No matter how many degrees you have, how much money you make, or how advanced in your career you are, the basics of thought work and mind management are still so important. Today, I have a panel of highly intelligent professors and life coaches who can all back this up.

Each of these professors has seen the value of incorporating life coaching into their work, whether it’s guiding youth on the verge of dropping out or helping people with ADHD become more productive.

Thought work is the foundation. Coaches can teach you this foundation and guide you to become the best version of yourself.

In today’s episode, I talk with four university professors who are also life coaches about their careers and how thought work contributes to their work. While each professor specializes in a different field and has their own academic background, each one uses thought work and life coaching to make a stronger impact on their students and clients.

Whether you’re aspiring to achieve massive goals or simply want to impact those around you more, this episode will provide some really useful information.

Check out the video of our conversation below!

What you will discover

  • My guests’ journeys to becoming professors and finding life coaching.
  • How my guests apply the life coaching tools they’ve learned to their careers in education.
  • Why the plan isn’t as important as the thought work about the plan.
  • How the perception of getting coached needs to change.
  • Why allowing yourself to feel makes you the most powerful version of yourself.
  • Why regardless of your achievements, you still need to come back to the basics.

Featured on the show

Episode Transcript

Brooke: You are listening to The Life Coach School Podcast with Brooke Castillo, episode #342.

Male Announcer: Welcome to The Life Coach School Podcast, where it’s all about real clients, real problems and real coaching. And now your host, Master Coach Instructor, Brooke Castillo.

Brooke: Well, hello, my friends. Welcome to the podcast today. Today we have a very exciting podcast. We are talking to a panel of professors, university professors who are also life coaches, and one of my colleagues, Bev Aron, asked me to do this podcast because she wants to hear from all of you and I thought everyone would find it super interesting. I wanted to meet all of you and talk to you about how you’re using life coaching in your life.

So, I’d like to start with just a short introduction from each of you, how you became a university professor and then how you found life coaching, and then we’ll go into how you’re using life coaching in your life. So, let’s start with you, Anne.

Anne: Okay, hi there, everybody and hello, Brooke. I am Dr. Anne Brewster and I’m a professor at Duke University, and my area of focus is on the school dropout issue. So, I develop interventions for kids who are at risk of dropping and mental health issues or criminal justice involvement. I have piloted the model using the model with these kids and it’s been amazing and fascinating and fun. I’ve been writing grants to do this work, so this is what I’m doing.

How I became a professor is years ago when I was a teenager, I was a truant teenager and I dropped out of high school myself. I had to rewrite my story of calling myself an early school leaver and not a high school dropout.

Brooke: I love it.

Anne: So, this led me to do this kind of work about revising our story so that we can reach the goals we want to reach and then I worked toward getting my bachelor’s and master’s and PhD.

Brooke: Let’s talk about that for a minute, because how powerful is just changing the sentence there. It’s like such an example of the model, isn’t it? It’s like changing from high school dropout to what did you say, early school leaver?

Anne: Well, I would say I left high school early.

Brooke: “I left high school early.” It just feels so different just changing that one sentence. That is really powerful. Love it. Okay, so go ahead, continue.

Anne: Okay, so I have always been interested in this kind of work. I think early on at 15 when everything is crashing and burning, I found Wayne Dyer, Pulling Your Own Strings. So, I often say even your own family or teachers don’t often get you and so you’ve got to take the reins and I just realized I actually said things to myself like, “I am smart,” even though I had dropped out, and I’m going to keep going with this.

So, then fast forward many years I found your podcast while walking and it’s like with many of us we listen a little bit, a little bit more, a little bit more. Then I start thinking Self Coaching Scholars, I want to join that. I did. I started applying all of your principles. They started just elevating everything I’d done on my own to just much more of even maximum level.

Then, I became a certified coach as well. So, I joined that and I am now merging all the work that I’ve learned and continue to learn, that’s the main thing, with teaching kids and bringing this work to many people who have been going through a lot of adversities including vets at some point, I’d like to work with vets.

