Got Goals? Join Brooke's brand new Big Goals Workshop here.

Sarah Arnold-Hall

Do you set big goals, but struggle to follow through?

There are 3 reasons you’re not taking action right now:

You’re confused about the process
You’re overwhelmed by how much there is to do
You lost motivation after the initial excitement faded

Like you, I used to be an over-thinker.

We’re talking YEARS of planning projects that never got off the ground.
That is, until I came across the coaching tools that taught me how to get out of my head and into action.

And everything changed.

Here’s what I did next:
– Blogged daily for 730 days in a row (yep, I didn’t miss a single day in two years)
– Meditated daily for 365 days in a row
– Started a podcast that hit the top 10% most followed in the world
– Built an audience of 40,000+ people
– Hit $200k yearly revenue in my business
– Got headhunted to coach an Olympic athlete

Now I help entrepreneurs break free from procrastination and actually execute their goals.

Because once you master the skill of taking action, you can hit any goal you set.

Aurora Davoli

Style and Coaching services tailored for high-achieving women who have conquered their careers but yearn to synchronize their closets, mindset and branding with their authentic selves. Let’s unlock the true alignment of your inner and outer self !

I’m here to:

1. Elevate your wardrobe with personalized styling.
2. Empower your mindset through expert coaching.
3. Facilitate a transformative evolution of your identity and personal brand

Core philosophy : There is no limit to success when your outside beautifully mirrors your inside.

Lisa Binggeli

Lisa Binggeli is the Founder and CEO of Agent Leader® coaching and training platform, a Certified High-Performance Coach®, a Certified Life Coach with LCS®, and a Licensed Real Estate Associate Broker who is a consistent 7-figure earner.

Lisa is known for her out-of-the-box approach to real estate transactions and a master at relationship marketing. Lisa’s entrepreneurial drive is only overshadowed by her love of bringing others along for the journey so they can experience success as well.

Serena Hicks – Holy Wow Money™

I teach folks how to have, make and steward Holy Wow Money™

I teach my clients how to DO less to HAVE MORE.

I teach you the tools to CREATE the life you have been dreaming of and then I will LOVINGLY BUT TOTALLY hold your feet to the fire if needed.

Franchelle Caesar Boateng MD

Fran helps you pay off debt, including the mortgage, in as little as 5-7 years without budgeting or changing your spending habits. The rules for success with money have always been written by Savers. Fran’s program was created by a Spender, exclusively for Spenders, and guarantees that Spenders thrive.

Jenna Rykiel

I empower moms like you to build thriving businesses without burning out.

I believe that, as a mom, you are uniquely qualified to be a successful entrepreneur and I’m dedicated to empowering you to do just that.

I will help you plan for the next chapter of your life and business with more certainty, structure, and empowerment.

Because you absolutely can grow your business while growing your family.

Jessica Parnell

Mental toughness can be an athlete’s greatest strength or it can be their biggest weakness. We help Athletes, Coaches, and Parents develop a clearer understanding of their thoughts and feelings. Let’s Talk PMA, helps to unite the team to accomplish the goals and prepare athletes to get ready for success.

The ultimate goal of our program is to create leaders within athletes. When leaders are created, they can help those they are surrounded by to further the awareness of mental health.

Bonnie L Butler

I help foster and adoptive parents find and renew their confidence after facing the unique challenges that accompany parenting traumatized children. I teach them necessary tools to improve and maintain good emotional hygiene which then helps them to parent their children more effectively.

Cory Lewber

I believe that confidence comes from within. My primary goal is to foster a strong sense of self-belief in my clients. By using and teaching the model, I encourage them to recognize and affirm their own strengths and capabilities, which play a major role in building their self-confidence.

Every individual is unique, with their own set of values and beliefs. By understanding this, I want to help the individual build a self-image that is in alignment with their true self.

I aim to empower my clients to take control of their lives. This includes helping them develop skills and strategies that they can use independently in the future, reinforcing their self-confidence in the process.

Olivia Vizachero

Olivia Vizachero, a former BigLaw commercial litigator and criminal defense attorney, runs The Less Stressed Lawyer, a boutique life coaching practice for lawyers. As a Certified Life Coach, she works with lawyers who are over the overwhelm and want to live lives with less stress and far more fulfillment by teaching them how to manage their mindset and make themselves and their well-being their top priority. As a result of coaching with her, Olivia’s clients learn how to manage their time, set boundaries, stop people pleasing, overcome perfectionism, take more action, become more intentional, achieve their goals, develop business consistently, improve their professional and personal relationships, and, most importantly, feel better day in and day out.

Olivia is also the host of The Less Stressed Lawyer Podcast. She co-authored a pandemic anthology titled #Networked with 19 other women lawyers. #Networked, which hit #1 on Amazon’s New Release charts, tells the story of how these 20 women came together in March 2020 an overcame the confines of COVID-19 social distancing to create connections, cultivate community, and build businesses in the midst of a global pandemic.

Before launching her coaching practice Olivia worked as a complex commercial litigation associate at Michigan’s largest AmLaw 200 firm and as a criminal defense attorney at the boutique criminal defense firm in Detroit.

Carlynn Marshall

I help married women create the marriage and life of their dreams. They will learn to believe in their innate power to cultivate a deeply fulfilling partnership and life with their spouse. Through supportive coaching, I provide personalized strategies, expert guidance, and a transformative space for women to explore their desires, overcome obstacles, and foster a loving connection in their marriage.

Lisa Dunk

Cancer is a pain in the keister but it doesn’t to consume your whole life! We’re here to help you put it back in its box so you can focus on what really matters to you. We have game-changing strategies that will not only help you feel calm and confident but will help you communicate better with your medical team, friends and family and make informed decisions that are aligned with what is important to you.