One of the questions that I get asked most often these days is, “Should I Become a Life Coach?”

Today, I want to take a deep dive into the topic of whether coaching is right for you or not.

Join me as I share my thoughts on whether someone should (and most importantly should not) consider pursuing a coaching career and talk about the current state of the coaching industry. I also address the concern of being “too late to the game” and show you exactly how rewarding being a life coach can be.

If you’re interested in becoming a life coach, stop being interested. Come and enroll at The Life Coach School at

We answer all of your questions such as:

Find all of these answers and more at

And if you have any questions at all, you can email [email protected]

What you will discover

  • The reasons why you should (or should not) consider becoming a coach.
  • Why you should NOT do it for the money.
  • Creating your own coaching business vs. being employed as a coach.
  • My understanding of the current state of the life coaching industry and why the opportunities are endless.
  • The power of balancing consumption and creation/contribution.
  • The immense benefits of being a life coach.
  • Our Coach Training and what we offer.

Featured on the show

Episode Transcript

Welcome to The Life Coach School Podcast, where it’s all about real clients, real problems and real coaching. And now your host, Master Coach Instructor, Brooke Castillo.

Alright my friends, today we are talking about being a life coach. I would say that one of the questions that I get most often now is, should I become a life coach? And it's so funny because it used to be - when I would tell people I was a life coach, it would be like, "Oh, that's so cute," and pat me on the head.

But now that we've had so much incredible success in our business and in our lives and we're so happy, so many of really successful friends of ours and acquaintances of ours who are not quite as successful as we are asking themselves, wait, should I become a life coach? And because of the success of so many of my students, there's a lot of people that have been asking me that same question.

And of course, I always think the answer is yes, everyone should become a life coach immediately, but that's not actually the case for everyone. And so I decided to put together some questions and some things to think about if you're considering becoming a life coach.

Funny story. I, for some reason, was a part of a thread, an Abraham Hicks thread on Facebook, which is, if you know me, hilarious because I'm not on Facebook ever and I'm not involved in groups on Facebook and I don't comment on Facebook. It's just not one of my things. I'm just not involved in it unless I'm running ads.

And for some reason I'd commented in this Facebook like, three years ago. And somebody had asked a question in this group, which is, "Does anyone know of a good training?" and someone had tagged me in it, somebody said yes, The Life Coach School with Brooke Castillo and tagged me in it so I got an email about it. So then I kept an eye on this Facebook thread about all of the answers that were coming up on this thread about where you should get trained as a life coach.

And so many people said Brooke Castillo at The Life Coach School, if you can afford it. If you have the money, The Life Coach School is the best. And I love, love, love this answer actually because I remember years ago always saying I want to be the best life coach school. I want people to reference us as the cream of the crop. Yes, probably the most expensive and probably the best.

And that is exactly what is happening for us. So as I go through this, I'm going to talk about becoming a life coach and I do mean becoming a life coach in every sense of the word, regardless of who you get your training with. With the caveat that I really feel like my coach training creates a different type of coach, a different type of trained professional, so I'm obviously very biased to my own training.

And when I'm referencing the benefits of being a life coach, I'm assuming that you have as good of tools as I teach in my school. A lot of people talk about being the best at something with nothing to back it up and I really feel like I back it up. I have taken a lot of other coach trainings for the mere pleasure of learning, but also to understand what other coach trainings offer to see if they offer something better than I do, so maybe I could improve my coach training.

I recently took a coach training by one of my mentors who I have learned from and studied from. He had decided to do a coach training on his own and I thought, oh my god, this is going to be so amazing, I can't wait to do it. And I took the training, and the whole time, honest to goodness, I kept thinking, my training is so much better.

And I was actually a little worried that I was going to be like, wait, his training is so much better, I need to improve it, and that would have been fine. I would have taken anything that I felt was better and utilized it as - I wouldn't copy it but utilized any of the format that was better, and I really just feel like the way we do it is the best.

And I want to offer too that we used to offer our training in person. It was a six-day in-person training with a 90-day follow up of practicum, and we have since changed that and we decided to do an online version where I teach the concept and then we have the practicum about that specific concept, and then we go to the next concept and then we have the practicum on that.

And I thought maybe it would be better to do it that way because one of my coaches who took the training online, which we used to do years ago kept telling me like, I think the online training is the best, I think it gives them more time to really learn the material and apply it. And so far, since we have done this online training, that has been the overwhelming feedback from everyone, instructors and students, that this is the best training we've ever done, ever.

