe it’s the way they look at other people or maybe they’re watching porn.

Jealousy in a relationship is when you are threatened, typically by a third party.
We, as primal beings, are possessive and attached to our partners.

It’s just a normal, biological thing.

It’s nobody’s fault.

When you can think about it this way, you’re able to start communicating better.

You recognize that jealousy starts with a thought in the mind.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t feel it.

That doesn’t mean that it’s not appropriate.

That doesn’t mean that it’s not normal.

It just means that it’s a thought, and it may be a thought you want to keep, especially if they’ve moved beyond the boundaries of your relationship…
Maybe they’re sleeping with other people, dating other people, or talking to other people in ways you think are inappropriate.

Just because it’s caused by a thought in your mind doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be experiencing it or that you don’t want to.

But what if jealousy is a thought you do not want to keep?

Here’s how to find that thought and change it.