Got Goals? Join Brooke's brand new Big Goals Workshop here.

Marcy Kocher

I specialize in helping smart but stressed women create lives of passion, purpose and peace. I do that by teaching you how to create the life you want by retraining your amazing brain so you can get there fast – without the stress or overwhelm.

Kristen Goodwin

I help first time mom’s pregnant and postpartum enter mamahood consciously and confidently. We create a life full of certainty and calm, when the norm in today’s modern world is uncertainty and chaos.

The modern mama is anxious, overwhelmed, and exhausted. If that is you right now, I get it! I can easily be all of those things too. Except I’ve learned how to manage my mind, and create a beautiful home free of constant mom-guilt and worry. That will be your life too once we begin our journey together. There is no judgement here for your current journey, only love and safety just as you provide for your baby.

Susanna Kamon

My coaching philosophy is to help you tap into your raw human power, using the combination of your body, mind and momentum to create the life you want, rather than continue to grind away against what slows you down.  Each of us has incredible power, yet it mostly just sits there, vastly underutilized, until we learn to pick it up and use it masterfully and intentionally!  I’m excited about overcoming overeating coaching, because that was my first big personal win, but I can help you find your power in anything!

Aida Mosier

Being in a bicultural marriage can be challenging. You can lose your sense of self and identity trying to make your marriage thrive, but your marriage needs you. Whole and imperfect as you are.

Helping people thrive in a bicultural marriage, understanding and breaking barriers and integrating both cultures.

Kim Jang

I help single moms create an exceptional life with ease.

I’ll show you how to create a life where you can be your best at work and also able to be present with kids at home.

Tracy Lin

I see you as perfect and whole. You don’t need to be fixed because you are not broken. There’s no “better” version of you out there. There’s just you right now, and I love them.

I consider myself a guide to the hero (you), your collaborator and ally in the journey of rewriting your past, being alive in your present, and designing your future. It’s my delight to co-create with you and make your goals, dreams, and wishes inevitable.

Our coaching relationship is client-centered, process-oriented, and customized to what you want to achieve and who you want to be. I have no agenda for you and will never tell you what you should do. I believe you are the only expert on your life. I’m not here to change you or judge you.

I will support you by meeting you where you are with specific practices and exercises that create the shifts you’re seeking. I will hold space for you to access the answers that are already within you and guide you into having the experiences you desire. I will show you what you’re not seeing, and be a mirror for what’s possible for you. My goal is to equip you with tools and techniques that’ll support you for life.

I love helping my clients access their inner wisdom and authority to make decisions that align with who they are, and not who they think they should be. And to do it with peace and ease. This is the work of healing your relationship with yourself and coming back home to you.

Yolanda Johnson, MD

I help introverted and highly sensitive physicians and healthcare professionals reduce their overwhelm, manage their energy, and protect their peace while pursuing their passion.

Many of us have spent a large portion of our lives focusing almost exclusively on the wants and needs of others, while neglecting and abandoning our own.

My mission is to support clients as they redirect their focus toward honoring their own needs, aligning with their highest, most authentic selves, and creating their best lives.


Monette Van Lith

I help parents develop a parenting framework to align their individual parenting styles and strengths so that they can work together as a team. I coach individual parents to tap into their inner wisdom to be the parent they want to be. I coach young people to build self-confidence, develop life and social skills, deal with stress, emotions and difficult relationships and find purpose and direction.

Lisa Candera

I teach moms raising kids with Autism how to manage their minds, regulate their emotions and self-soothe their nervous systems using cognitive behavioral tools, a nervous system informed approach and my real-life, in the trenches, experiences as a full time single mother raising a teenager with Autism and other co-morbid diagnoses.

Tyson Raff

I help endurance athletes with kids achieve their performance dreams without ending a relationship, neglecting their kids, or leaving a day job.

Amanda de la Madriz

I teach moms to love their mom life so they can drop the mom guilt and feel better.

As a stay at home mom of 2, my life looked great on paper, but I was miserable. I felt like I couldn’t do anything I wanted to do. I felt bored and overwhelmed at the same time. I couldn’t figure out why I was so unhappy and felt so guilty for not loving my life.

But through coaching I realized that I actually had control of my life—it wasn’t just happening to me. And that changing my mindset and being aware of my thoughts could help me feel better.

I want to help moms everywhere feel better too! I coach one on one sessions virtually for two months at a time and we focus on all things:

  • Mom guilt
  • Self prioritization
  • Mindset
  • Self confidence

Who says we’re not allowed to believe we’re doing an amazing job as parents!? Realizing that I could believe I am a good mom without needing to “prove it” has completely transformed my life. Are you ready to transform yours?

Pam Tronson

I help women who are struggling in a challenging or contentious relationship with their adult daughters.