And so of course I love to hear that and it's amazing for me to be a part of something like that, but I love to hear from the coaches that all of the students coming through this training are the best coaches that we've ever trained. And hopefully that will happen every year. We'll always be getting better at training coaches and delivering, and I feel like we have really got the best of the best, the cream of the crop coach training in the world.

So as I talk through this, I'm going to talk more at the end about our specific coach training and what we offer so if you aren't interested in that part you can just turn off your podcast at that time. But if you're interested in getting trained as a life coach, this will be really important for you to hear. A lot of new information that I have for you about coach training, my philosophy on it.

So let's start with the question, should I become a life coach? And I think that there's three questions that you need to ask yourself. Some of you have asked me that question because you want to make a lot of money. So you look at our lives and you're saying oh my gosh, you work from home, you work three days a week, you make millions of dollars, should I become a life coach?

If the only reason you're interested in becoming a life coach is for money, I'm going to say that is a no, and in fact, I'm going to say that's a no for anything that you attempt to do in your life. Don't ever do anything for the money. With one exception. It's kind of an interesting YouTube video I just watched on Elizabeth Gilbert and she was talking about the difference between a hobby, a job, a career, and a vocation.

And one of the things that she said is that only have hobbies that you love, make sure that you love your hobby and that you do your hobby as a way to kind of contribute and create and put no pressure on yourself to perform or make money at your hobby. Then she said your job you don’t have to love, and I loved the way she said this, and this is kind of what I mean for all of you is it's okay to do something and not love it as a job.

Coaching is not one of those things. I do think that it's very important for coaches to love their jobs, and I think it's important in some professions. It doesn't mean that you have to love every job you have. So meaning you don't have to feel inspired and passionate and amazing about the actual work you're doing. You can feel inspired and passionate and amazing about who you are, regardless of your job.

A lot of people do jobs to make money. That is a beautiful thing. We do a job to make money to pay our bills. It doesn't have to be something we're passionate about, it doesn't have to be something that we love. We go to work, we get our paycheck, we go home. That's a beautiful thing, a lot of people do that. It doesn't mean you need to be miserable in your job because you personally can be a happy, amazing human being that is happy with yourself that goes to a job to pay the bills. You don't go to a job to get fulfilled.

And I think that's really important because a lot of times we'll hear this philosophy, "Do what you love and the money will follow." Yeah, but get a job until that money follows. That money may not be following as fast as you need that money to follow. So nothing wrong with having a job to pay the bills.

And by the way she talked about a career, meaning a career is a job that you absolutely love, that you spend a lot of time and energy in doing even though it's a thing that pays you, you show up and delivery a lot more than you would if it were just a job. And then your vocation is your calling, it's your thing you do whether you get paid to do it or not.

And I often talk about I just am a coach. You can put me in Arby's at the ticket counter, I'm going to be coaching y'all. You can put me in Hewlett-Packard and I'm going to be coaching. And you can put be wherever you want to put me and I'm going to be a coach in any environment that I'm in, even though I may be doing a job and I will never give up my vocation for any reason.

And if you've read Elizabeth Gilbert's book, Big Magic, she talks a lot about not expecting your vocation to pay your bills and how important it is to preserve your vocation and your calling as a sacred activity of creation and not force it to pay your bills. So I love, love, love that.

So back to the question, should you become a life coach to just make money, to just make a lot of money, my answer to that would be no. I do not think that life coaching is simply a job that you do to make money if you want to do it well. And that is of course my personal opinion. I think that there are easier ways and different ways to make money if you only want to make money.

But here's the question that you can ask yourself. Do you enjoy coaching and improving yourself? Are you committed to improving your life by coaching yourself? If your answer to that is yes, which it very likely might be because you're listening to a podcast that is called The Life Coach School Podcast, you probably are invested in coaching yourself.

Now, I have many people that are invested in coaching themselves and have no desire to be a life coach. Totally fine. But there's a lot of you who are super invested and super excited in coaching yourselves and are committed to improving your life and I think if the answer is yes, then go to question number two.

If the answer is no, find something else to do because if you aren't interested in coaching yourself and if you don't love coaching yourself and if you don't love self-improvement and self-help, you are not going to love life coaching. It is all about coaching yourself to that place so you can then help others.

