One of the main issues that I experience with my clients and students is their knee-jerk reaction to “I don’t know.”

One of the rules that I have with everyone that I work with is that when I ask a question about their life or where they want to go in their future, they can’t respond with “I don’t know.” They have to come up with an answer.

The reason why I insist that they always have an answer to my question is because I don’t want them to deny their own wisdom, and miss out on being conscious and being able to look inside themselves when they indulge in the thought of “I don’t know what to do.”

On this episode of The Life Coach School podcast, we take a look at what it means, as well as what it feels like, to truly know something. We also break down what we can do in order to make the process of looking into the unknown easier.

Join us to discover how you can stop living in the place of confusion and move towards more knowing and more willingness to go into the unknown, letting go of the “I don’t know” excuse we have all been guilty of.

What you will discover

  • Why so many people say “I don’t know” to questions about themselves and their thinking.
  • How we know something.
  • How to evaluate things that we believe we “know” that don’t serve us.
  • Why it’s difficult for us to venture into the unknown.
  • How to make the process of looking into the unknown easier.
  • The best way to know something if you think you don’t know it.
  • My upcoming April 8-13th training details.

Featured on the show

Episode Transcript

Welcome to The Life Coach School Podcast where it's all about real clients, real problems, and real coaching. Now, your host, Master Coach Instructor, Brooke Castillo.

Hello, my beautiful friends. How are you all today? I'm doing amazingly well. I'm so thrilled with all of your feedback on the last two episodes, number 104 and number 105, all doing with weight loss. I have to tell you, my research and work that I've recently been doing in overeating and weight loss has been some of the most rewarding work I've ever done. Working with the people that I've taken through the last six months and their journey through weight loss and their journey to freedom from overeating has been a profound experience for me. I'm so in love with everyone in that class and I'm so excited by the combination of work that we were able to put together to find a real permanent solution for them. I just want to say thanks for kind of being my witness to that. It's been an amazing experience.

Today what I want to talk about is knowing versus not knowing. I will say one of the main issues that I deal with with all of my clients and my students is their knee-jerk reaction to "I don't know." I think it's really important to pay attention to when you say that. One of the rules that I have is that when I ask a question of one my students, they can't say, "I don't know," or even to one of my clients, they can't say, "I don't know." They have to come up with an answer. Often, they just really want to say, "I don't know. I don't know. I don't know."

Now, this is very different than saying I don't know the answer to a trigonometry problem or I don't know the answer a trivia question. That's not the kind of "I don't know" I'm talking about. That's a very humble position and it's a whole different thing. This is about denying your own wisdom. This is about not wanting to look inside, not wanting to be conscious and not wanting to know what you know.

One of the ways that I like to look at this is to understand three main components that go along with knowing. There's knowing something for sure, which is kind of an interesting thing to think about. What is it you do know for sure and how does it feel to know that for sure? Is there anything you think you know for sure that you need to question? We're going to talk about that. Then, there's the unknown which most of us stay away from because we use the excuse we don't know. We use the excuse we don't want to be uncomfortable. We use the excuse that it's not a good time so we don't want to go into the unknown. That's a different thing. Then, there's the excuse/lie that is "I don't know" and taking that as a stance in the world.

I'm going to explain to you the difference between those three things and then I'm going to tell you how to move towards more knowing and more willingness to go into the unknown and releasing "I don't know" from your life because it does not serve you. When you hear yourself saying, "I don't know what I want to do with my life," "I don't know what I want to do with my career," "I don't know what my niche is," "I don't know how to lose weight," "I don't know how to build my business." All of those things that we say that seem true and seem innocent enough that are really poisoning our lives.

Let's start with knowing and what it means to know something and how to feels to say I know something. I'm talking specifically about your life and about where you want to go in your future. I'm also talking about things that you know that may not be true that you're sure of.

A lot of the work that I do is about bringing awareness to what's going on in our brains. A lot of what's going on in our brains is unconscious. If you think about when you were a little kid and you were learning how to walk, it was much more conscious when you were deliberately picking up your legs and trying to figure it out. Then, it became unconscious once you learned how to do it. That's a good thing.

