Got Goals? Join Brooke's brand new Big Goals Workshop here.

Kendra Last

I help my clients heal after experiencing narcissistic abuse from a parent, romantic relationship, sibling, or other person. I help men and women gain sure, immovable self-confidence, so they forever create safe spaces for themselves to feel and process any emotion. I believe each human to be their own expert.  I act as a guide, helping them to see that the answers are already inside them.  I love helping my clients find the power in their own mind, and move forward creating amazing lives they love and want.

Leslie Duffy

I help men and women with autoimmune disease feel empowered and in control of their health. I use Functional Medicine, Nutrition, mindset and habit change to create a life full of energy and confidence to deal with any obstacle and most importantly FOLLOW THROUGH.

Kristen Mattison

I help mom’s create joy and fulfillment in motherhood and reduce overwhelm and frustration so that they can enjoy their families.

Elise Sinha

I offer leadership coaching to leaders who are looking to create the careers they love, from early careerist and new leaders to seasoned executives.   I  create psychologically safe environments to explore, empower, and achieve their highest goals and possibilities.  I work with clients to discover and unlock hidden potential and purpose using evidence-based thought models.  Together, we provide a positive and supportive environment with patience and kindness to achieve transformation.

Camille Gaudin

I help female entrepreneurs to overcome limiting beliefs and take action.

I assist them in breaking out of autopilot/self-sabotage mode and utilizing the full power of their brains to achieve their goals.

My job is to help my clients develop their businesses.

My mission is to empower these amazing women to take control of their lives by taking control of their brains.

Shannon Borg

I help artists and creative entrepreneurs master their business and transform their mindset so they can confidently share their gifts with the world – and create flourishing businesses.

Jesse Parker

I help 5-7-figure life coaches leverage automation and AI to streamline business operations and maximize their time and energy.

I’ve spent the last decade at the forefront of workflow automation and have worked with and trained the best minds in the industry.

Through my time at Zapier (9+ years) and founding a tech consulting business, I’ve helped countless business owners, from solopreneurs to 7/8-figure CEOs, to Fortune 500 companies, locate inefficiencies and build new processes to maximize their outputs. If there’s one thing I know, it’s this:

Making more money doesn’t require more time & energy.

Automation allows you to take all of the tedious, time-consuming tasks that are required to run the business off of your plate so you can stay focused on taking high-leverage action and leave the routine stuff to the robots.

I’m sharing my knowledge with life coaches and equipping them with the frameworks, methods, and tools to help them create simple, sustainable systems to maximize their output and unlock limitless scaling ability.

Pamela Treand

As a modern spirituality transformation coach, I’m committed to helping people live their full human lives in the age of artificial intelligence by giving them the skills, support, and direction they need to connect with their inner selves, live authentically, and design a life that is harmonious.

Jon Tucker

I help high achievers create and execute a plan to achieve their goal; through learning self-discipline, taking action, and learning to manage their mind.

Ferruh Tumer

Helping corporate leaders who want to get their power back at work and re-ignite their potential to create joy and fulfillment in their life.

Amber Anderson

My purpose as a coach is to unleash the impact of soul-centered leadership for people and teams everywhere.

I’m not your typical executive coach – I’m a life coach for leaders. I work with leaders at the conscious and unconscious levels to produce effective change through an integrative coaching model that accounts for mind, body, and spirit – empowering and equipping people to move from ego-centered to soul-centered leadership to maximize their impact in a way that is authentic, joyful, and expansive.

Soul-centered leadership enables you to LIVE more fully. It goes well beyond your experience of leadership.

But if your unconscious mind and nervous system aren’t ready to embody a new identity, hold more power, wield more influence, and feel safe in a new level of self-actualization, it will slow down and sabotage all of your (consciously) best-laid plans. Through coaching with me you will learn at the unconscious level how to stand confidently in your new identity as a high-impact, soul-centered leader, get comfortable in visibility, and expand your capacity to receive positive attention, recognition and money.

Devri Ficklin

I help purpose-driven busy entrepreneur moms who have too much to do and too little time, take control of their lives. They work less, make more and create the time and freedom to actually enjoy life. Through it all, they successfully overcome life’s challenges and discover greatness.