But if the answer is yes, question number two is do you have a compelling desire to help other people. This is not an obvious yes for most people. If you're a life coach, if you were born to be a life coach, if you could have your vocation be a life coach, the answer is an immediate yes.

And you will know this is you because you've listened to the podcast and you tell every single person you know about it and not only do you tell them about it, you do models on them, you try to help them, you try to tell them that their thoughts create their feelings, you try to tell them that circumstances are neutral, you try to explain to them how to set boundaries, you try to tell them about unconditional love, and they think you're weird.

If that is you, then you have a compelling desire to help other people. So question number one, do you have a compelling desire to coach yourself and are you committed to improving yourself and growing yourself by using these coaching techniques? And question number two is do you have a compelling desire to help other people grow, help other people learn these tools and use them in their own life?

It's almost like you burst at the seams to tell everyone all about it. This is how I feel. I feel like sometimes when I meet someone and they ask me questions and they want to know about coaching, I just wish I could download the USB of all the content and the podcast into their brain immediately. I feel like that would be amazing for them to understand all the concepts we teach without even having to listen to the podcast. I just want you to know all the things.

When people come to me and they're telling me their after story about how they've utilized the podcast and utilized Scholars to become a better version of themselves, for many of them it's taken three, six months, years, and the longer they've been with me the deeper the knowledge is, the more the transformation has cemented into their life.

And so I do understand that it is a process and that it does take time and it takes time to learn it and apply it, but I always wish that I could just give someone an instant boost of it and if you feel that same way, you're probably on the right track to being a life coach. You are someone who loves coaching themselves, loves learning about coaching, loves applying it to yourself, and you love to help other people.

The third question is less of a yes or no question and more of an either-or question. And this question is do you want to be an entrepreneur, or do you want to work for somebody else? Now, it used to be in my company and in my industry and training, that there was really like, if you wanted to be a life coach, you really needed to be an entrepreneur. There was not a lot of life coaching jobs that you could just go and say hey, I'm a life coach, will you hire me?

There wasn't a lot of open recs in jobs in corporations for life coaches. That has changed tremendously nowadays. I have many of my students who have come through The Life Coach School who are now being employed by corporations, either by other life coaches or by corporations that need life coaches or by The Life Coach School.

So there are many of my students who have built really successful coaching businesses and they hire coaches to help them coach their clients. There are corporations that HR have hired life coaches, that need coaches to come in and help with the morale of their company. They need life coaches to come in and help with HR, life coaches to come in and coach their employees, to come in and speak, to come in and do workshops.

Those are all people that are being employed or contracted for their life coaching business. They're not necessarily entrepreneurs running their own corporations. So the question I have for you is do you want to be an entrepreneur or do you want to be a contracted or employee is a really important question because as a life coach, you can choose which one you want to do now.

It used to be that if you wanted to be a life coach you really had to be an entrepreneur. So I've had this conversation a lot with students where they say, "I just want to coach, I don't want to build a business. I don't want to learn marketing, I don't want to do any of that skillset of crunching numbers and figuring out marketing stuff and doing sales and all that, I just want to coach."

And for some of them for so long I didn't really have an option for them, and now I'm employing them and I'm offering them opportunities in other areas where they can go get jobs to be able to do just that. Show up to their job and coach all day and then go home and not have to do any of the marketing or run a business or any of that, and that's super exciting for all of the students that have come through our school.

And the reason why I think that it's super exciting is the demand for coaching has gone up so tremendously that there are not enough coaches to coach the people that need coaching, and yet there's this gap between people that are willing to build their businesses versus people that are available to coach. And so I remember thinking like, Dean Jackson had given me this question, what is your client's dream come true? What is your student's dream come true?

And one of the answers that I had to that was they just want to coach. My students just want me to train them to coach and then give them the opportunity to coach. So I used to think that meant that I would grow and build their business for them and for some of my students that has been the case. I've really kind of made the building of the business less challenging. But for others of them, it's just meant employing them, it's just meant getting them a job, helping them get a job, seeing that they can get a life as a life coach.

So I think that's the other question. You just have to decide, if I'm going to be a life coach and an entrepreneur, that's two skillsets that I need to learn. If I just want to be a contractor or an employee, then I just have to learn how to coach and someone can hire me or I can get a job as a life coach.