There are other things you learned when you were a child that have now become unconscious that are not good things. They're things that you know how to do, that are things that you know are true, that you haven't questioned. Now, it doesn't make sense to go in and question the way we walk, although maybe if you have a funny walk or it's not an effective walk or something maybe that's worth exploring. There are things that we've learned and created in our minds when we were younger that do need to really be explored and questioned.

What is it that you know for sure? You guys know that Oprah always says, "This is what I know for sure." What is it that you know for sure that is known in your life that may or may not be serving you? When you think about I know something, how do you know that you know it? How do you know that it's true? The only way that you really can do that is by making the unknown, which is your unconscious mind, known and looking at. I suggest that you do thought downloads and you pay attention to your mind and you meditate and you look at what's going on in your head so you can understand what is going on in there and you can make things that are known so well that they're actually unknown.

There's a lot of things that you believe are true that you think you know that may not be serving you. For example, I've had clients that have told me, "I struggle with losing weight. I just have a slow metabolism. I know that for sure." How do you know that? Did someone tell you that once and you believed it and so that's now something that you know or is that something that you should question? That's kind of the first step of kind of evaluating things that you know that don't serve you.

The next step is to really look at what you know that does serve you. What is it that you know, that you believe, that serves you and you know beyond a shadow of a doubt? That you will do anything for your kids, that you love your husband beyond measure, that you're really good at your job, that you're a really good public speaker. Whatever it is that you believe you know about yourself that serves you and is positive. That's worth studying actually. It's worth studying what you have chosen to know about yourself, that you believe to know about yourself. Are you guys with me on this? What we know for sure is what we believe for sure. We say, "Oh, we know that our kids are going to college," or, "We know that we're going on vacation." How does that feel? When you really know something for sure, it feels like confidence. It feels great inside. That is one of the things I want you to study and to memorize and to pay attention to.

Now, this second piece of what I want you to explore is the unknown. We talked a little bit about it where you're going to go into your unconscious mind and into the unknown and see what's in there and explore it. I also want you to think about the unknown parts of your life. There are parts of your life that you don't know about yet. They're out there in the world. They're just in the infinite possibility. We call that the unknown. Now what is so ironic about the unknown is that we prevent ourselves from making the unknown known by saying, "I don't know." I'll say, "You want to go build a business, why don't you go ahead and build it?" "I don't know." "Why don't you write that you book you want to write?" "I don't know." "Why don't you leave this situation that you're in?" "I don't know." We're blocking ourselves from going into the unknown by saying, "I don't know." It's very tricky.

If you think about the unknown, and I want you to really explore that in your mind, what makes the unknown something that we resist? It's basically the way that our brain works, the way that our brain is set up is that it wants things to be unfamiliar and efficient and the unknown is cumbersome for the brain and so it tries to keep us in the known, in the routine, in the efficiency.

When we explore the unknown, there is a biological reaction that is danger fear. Why put ourselves in a situation where we don't know anything? Let's stay in the safety and security of the knowing. If you're unwilling to go into the unknown, then life will pass you by. You'll just be living the same life over and over and over again. Now, if you have an amazing life that you want to just keep repeating, that's a beautiful thing, but many of us have committed in our lives to stretching ourselves, to putting ourselves out there, to be willing to go into the unknown and to be willing to experience all the discomfort and emotions that come up when we go in there.

Now, how do you know if you're one of these people? How do you know if you're willing to go out there into the unknown world? I want you to really think about this. I think one of the best ways of knowing this is by listening in your brain to how often you say you don't know. When you say, "I don't know how. I don't know where. I don't know when," it prevents you from going into that unknown. It keeps you in that safe space.

A lot of my clients never realized how much they said, "I don't know," until I started asking them questions and then that was their knee-jerk reaction. They always wanted to answer with "I don't know." "How come you haven't written that book yet?" "I don't know." "How come you haven't come up with your book title yet?" "I don't know." "How come you didn't go to that training you have been dying to go to?" "How come you didn't run that marathon you wanted to run?" "How come you haven't stuck to your desire to quit drinking?" "I don't know."

Don't allow yourself to block your progress by "I don't know." Here's the thing. If you at least tell yourself the truth, then you can make a deliberate decision. If you say to yourself, "The reason why I haven't written that book is because I'm afraid," that allows you to peek into the unknown. "The reason that I haven't picked the title is because I'm scared of people rejecting me." "The reason why I didn't run that marathon is because I can't figure out how to create a habit." As soon as you answer the question in a really honest way, then you can make progress. All progress starts with the truth. As soon as you give yourself the opportunity to hear yourself tell the truth and access your own wisdom, that's when you can start making progress.

