Got Goals? Join Brooke's brand new Big Goals Workshop here.

Carlynn Marshall

I help married women create the marriage and life of their dreams. They will learn to believe in their innate power to cultivate a deeply fulfilling partnership and life with their spouse. Through supportive coaching, I provide personalized strategies, expert guidance, and a transformative space for women to explore their desires, overcome obstacles, and foster a loving connection in their marriage.

Priscillia Andrieu

Because we live in a society dominated by men, our experience of the world as women is: we feel blocked by patriarchy.

When we don’t get a promotion or a salary raise, and when men get more professional opportunities than we do, we tend to feel stuck, as an impostor, to judge ourselves, to feel we don’t belong, or to make ourselves responsible for not getting the advancement we should.

As a consequence, we compensate. For the same opportunities than men. It looks like: working more and longer, networking more, sacrificing our personal and family life, getting more educated, etc.

In the end, we use the tools made by and for men, in a system that discriminate us, no matter our actions.

With coaching, I empower women to create breaks in their career, in a patriarchal work place.

The goal is to pivot your belief system to:

  • advocate for yourself;
  • believe in yourself;
  • become a powerful voice in the world place.

What it looks like in the end: more revenue, more advancement, recognition.

Lisa Dunk

Cancer is a pain in the keister but it doesn’t to consume your whole life! We’re here to help you put it back in its box so you can focus on what really matters to you. We have game-changing strategies that will not only help you feel calm and confident but will help you communicate better with your medical team, friends and family and make informed decisions that are aligned with what is important to you.

Roslyn Brown

Helping Teens and Young adults create and accomplish goals around school, sports, social, and stress. Through sharing Brain Management Tools and coaching, teens can move beyond limiting beliefs keeping them stuck, and spark confidence and empowerment to move forward towards their dreams.

Martin Skopp

Life throws us curveballs, big and small, and they hit hard. But here’s the thing: we’re tougher than we think. In my coaching, I help folks dig deep, find their grit, and bounce back stronger. Together, we’ll tackle those negative thought loops, process the tough stuff, and take charge of life with confidence using concrete principles of self-leadership. By the end, you’ll not only overcome your setback, but elevate your self-awareness and transform the way you experience and live your life.

Janelle Dessaint Kimura

I help people navigate their attachments to digital devices, over consumption of news and social media, and addiction to the adrenaline of fear to live free in an increasingly digital world.

Understand that our devices are simply a tool for our use.

Become more aware of your digital media habits and decide to be in charge of how and when you consume digital media content, what you think, and how you respond to the world around you.

Release the fear you feel from daily doom-scrolling and reclaim your mind and life. Decide which boundaries work for you and learn to honor yourself and your digi-goals.

Learn to reduce distractions, disconnect from and minimize the pull of the digital world to live in the present and focus on what really matters.

Ai creates a new set of challenges between understanding what is real and what is not.

I would love to help you learn how to minimize the negative digital impact your devices have in your life so you can consume with intention and be present for the people and things that truly matter.

Sue Campbell

I help writers, from newbies to bestsellers, transform their inhibitive mindset around marketing and realize their full potential as authors. Using the model and other tools, I’ve coached my clients to step out of their comfort zones to exponentially increase their author platforms and book sales, and —most importantly— finally prioritize their own creativity.

Sarah Elizabeth Latham

We are our Brain (Mind), our Body (Health), and our Business (Purpose).

I help midlife entrepreneurial women create confusion-busting, CLARITY-bringing resources that brush away the cobwebs of confusion.

Confidence and clarity are crucial to finding purpose, and building a business.

If our brains are clouded with cobwebby eating, drinking, thinking, and feeling habits, forward motion is sloggy and not very fun.

Negar Farahmand

Are you a successful corporate professional who suffers with anxiety at work?

I help corporate professionals conquer their anxiety so that they can take their power back in any situation and ultimately enjoy life during times of intense anxiety.

Cloe Xhauflaire

I am an international actress and acting coach who will guide you towards freeing your instrument and mastering your uniqueness.I believe that an actor who knows his or her instrument is inclined to explore any kind of character. Knowing your instrument will not only give you the tools to create characters and book the roles you want but will also help you with any area of your life where you feel stuck.

Dr. Richard Mitchell

I help high achieving professionals overcome burnout so they can get fired up about their personal and professional lives.