I teach both of the skillsets in my company and in my school. If you come through my school you have the option of learning how to be an entrepreneur and I do teach you the skillset of being an online stay at home working life coach, or I teach you on a deeper level coaching practices and get you on a deeper understanding of how to apply coaching and then make you really ready to be hired by a company or another coach or a corporation that wants to hire employees as life coaches.

So once you have these answers, I want you to think about if you answered yes to the first two questions and you had an answer for the third question, that you may be a very good candidate to being a life coach. You may really have that as an opportunity for a career or for a business for yourself.

And if those answers are yes, you may also have a lot of self-doubt and a lot of worry and a lot of fear around whether you can actually be successful as a life coach or as an entrepreneur, and I want to help quiet some of those doubts and give you my perception on what's going on in the life coaching industry and why it might really be a great option for you.

It is true that not everybody should be an entrepreneur. I agree that not everybody wants to work as an entrepreneur, not everyone wants to build a business, not everybody has, I think, what it takes in terms of the focus and energy and determination that it requires to become an entrepreneur. But that doesn't mean you can't become a life coach or that you shouldn't become a life coach.

And so I get a little disgruntled when I hear people talking about how if you become a life coach you either do it as a hobby or you have to build a multi-million-dollar business. Neither one of those things are true and in fact, you can have a small business as an entrepreneur and as a life coach, and you for sure can work for somebody else.

So let me tell you why it is a beautiful and amazing and awesome time to become a life coach and what it means to be a life coach, at least what it means to me. So this is our decade, my friends. Those of us who are life coaches just happen to be born at the right time.

I always tell my husband it's perfect timing for all of this because I have just come into I think, my best as a teacher, my best as a training and as a coach. I am at my peak right now. I think I continually just get better and better and better. I think the demand for coaching is just starting to grow. I think our information age and our desire for higher mental health is just warming up.

The idea that we're too late, I've heard people say that like, you're too late if you haven't already gotten into this industry is absurd. We are at the very beginning, we are just getting warmed up. I always say you think there's a lot of life coaches now, wait until 10 years. Everyone will have a life coach. If you don't have a life coach it'll be kind of like you don’t workout, you don't ever get any exercise.

Life coaching will become mainstream, just like exercise became mainstream decades ago. So the timing is perfect for everything when you look at the timing of becoming a life coach and learning the skills we have to offer, when you look at the internet and our ability to go online and sell life coaching to everyone without having to have a best selling book, without having to have a huge building where people come to, and for people to be able to be coaches in the privacy of their own homes at the level that we are coaching them.

We are also in an industry that is unregulated, which means that we don't have to be told what kind of licensing we need or what we can say to our clients. We aren't limited by state boundaries. We are really in this place of freedom to be able to offer help to our clients in any way that we see fit. And I really feel like that is the privilege and the honor of a lifetime.

When I tell people that our industry isn't regulated, I believe that that means that we have a huge responsibility to make sure that we are at the highest professional level that we can possibly be to deliver the results to our clients. There is no limit to how big we can grow, there is no limit to how many people we can help. There is no limit to the ideas that the world needs right now.

We are just starting to create life coaching materials. We are on the forefront of creating the body of work that will become our full-fledged industry that people will then rely on to be able to function within the next decades and centuries to come.

So that is first. I think the timing is perfection. And I think that being a part of this amazing profession feels like we are on the forefront of being able to create not just what our careers look like, not just what our businesses look like, but what an entire industry will look like, what an entire profession will offer the world.

And it's the most exciting time. All of my colleagues and I are always like, pinching ourselves like, is this our life? Are we really part of something so huge? And I feel this way with my colleagues who have their own businesses and I also feel this way with my employees who are working as coaches within our business.

We talk about how much we're able to help our clients, what we're able to offer them, and how we show up for them in a way that feels like the highest privilege, the highest level of privilege. I think that we've come to the point in kind of the human brain and its state of evolving to know that we need to keep evolving and keep growing on our own accord. We are no longer being forced to do that by our environment.

And so it is our now responsibility to use our agency to be able to create the evolvement that the human species needs in order to evolve. We don't want to have to push ourselves into survival mode in order to then make the changes that we need to make as a species. So I think the coaching industry is the invitation to people to consider the possibility of evolving even when they don't have to.

One of the reasons I absolutely love being a life coach is it keeps me out of just consumption and keeps me in the role of being a contributor and creation. I'm always telling my students, you want to balance your consumption with your creation and your contribution. You want to make sure that we don't just as a species turn into a consumptive society because that's when we truly will force ourselves into a survival mode.