The first step into going into the unknown where all of the magic is, where all of the progress is ... See, if you already know it, if it's not unknown, if it's something that you've already been doing and you're already familiar with, then it's not going to be progress for you. It's just going to be repeating. If you're willing to go into the unknown, the minute that you're in the unknown, the minute you're in the discomfort, you begin to know it.

Think about the first time that you got a new job. The first day you're like, "What just happened?" You're like exhausted. You were in the unknown all day. You were in that space of the unknown. By the third week at that same job, you'd been in the unknown long enough that you started to know it. Right? It's like you start to know the unknown.

The first thing we talked about is knowing and what it feels like to know something and how knowing something is really a decision. You decide that you know and that you believe and that you know how to do something. The second thing is the unknown and are you willing to go into the unknown and make progress in your life or are you blocking the unknown by saying, "I don't know."

Now, I really want to talk about the habit of "I don't know," the habit of using that as your excuse. You know, when it comes to what's going on in your unconscious mind, "What are you doing in there?" "I don't know." "Why are you overweight?" "I don't know." "Why are you overeating?" "I don't know." "Why are you over-drinking?" "I don't know." "Why aren't you making more progress on your business?" "I don't know." "Why do you feel the way you do?" "I don't know." What if you didn't allow yourself to say or think, "I don't know." What if you always had the answer? Which is exactly what I do with my students. They'll say, "I don't know," and I'll say, "Yeah, but if you did know," then they'll answer immediately and thoroughly and they'll know the answer. It will be brilliant. It's like their afraid to know it.

I think one of the best coaching questions is, "What are you afraid to know? Why do you keep saying, 'I don't know?'" If you ask yourself a question and you believe that you know the answer, you will know the answer. You will access so much wisdom. I feel like we have so much more wisdom in ourselves within ourselves and access to so much more wisdom than we allow ourselves to know because we're constantly indulging in confusion. We're constantly indulging in procrastination. We're constantly indulging in staying out of the unknown by saying, "I don't know."

When I have someone say, "I know you're going to freak out because I'm going to say that I'm confused and I know you're going to freak out because I'm going to say I don't know but I really just don't know." Then I'll say to them, "But if you did know, what would the answer be?" They're so clear about it. You can see the spin that's going on in your brain.

The way that you can answer the question, "I don't know," is by simply telling yourself, "Yes, you do know," and answering it or you can say, "I'm learning the answer," if it's something you need to be learning how to do, for example. One of the things that I'll say to my clients too is that I'll say, "But if you did know how to do it, what would you do? If you did know the answer, what would it be?" Immediately, you can start taking action.

Now, one of the best ways to know something is to try a bunch of things that don't work. I know that doesn't work, I know that doesn't work, I know that doesn't work. Here's what I do know. I think that's a great way to lead lots of sentences. "Here's what I do know for sure." Any time a question is asked of you and your knee-jerk reaction is to say, "I don't know," instead say, "Well, here's what I do know," and start listing the things that you do know instead of focusing on the thing that you think you don't know.

Now, I kind of run this into the ground a little bit with my clients but it's something that I wanted to bring up to you, guys, because I feel like there's way too much of this type of thinking that is so poisonous that nobody acknowledges is poisonous. Everyone lets you get away with, "I don't know." "Let me know when you do know." "I don't know when I'm going to come." "Well, let me know when you do." Instead of, "I know that I'm not going to come." "Do you want to come?" "I don't know." Decide. Decide right then, yes or no. Don't live in the place of confusion. Don't live in the place of "I don't know." Don't let yourself stay in that space because when you do, you block all of your progress, you block all of your opportunity to go into the unknown, and you block all of your wisdom.

All right, you guys. That's all I have for you today. I just want to take the rest of this time on this podcast to talk about my upcoming April training.

Now, I know that some of you are already coaches, some of you are not interested in becoming a coach. If that's you, then we can sign off here and that's the end of our discussion.

