LCS Awards

Every day, our coaches are an example of what’s possible.

They show up. They serve their clients. They create incredible results.

At The Life Coach School, we love celebrating our coaches and the amazing results they're creating by presenting our annual awards. Each year, we recognize outstanding coaches with our Top Earner Award, 8 Figure Coach® Award, Two Comma Coach® Award, 100k Coach® Award, and Master Coach Certification.

Now, more coaches are creating mind-blowing success than ever before.

2020 & 2021 Recipients


8 Figure Coach® Awards


Two Comma Coach® Awards


Master Coach Certificates


100k Coach® Awards

Discover exactly how these inspiring coaches created their amazing results by watching the video below.

Every coach in this video started off exactly where you are today—wanting to find their purpose, but scared things might not work out. Now they’ve built a career, and life, that’s beyond their wildest dreams.

It’s time to take a chance on yourself and see what results you can create in your own life.

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Corinne Crabtree

Top Earner & 8 Figure Coach®

Corinne Crabtree

Over $14 Million

Total Revenue

Top Earner & 8 Figure Coach®

At 250 pounds, Corinne Crabtree was desperate to get the weight off. Desperate for more. So she set impossible goals for herself, and she showed up.

She did the work every single day. Now it’s been over a decade since she lost 100 pounds, but Corinne keeps setting goals for herself. She keeps reaching for the impossible.

Today, Corinne is a weight loss coach helping thousands of women lose weight. She’s been The Life Coach School Top Earner three years in a row—and in 2020, she became the first 8 Figure Coach®, bringing in more than $14 Million.

But she’s not done yet. Not even close. Corinne’s ready to hold the Top Earner title for six consecutive years.

“I always think the more we strive to achieve our goals, the more people are helped in this world,” said Corinne. “There’s no better time than now for all of us to change people’s lives while we change our own.” You keep changing lives, Corinne. You inspire us all.

Stacey Boehman

8 Figure Coach®

Stacey Boehman

Over $5 Million

Total Revenue

Stacey Boehman started her career selling mops and slicers in Walmart. It was here she learned two life-changing facts: People have money and they love to buy things. And even though Stacey was incredible at her job, she was unfulfilled… until she found coaching.

Today, Stacey has a thriving coaching business and is the recipient of the 8 Figure Coach® Award. She made over $10 million in 2021 alone. But for Stacey, this is only the beginning. She’s using her experience to help other coaches make money—and living her dream life at the same time. Does it get better than that?

Clotilde Dusoulier

Two Comma Coach®

Clotilde Dusoulier

Over $2 Million

Total Revenue

In 2018, Clotilde Dusoulier, sat in the audience at Coach Certification, looked at the coaches on stage, and thought, “I’ll be up on that stage soon.” One year later, she stood on the stage at Mastermind and accepted the Rookie of the Year award and the 100k award after making $500k in her business. She looked at the Master Coaches receiving their Two Comma Coach® Awards and thought, “I’ll have one of those soon.”

Now she’s a two-time recipient of the Two Comma Coach® Award. She made over $2 million in her business last year. Clotilde knew exactly what she wanted in her R line, and she used the tools she learned from The Life Coach School to create it.

Bev Aron

Two Comma Coach®

Bev Aron

Over $2 Million

Total Revenue

Bev Aron grew up surrounded by women who were never given the opportunity to dream about making a million dollars doing work they loved. With a thriving coaching business, which brought in more than $2 Million last year, Bev is inspiring women all over the world to dream bigger. “It’s totally possible to do the math and make a million dollars with one-on-one coaching and to feel more energized at the end of every work day than when you start.”

TaVona Boggs

100k Coach®

TaVona Boggs

Over $240k

Total Revenue

In 2018, TaVona Boggs barely hit $10k in her business. At Mastermind that year, she wrote on her badge, “TaVona Boggs: 2019 Most Improved”—and she went on to make $40k. Since then, she’s put the tools she learned in Coach Certification Program to work and changed her thoughts about her business. In 2021 alone she made over $240k. There’s no limit to what’s possible for TaVona now that she’s learned how to manage her mind.

Select quotes from 100k Coach® & Two Comma Coach® Award winners:

Brenda Lomeli

Two Comma Coach®

Brenda Lomeli

“You do not need to be anyone different than exactly who you are to do all the amazing things you want to do in the world.”

Over $1 million

Total Revenue

Dave Moreno

Two Comma Coach®

Dave Moreno

“It‘s not THAT hard.”

Over $1 million

Total Revenue

Simone Seol

Two Comma Coach®

Simone Seol

“You were always meant to do this. You just didn't know it. Your whole life led you to this moment. Embrace it. All the discomfort. All the change. Trust that it's going to work out. And it'll be better than you ever imagined.”

Over $3 million

Total Revenue

Emily Sandberg

100k Coach®

Emily Sandberg

“Guess what… the Model works. The result for me was over $100k in 12 months.”

Over $300k

Total Revenue

Jill Angie

100k Coach®

Jill Angie

“So here’s what I want to say to my past self: ‘Girl, you did it. In the middle of a pandemic, you increased your revenue by 50%.’ Who does that?!”

Over $350k

Total Revenue

Sonia Wright MD

100k Coach®

Sonia Wright

“My belief was, over the years, ‘I take advantage of every opportunity that’s presented to me.’ This year, I hustled, and I worked hard, and I made my $100k. And I noticed over the course of this year, my belief changed, and my belief became, ‘I make my own opportunity.’ So I want to thank you, Brooke and LCS, for giving me the tools to make my own opportunity and also for showing me what is possible.”

Over $275k

Total Revenue

Tobi Fairley

Two Comma Coach®

Tobi Fairley

“We just about doubled our revenues from last year. Thank you so much. Obviously, I couldn’t have done this without you.”

Over $1 million

Total Revenue

Lisa Hatlestad

100k Coach®

Lisa Hatlestad

“As little as three years ago, making an annual six-figure income seemed incomprehensible to me. I couldn’t have believed it was possible, and I certainly wouldn’t have believed that I deserved it.”

Over $260k

Total Revenue

Janet Archer

100k Coach®

Janet Archer

“I just made more money this past year than I’ve ever made in my whole life—and it was so darn fun. AND I turned 70. So the month I started collecting social security is the month that I found out I’d made ALL THIS MONEY! Listen: It’s never too late, and you are never too old to create the life that you want.”

Over $300k

Total Revenue


The testimonials and examples contained on The Life Coach School’s website represent exceptional results and may not apply to the average purchaser of our products. These examples and testimonials are the opinions and sentiments of the speakers and are not intended to show typical results or guarantee that anyone will obtain the same or similar outcomes. Each individual’s level of business success depends on many factors, including their background, motivation, and level of effort. Further, there are unknown risks in business, particularly in online business, that cannot be foreseen and which may affect the results individuals experience. There is no assurance that examples of past results can be duplicated in the future. The Life Coach School cannot and does not guarantee your results, earnings, or future earnings achieved as a result of your use of our programs.

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