But if we're constantly balancing our consumption with our creation and with our contribution, we will solve the problems that our consumption creates. If we're only consuming, then we don't solve any of the problems that our consumption creates. Environmentally, as a global kind of unit, as species, we need to always be creating, and I do feel like this industry and this job and this profession is one that requires that of me.

And so I love being part of something that is always asking me to contribute and to grow and to create for my students and for clients, and to create cutting edge tools and cutting-edge knowledge and understanding for my students and my clients to utilize.

The next thing is it's one of the most rewarding things to be in a profession that helps people grow. To see other people change because of the work that I have done is the most rewarding thing I can imagine doing. It's not just rewarding, their growth isn't just the rewarding part to witness it, but my own growth and what it requires of me to be able to continue to contribute to the world is my own reward. It requires me to become a better person and that is so rewarding.

It's rewarding in being able to make the contribution be able to see everyone's lives changing around us and it's rewarding to be on the cutting edge of that, to be someone that people look to for answers, to be an authority in your client's life as a mentor, as a coach, is I think one of the highest privileges that we have as life coaches.

Another reason why I love being a life coach and I feel like everybody that has the compelling desire to coach themselves and others should become a life coach is because of our brains. I think the brain is the most important thing we can study. I think it is on the forefront of everything that's going to be created in the future, I think everything's trying to compete with the brain. If you look at artificial intelligence, you look at all the things that we're trying to create to mimic the brain and try to replace the brain, nothing even comes close. Not even close.

And so our ability to recognize that we have the most powerful tool that is in the world by far, we must take care of it. We must manage it. We must understand it and we must be conscious of it. All up until this point, we have treated our brain as an organ in our head that we haven't spent the time coaching and managing consciously kind of disciplining ourselves to think in a certain way.

Our brain thinks thoughts, we must study thought. We must be on the forefront of thought. And so I think that the brain research, I mean, is at its infancy. It's so brand new. If you talk to any neuroscientist, they are just amazed at what they don't know, and they are in awe of the brain and the power of the brain. It is the most important thing we can focus on and so I think being in an industry that focuses on the brain all the time is super important and I feel super lucky to be able to be a part of that.

One of the things that's happening in our culture, in our society, in our species is the increase of buffering. I just heard a story the other day that when you take away teenagers phones, they're having panic attacks, they're needing replacement things that feel like their phone's in their pockets and they're having just a hard time being with their brain without their phones, without food, without drugs, without pharmaceuticals, without vaping, without cigarettes, without all the things that we use as a society to try and buffer away our pain, that is becoming an epidemic. It is becoming a problem in so many areas.

And we need to have answers for how to not buffer and it doesn't discriminate. Buffering and the desire to discriminate applies to anyone that has a brain. So if you have a brain or you know people that have brains, they need help with overcoming the desire to buffer away their feelings and learning how to feel their feelings. And as life coaches, that's what we teach.

It is a skill that does not escape anyone. It doesn't matter if you're a surgeon in the OR or if you are volunteering down the street. You need to be able to manage your own desire to buffer, or it will end up consuming you because of your overconsumption. And as coaches, we have the solution to that and we offer that.

We get to work from home, which come on, is the greatest. We get to make our own schedule, we get to work from home, even contractors who work for me really get to make their own schedules within a certain context obviously, we need to think about our clients and when they want coaching. But other than that, we get to work from home, we get to make our own schedule, we don't have to spend time in the car commuting. We get to kind of be in charge of our own day and how we show up within our own homes I think is amazing.

There's a huge benefit to being self-employed, whether you're a contractor who's working for a corporation or whether you have your own business, being able to have all the benefits of self-employment, whether they be financial or tax-wise, or just lifestyle-wise I think is such an amazing opportunity.

This is the thing; the opportunity is out in front of us. Are we going to take it? And if the answer is no, just make sure you like the reason. And the last thing I want to say about being a life coach that I think is the craziest privilege is that you get to get paid for helping people.

You get to make a beautiful living. A living that is very lucrative and help the planet. The contribution and the value that you're offering the planet, as helping the mental, emotional health of the human species is a reward in and of itself and on top of that, you get paid for it. It's a beautiful thing, my friends.

So if you enjoy coaching and improving yourself and you're committed to doing that to yourself and you feel a compelling need to help other people, and you know that you want to be an entrepreneur or you know that you want to work as a coach for somebody else, I want to invite you to take the training at The Life Coach School.