For those of you who have been emailing me and asking me more about the training and what's included in the training and all of the details of it, I'm going to spend some time in this podcast and so I can reference this podcast to you so you can go to it. You won't be in a space of "I don't know" about it. You'll be in a space of knowing about it. Now, if you're listening to this podcast in 2017 or 2018, then you have to go check The Life Coach School website to see if these details are the same. As of March 2016, this is what's going on in terms of the trainings that I'm offering.

Now, I want to start by saying that this year in 2016, we are offering three trainings. We have already offered one that was completed in January. We're offering another one coming up here in April. Then, we're offering another one in September. The tuition in our programs goes up every year. The jump from April to September is a very significant tuition jump and there's good reason for that but I just want to make sure those of you who are kind of on the fence deciding really know that that is going to be happening.

Let me also tell you that I focus all of my attention on these trainings. These are my babies. The way that I design these trainings were based on the idea that I wanted to make my clients' and students' dreams come true. One of my coaches asked me, "What would be your clients' dream come true?" My answer to that was, "They just want to coach. They don't want to have to figure everything out. They just want to get clients, they want to help them, and they want to coach." That's what I created my program around. I really believed that students deserved better. They deserved the best education that we could provide them, not just, "Here's some books and here's some information and good luck," but really teaching them. I think one of the reasons why I was constantly getting requested to help people coach was because of my ability to coach myself and my clients so well.

I always talk about how there's three main components to coaching. The first component is really being able to coach yourself and hold the space for yourself and look at your own mind and understand it. If you can coach yourself then it's so much easier to coach someone else and you can share a lot of personal experience. The second thing is learning how to coach someone else so you can hold the space for them with no judgment and really be in a place of offering them insight into their own mind without offering them insight into what you think they should do. That's a huge difference in coaching, right? We don't tell people what they should do with their lives, we don't offer them advice, in fact, we certainly can't know what's right for everyone.

Even when I'm coaching my weight loss clients, I'm always focused on really making sure that I provide them with the research, I provide them with my understanding of the biochemistry and understanding what's going on in the mind. Then, they ultimately have to decide how they're going to use that information to create a solution for themselves and then I help them stay connected and honoring that solution.

That's the second thing. Then, the third thing that you have to know if you're building a business is how to build a business, how to be an entrepreneur, how to get clients, how to make sales, how to do marketing. A lot of people that come to me are coming from corporate America or they're coming from being doctors or dentists or therapists or attorneys or whatever and so they need to know how to build a life coaching business.

The way that I set up my school is that I really wanted to spend time one-on-one with people. I wanted to get them out of their environments, out of their world, and really expose their brains to them over an extended period of time. That's why the whole first part of my training is a six-day in person training where we meet face-to-face. It's a smaller group, 25 people, and we coach each other. I coach you. You coach yourself. We really apply all of the material that I'm teaching. It's a very intense six days. People leave different than they came. Period. It's overwhelming in some ways because there's a lot of information but I think that that's part of the magic of it. I think the fact that we live the same day, mostly, day-to-day every day that when you add a lot of new information to that prefrontal cortex, it's very exciting. When you practice it and repeat it, practice it and repeat it, then you end up in a whole different space before you go home.

Then, the second part of the training is a 90-day practicum where you are working with your fellow classmates and practicing coaching on real clients. I have lots of people that want to be coached and they want to be coached in my material for free and so we hook you up with those people and you do 90 days of practicum, which is a really powerful experience. It's one thing to learn how to coach and to coach yourself. It's another thing to actually coach someone else. You can understand something conceptually, but until you start applying it to someone, it really gets ingrained when you practice it. I will say, there's nothing more magical than seeing these tools work live, to work with someone and really genuinely help them for the first time using a tool that you learned at The Life Coach School. It makes everybody giddy and excited and really helps them understand how powerful these tools are. I think they're the most powerful tools on the planet and they really literally can solve any problem that your client presents with.

Then, once you've gotten certified and you've gone through that process, then we hook you up with our business strategy team and they take you through the process of building your website and getting set up with your opt-in and getting your freebie going and building your email list and learning how to do a mini session and learning how to do Facebook ads and learning how to set up your systems and learn how to set up your passive income. We have a huge team of people that work specifically with you on learning how to do this.

