Kathy Cruz

I help Retail Store Owners work smarter, profit more and grow their brick and mortar businesses.

Stephanie Bickel

Helping leaders be consistently compelling forces for their organizations by helping them develop exceptional communication skills – so they can transform their businesses, teams, and relationships to new heights.

Dr. Melissa Fransky

I help female physicians solve overwhelm so that they can enjoy work again.

Christine Woltman

Mindset coaching helps you discover and master new ways to be more intentional with your thinking. We work together to investigate your thinking, your beliefs and your behaviors to see which ones are helping you and which ones are hurting you. From there, we build on what works so you can take back control of your life and get the results you desire.

Whitney Meza

Whitney Meza

You aren’t “stuck” because you haven’t found the right gym, meal plan, partner, career, spandex attire… You’re not moving forward simply because of your brain.

Think of me as your fun, judgement-free lifestyle mentor and hilarious, muscular best friend.  Except I hold you accountable to eat the food, lift the weights, ask for the raise, and focus on your brain.

I have coached over 800 individuals and am a movement specialist at heart who gets a kick out of the human mind.

I’ve worked with competitive athletes, competitive laptop-users, cancer survivors, grandparents, young adults, pregnant and postpartum parents, those rehabbing injuries, and those allergic to a traditional gym. I am a life and health coach and focus on getting to the meat behind your current behaviors and help you to address what is stopping you from elevating yourself to where you belong.

My approach is tactile and involves concrete, sustainable lifestyle changes.  Think of a steady stream of long-term motivation and health.

Johanna B. Moore MD

I believe that anything is possible when ambitious women come together to design their goals, empowered with performance, business and financial strategy.  As a supplement to Life Coaching, I offer mindfulness and visualization meditation training with a full guided meditation library to boost clarity of mind, creativity and cognitive function.

Peggy Easterling

Your smile is the first thing people see when you meet them. You want to feel authentic and your smile to be genuine. I help women who want to overcome the walls and masks they’ve hid behind to smile authentically from the inside out.

Athena Mitsi

I help my clients change their relationships by building a relationship with themselves so that they live fulfilling and purposeful lives.

Kole Whitty

Kole’s coaching philosophy is a fusion of ancient wisdom and modern science, seamlessly integrating the transformative potential of psychedelics with the art of coaching through the body’s intelligence. By harnessing the power of The Condor Approach, individuals embarking on their personal journey with plant medicines and ketamine therapies embark on a profound path of self-discovery and empowerment.

Kole’s approach is all about walking the walk, both before, during, and after these sacred experiences. Through this holistic journey, clients gain more than just clarity and purpose; they forge a deep, heart-centered connection with timeless wisdom. This connection, rooted in ancient teachings, serves as a guiding light, illuminating the way toward a life that is purpose-filled and aligned with their truest selves.

Francini Estes

I help Mothers feel better so they can help their children thrive.

How I help you:

By Identifying what is causing your burnout.( the root cause)

Find calm amid chaos.

Create more time to spend on yourself without spoiling time with your family.

Improve your relationship with yourself, your spouse, and your children.

Start Loving yourself and your body.

Get your mind, body, and spirit in shape.

Simplify your life.

Create a life full of joy and fulfillment.

Find who you are outside of your role as a mother.

Become the best version of yourself.

Helping you with nervous system regulation.

Teaching parenting tools that will help you be more responsive and less reactive.

Jackie Wiebe

Have you considered homeschooling, or are you currently homeschooling your children?

I believe you are capable of homeschooling your kids, and I’m here to help you succeed.

Whether you are thinking about homeschooling, ready to start homeschooling, or want ongoing support, I can help you.

As the founder of HomeSchool ThinkTank™, I am committed to helping parents homeschool their kids successfully.

Click here to sign up for a consultation, join the next workshop, or listen to my podcast.

Shelby Leigh Milford

I help devoted parents to cultivate a closer relationship with their children, while clearly defining & honoring their own loving boundaries.  Whether you are estranged, alienated, or just feeling like you are, I help you to rediscover connection with your (maybe not-so) little darlings.

I also help target parents to re-imagine and rebuild their lives following domestic abuse and/or the experiencing the effects of pathogenic parenting.  I show them that it’s entirely possible to live a purposeful & meaningful life, even while experiencing the grief of missing out on milestones and moments in their children’s lives.

If any of the above sounds like you, then I want you to know that you are not alone.  Feeling emotionally distant and/or living apart from your child can feel agonizing. Debilitating, even. This is a far cry from what you imagined parenthood would look like.  I GET IT.

To add insult to injury, there is a stigma associated with not having a “good” relationship with your own kiddo.  This alone has the potential to cause  a great deal of shame.  Not knowing how to respond when someone asks about your kiddos can often lead to you turning down event invites — which only compounds the issue — because now you’re lacking connection with your kids and your network!

The story you’re telling yourself will determine your level of connection with your child.  I work with my clients to become aware of the embedded thoughts and beliefs that are no longer serving their needs, and help them to cultivate and implement a new, more useful narrative.

So whether the current tension is as a result of a loyalty conflict with the other parent, or if this is simply due to a fallout between you and your child, I’ve got you.  

If you are in active litigation, I offer support by helping you to prepare for depositions and custody hearings by becoming poised, direct, and crystal clear in your testimony; delivering your message with purpose and integrity.