We train life coaches. It is what we do. I do think we are the best in the world at it. I would put our coach training up against any other training, any other university, any other corporation, anyone anywhere. I have many PhDs, maybe people that have gone through other coach trainings at universities, studied psychology, been in the deepest neuroscience studies, and many of them come to The Life Coach School and say it was just the piece that's been missing in everything else.

I do think that we really have done it right. We have the right tools to do it right. And I would put my hat up to anyone that's gone through our training, I would ask them to give a reference. It's interesting, when we first started doing our online coach training, we thought we might have more people kind of fall away from the training or decide they don't want to do it because it's over a longer period of time.

And we have had nobody do that. Nobody. Everybody's all in, everybody's committed, everybody is getting their mind blown with what I'm teaching them in coach training. So I want to invite you to be a part of it. The way that we do the coach training is you sign up and you go through the online training.

So basically, you learn the concept and then you're in a small group of 10 practicing the concept that week. And then you learn the concept and then you're in the same group of 10 practicing it. And we teach you all the tools that you need to know.

Once you've gone through the training and you've gone through the practicum and you've practiced coaching and we give you clients to practice coaching with, then you get certified as a coach. Once you're certified as a coach, you get to decide as part of your curriculum whether you would like to take your coaching practice deeper and go through our applied coaching program where you basically get to take and practice and study the tools deeper and coach with supervision for longer, or you can go into our entrepreneurial program where you learn how to build business and become an entrepreneur.

Both of those tracks are available to you included with your curriculum. You will get the other track information but we ask that you choose. You get both of that information and all of the curriculum on both of them, but we ask you to choose one that you will be active in. We want you to make a decision on whether you're going to take your coaching and practice deeper or whether you're going to learn how to become an entrepreneur.

The beautiful thing about that is if you decide to practice and take your coaching deeper through the curriculum of our course, then you can always go back and go through the entrepreneurial curriculum and build a business at any time. You are always a student of The Life Coach School once you're a student of The Life Coach School.

As long as you stay active you will be an alumni, you will always be invited to come to the two workshops that we give every year free to our alumni, and you will always be invited to come to our monthly calls that we have for all of our alumni. We have people that have been coaches for 10 years that are still getting all of those calls for free, and that's for everyone regardless of which track you choose.

We have a yearly business workshop that we offer and we have a yearly mastermind where we all get together and we work on all of the coaching techniques and all of the coaching ideas and I teach all my latest and greatest information and we celebrate all of the successes of all of the coaches that have been throughout the year.

Super excited about this coming up mastermind. We just planned it and it's going to be exceptional. I'm going to be teaching in that mastermind the difference between coaching and teaching, and we're going to talk a lot about writing and creating your body of work. And I feel like it's going to be the best mastermind I've ever done because of course, every year I feel like I always make it better.

So if you're interested in becoming a life coach, stop being interested. Make a decision. If you want to become one, please come and enroll in The Life Coach School. We have - our next training is coming up in April and we would love for you to be a part of that next class. The way that you become a part of it is you go to You opt in to our video series. You watch all three of those videos in their entirety.

We will tell you every single detail about becoming a life coach. Once you've watched every single one of them, then you go ahead and you enroll and we will contact you and send you your school materials and send you the time of your class, and you will get to obviously help us decide what time you want your class to be and we will get you fully enrolled.

So within six months, you will be a fully certified life coach through The Life Coach School. That is a very big deal, my friends. This is the timing. We are just getting started as an industry. I have the best tools in the world to teach you.

One last thing I want to say. Some of you have listened to the podcast, some of you have been in Scholars and you think you already know everything I have to teach. Please, please, please, if that is you, get a hold of one of my certified coaches and ask them, "Do you learn more in certification? Do you learn more in the coach training than you would learn in the podcast in Scholars?" And they will literally laugh out loud.

It is the difference between watching a movie and creating a movie, producing a movie, directing a movie. Just because you're good at watching movies doesn't mean you're good at creating them. It is the very next deepest level of the work that I have to offer the world. It is my best work, it is what I'm most proud of. It would be my honor to have you in certification.

If you have any questions, of course you can email us. You can email my colleague Kim, [email protected]. If you want to talk to someone personally, you can request to talk to someone personally but make sure that you go to and watch all those videos first. I can't wait to see you in class.

Talk to you soon everyone, talk to you next week everybody. Bye-bye.

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