One of my main skillsets is coaching. I am an exceptional coach because I've done so much of my own coaching on myself and on other people. I've been at this for ten years and I've done it pretty much all day everyday. All that repetition and all that practice has really made me feel pretty confident that there's no issue I can't handle. Bring it on. I could be on stage and anyone could stand up in the audience and say they needed coaching and I know for sure that I could coach them. That's one of my main skillsets.

My other skillset is I'm obsessed with learning about business. I'm obsessed with learning about how to build a business and how to be a good businesswoman and how to sell without being creepy and salesy and how to market in a way that really gives my clients results ahead of time and really helps give them value before I ever offer them anything. I've really been able to do that with this podcast and with my books and with my blogs and with my webinars and all of the things that I give away for free has really helped me build up that rapport with my clients and those results ahead of time.

The combination of those skills make me a perfect CEO to create a business for aspiring life and weight coaches because we can offer both of those tools from a very competent place, a place of I have coached myself through all of my own issues, I have coached clients to success, and I have built a very successful business using all of the materials that I have studied and that I teach to my clients. We have a system and a program that's set up for that.

One of the main things, I've been talking to students, I just recently sent out an email to everyone who had applied this year to become a coach. I think it was like 1100 people had applied to become a coach since January. I sent out an email to them to get their feedback. What most people come back is, "I'm not sure if this is right for me. I'm not sure I'm good enough to be a coach. I'm not sure I want to make this investment." One of the things that I tell people is just make the decision for yourself so you know. You either know that it's not for you or you know that it is for you.

It was funny. I was talking to someone and she said, "I know in my bones that this is the right thing for me, but I'm also terrified of that." I said, "You're right in the right place." That knowing place like I know I want to be a life coach, I know I want to write a book, I know I want to speak on stage, I know I want to put myself out there in this new way, and I know I want to share this experience but I'm also very terrified. I think that is the place where I want to spend most of my time so my life doesn't pass me by.

One of our philosophies and Jody Moore, who's my enrollment happiness specialist, who handles all the sales for life coach training, we've had a lot of talks about how we want to create an environment in The Life Coach School classroom where everybody is so all in and happy to be there and thrilled with their investment and ready to go to work. We don't want anyone in that room that has their arms crossed and is like, "You better prove this to me," or, "I don't know about this model." We just want really good energy.

It's so interesting because I have a lot of people contact me trying to sell me stuff all the time. One group contacted me, they were a sales organization and they contacted me and said, "Hey, we want to do your sales for you." You're this organization and you sell. We basically sell seats in our Life Coach School classroom. We have 25 seats that we sell. The tuition is significant and so it does require a process of talking to people one-on-one and making sure it's a good fit. One of the things that they were trying to sell me on was this process that basically convinced people to sign up for our training. One of the things that I told them was that I never want to convince anybody.

He was like, "What do mean?" I go, "I never want to convince anyone to attend my training because then I'm not going to have this magical classroom that I have right now where everyone really genuinely wants to be there and is so excited to be there and so happy to be there. I don't want to use any shenanigans or tricks or mind games or sales tactics to get people there because then I may have people that aren't a good fit showing up and people that aren't overly excited, that are kind of just there because they got talked into doing it." He told me I was making a huge mistake and that I could do so many more sales and all this stuff. I told him that wasn't important to me and it wasn't necessary to me. I have plenty of interest and plenty of people that genuinely do want to sign up.

It was really verified for me on the other side of that because I was talking to my CFO, Mark, who takes care of all of my financial stuff. One of the things that he said to me was, he works with a lot of people in our industry, he said that I had one of the lowest non-pay records that he'd ever seen. I guess a lot of times people sign up for something and then they don't pay. He says everyone that signs up for something with me pays. I said, "You know why that is? I never sell someone something that they don't want or need or that they're not a good fit for." I don't want to train coaches that aren't going to go out there in the world and represent The Life Coach School and be happy about it and excited about it.

I think that that's one of the beauties of running a business the way that I do. It's something that I want to teach all of my students too. This is the way I like to imagine it. For those of you who are coaches, you might really love and appreciate this picture. There are your people out there in the world that want to hire you. They're already out there. They do not need to be convinced. They do not need to be cajoled. They don't need to be educated on how they have to hire you. You don't have to talk them into it. You don't have to pry their money away from them. I think a lot of people feel like, "Oh my gosh. I'm going to have to be like a used car salesman." I say, "That's the last thing you want to do because then you're going to end up with unhappy customers."

There are a group of people out there who genuinely want what you have to offer. For example, let's say that you're a coach that coaches newly weds. There are a group of newly weds, it doesn't even have to be that many. There's billions of people on the planet and you only need a small group of them that need your help. They're waiting. Here's the thing. They want to hire you. If they knew you existed, they would hire you immediately if you made it easy for them. They have plenty of money to pay for it and not only do they have the money, they want to spend their money on you. They want your help. They're newly weds. They value what you're going to teach them and they're excited to work with you.

That's what I want you to imagine for your own business but it's what imagine for my business as well. There are people who want to become life coaches. They want to become weight coaches. They see the purpose, they see the value in making that their career, and they want to pay for the best school and they want to come spend six days and they want to spend the 90 days of learning and they want to work with us for six months to build their business and they want to build their business. Is that everybody? No. Can everyone afford to come to our school? Of course not. The people that can't afford aren't our people. That's okay. There's lots of other schools out there that are less money than ours, but there are a group of people who are wanting what we want.

The last thing I want to do is "sell" my school to someone who isn't one of my people. My person doesn't need to be sold. Now, it doesn't mean that they don't need some encouragement and they may need some coaching and they may need to understand exactly what it is we offer and they need to talk to one of us to see if it's a good fit for them. The truth is not everybody is a good fit. This is a very intense training and there's a lot to learn and we really want to encourage you to make this your career and your life and your world. Not everybody wants that and that's totally okay.

If this training sounds like you ... Here's what I know. The people that come to the training know right away that it's for them. They're like, "I knew right away that it was for me and I wanted to sign up." Here's how you know if it's for you. You're excited about it, you have the money to invest in it, and a lot of people will ask me like, "What do you think about me taking out a loan to invest in my education?" I think that has to be a personal decision for everyone. Do you believe in getting a student loan for your education? Most people will say yes because they believe they can pay it back.

What I usually say to my students is, "Listen, I don't think you should sign up for the training unless you're planning on paying it back within six months to a year. If you don't believe that you can pay back the tuition within six months to a year, I don't think you should do it." I've had people not do it because they don't believe that in themselves. The last thing I would want you to do is take the training and then not get your investment back, double, triple, quadruple within the first, second, third year. This is an investment, not something that you just consume and then sit around with. This is an education. This is an investment in yourself. I always say that. I'm willing to bet on myself and go all in and I'm willing to give myself. I'm willing to invest in The Life Coach School and I'm willing to over-deliver and I'm willing to invest in my students.

Think about that for yourself. Do you have the money to invest and if you do have the money to invest, do you know that you can pay it back? Are you willing to bet the tuition on yourself becoming a coach and getting enough clients to pay it back? If the answer is no, then I wouldn't do it. If you don't know and you're not sure, then I want to go back to the first part of this podcast and remind you like really think about what you really want. If you did know, what would you do? How would you show up in the world?

I just had a student recently say, "I don't want to back myself into a corner where I'm like required to pay this back right away." I said, "I understand that you don't want to do that, but what if you were, would you for sure pay it back if you backed yourself into a corner?" She's like, "Yeah, because I can't be in debt and I would never want to be in debt." I said, "Maybe being backed into a corner for you would help you overcome your fear. You have to decide that for yourself. You have to know that that's what you want to do for yourself for sure."

Of course, there's no pressure because if I ever had someone come to the training and say, "You pressured me to be here," that would completely change the whole environment. We have 25 people in the room and one person with a negative attitude can really change it and it's never happened to us because we've never pressured anyone.

The last thing I want to share with you is that someone recently, that's coming to our April training, recently sent me an email asking, "Hey, can you offer me a money back guarantee?" The truth is I've never had anyone ask for their money back and I so believe in my program that I would give people their money back in a heartbeat if I felt like I hadn't delivered or over-delivered what they had paid for. Here's the thing. If you come asking that question, if you come there, then there's this sliver of doubt that you're not going to get the value that you're paying for. There's this questioning, "Oh, maybe this is not a good decision."

One of the things that a money back guarantee does is it removes that tension, it removes that fear, and it removes that doubt. It's an external answer to that. One of the things that I tell people is I don't want to remove that tension. I want you to remove it. I like to think of The Life Coach School as the Yale of life coach schools. We're a private institution that delivers an exceptional education. You would never go to Yale and say, "Hey, I'm going to sign up for my four year university. If I don't like my education, can I get my money back? If I don't get straight As, can I get my money back? If I don't get a great career out of it, can I get my money back?" You don't go in with that. You know, "Hey, I'm going to sign up for four years. I'm going to get my education. Then, I'm going to get a career and deliver it. I'm going to learn everything I can." It's more of a partnership and less of a commodity that you can just return to the counter at Target.

Those are kind of my thoughts on the training and hopefully I've given you a good overview. If you want to know more about the training, we have some slots in the April training that's coming up. All of the details are on the website but let me just tell you the exact dates for the April training. April 8th through the 13th. It's here in El Dorado Hills. We ask that you arrive on the 7th and we have a dinner on the 7th where everyone gets to know each other. Basically what happens is everyone flies into the Sacramento airport and we provide the transportation. Our limo service provides transportation from the airport to the hotel. You usually travel with some of your fellow students. We call them the limo groups because people become really good friends in those limos. Then, everybody stays at the hotel so it's like camp. There's dinner on that Thursday night. Then, we start Friday bright and early. I'm there all six days training, teaching, all six days. In the mornings, we really dive into the content. I coach. I demonstrate coaching. We practice. We spend way too much time laughing and having fun. Then, we take a break for lunch and then in the afternoon, we coach and we break up into small groups and we practice coaching and we get feedback and we work with each other.

Here's the thing. Not only do you come and learn how to coach, but we don't role play. You're actually getting coached. We've had quite a few people come that just want to get the experience of evolving to the next level. They don't even want to become coaches. Whether you're coming to be a coach or not, you will get that experience with my coaching, with the other master coaches. There's four other master coaches that are there with me in the small groups that we break out into.

There's not a lot of Kumbaya. I don't do a lot of singing and hugging it out, anything like that. Everyone just says that I'm very practical but everybody does really bond with each other and we do create really amazing bonds and friendships but none of it contrived and none of it forced. It's all just pure education.

Then, we're done on the 13th in the evening and then everybody leaves on the 14th. We have some scheduled lunches that we all go to together that I host and we have a dinner that I host. Then, everyone else kind of gets together here and there in smaller groups to have dinners and lunches. There's no need for a car because everything's right there.

Once you enroll, I hook you up with my assistant, Carina, and she helps you handle all of your travel. We take care of you from beginning to end. High touch, high service. Really, my goal is at the end everyone is over-delighted and it does happen. That's really, truly the joy of running this company and building this business.

If you stayed all the way to the end here, you must be interested in becoming a coach. Please don't let doubt hold you back. Please don't tell yourself that you don't know. If you know you're a good fit, if this is something that's affordable to you, if you have the time, if you have the desire, if you want your life to be a life of service and contribution and helping others, then you know who you are. Please don't hesitate to come and meet me live. If you're someone that just wants to take all this work to the next level in their own life, please don't hesitate to come and meet me live and spend six days with me. A lot of people come to me saying, "I thought I understood all this stuff from the podcast but it's a whole new level when you learn it in person." I've had so many of my students say, "Hey, if anyone ever needs a testimony or if anyone ever needs to talk about the training and what it's like because they were once in your shoes kind of hesitating, then make sure you let them call me." We do have other students that you're more than welcome to talk to about the training and answer any questions that you might have.

Okay, my beautiful friends. Thank you for letting me tell you all about my training. I know I spend most of my days giving you tons of content, but I've had lots of questions lately about the training and so I thought it was time to bring everybody up to date onto what I offer and what's included. I hope you have a beautiful, amazing week and I look forward to talking to you next week. Take care, everyone. Bye bye.

Thank you for listening to The Life Coach School Podcast. It is my honor to show up here every week and connect with people that are like-minded, wanting to take their life to a deeper level with more awareness and more consciousness. If you are interested in taking this work to the next level, I highly encourage you to go to It is there that have a class that will take all of this to a deeper application where you'll be able to really feel and experience how all of these concepts can start showing up in your life. It's one thing to learn it intellectually, it's another thing to truly apply it to your life. I will see you there. Thanks again for listening.

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