Brooke: Yeah, I love vets.

Anne: That’s how it’s come to be.

Brooke: I wish I would have gone to your school and had you teach the model to me when I was in college. Can you imagine having it so early? That’s amazing. So, I want to hear a little bit more about that in a minute. All right, let’s go to you, Paula.

Paula: Yeah, so my name is Paula Engebretson and I have been working at my current university for the last four years, but I’ve been adjuncting and as a post-doc as well before that. For the first several years after finishing grad school, entering the job market in academia I was dealing with a ton of stress and anxiety and trying to figure out the responsibilities of service and teaching and scholarship and trying to balance all of the things, and I thought that the answer was just in finding the right productivity tool or time management hacks.

Brooke: Right. The right calendar.

Paula: I got really obsessed with that. Yes, so I thought that was the right answer, so I went crazy on finding all of the right things and they were helpful, sure they were helpful, but I was still super stressed all of the time and I just had a lot of great planners as well. Then, about three years ago I was listening to some productivity podcast and they recommended, the recommended listening underneath was The Life Coach School.

So, I clicked on it and I listened to – your first episode was on time management is the one that I listened to and you shared something that just blew my mind which was being busy is optional. I was like, “What?”

Brooke: Right. Like, “That’s not true.”

Paula: “He clearly doesn’t know my schedule,” right? But I kept listening and it was – it really hooked me in and then as Anne was saying I just kind of went all the way back to one and listened through and was really applying these tools. Then, what was so important about them for me is that it made everything else fall into place.

I had the productivity tools, I had the organization, but they weren’t sticking and I was still stressed, but once I had that thought work component that’s when everything really fell into place. So then, in April of 2019 I joined Scholars which at the time was your time management month and within a couple weeks I was signed up for certification because my life was 180 degrees different.

The way that I was showing up not only as a professor, but just in my personal life and everything was just completely different. So, I knew that I could not only take the work deeper for myself, but for anyone else I was working with. So, that’s why I’m here.

Brooke: So, let’s back up just one second. How did you become a professor? Did you go to school knowing that’s what you wanted to do? How did that decision happen?

Paula: Yeah, so I went to school thinking I was going to teach high school and then one of my professors – I just had some really incredible professors. I went to state school, a small state school in Minnesota and what I love about that is it was a lot of close one-on-one attention and I had some really powerful experiences with my professors and I was so inspired by what they did that I just knew that I wanted to keep going and have that opportunity to work with my students, with college students going forward. So, I was really inspired by who I got to work with.

Brooke: Love that. Awesome. Okay. What about you, Ulya?

Ulya: Hey, everybody, my name is Dr. Ulya Tsolmon and I’m a professor of strategy at the Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis and my path to becoming a professor was long and not really straight, but I knew from the beginning that I was all into business.

Anything about entrepreneurship, businesses, conglomerates I was interested in. As I pursued my studies in my undergrad and my master’s degrees I realized that I’m really interested in understanding how businesses work more on a conceptual level rather than a practical level and that’s when I decided to pursue a PhD.

I guess all of my life, my academic life I’ve been in business schools. So, that’s my jam. How did I find my way to Life Coach School is when I was navigating the tenure track process it really wasn’t easy for me. It was pretty evident early on that it would just take more than just being a good teacher, a good researcher.

So, in a process I sought lots of advice, received lots of advice good and bad, but all of that advice really was very situational, very action-focused which was fine, but it was a temporary fix. After a while when things – conditions changed then some of the problems would emerge and I realize I was treating the symptoms, not the particular condition, the underlying disease.

What I realize, the farther you go, the different skills you need and unless you understand how your brain works and the mindset and why you do certain things you do it just becomes really impossible to adjust to new situations to new conditions that the job demands were asking of me.

Very similarly to Dr. Engebretson, I was also seeking out different ways to tool up, so to speak. So, I was looking for confidence, podcasts, or writing skills, teaching skills, time management. I went to several academic productivity programs. They were all helpful, but they were not really curing my underlying condition and very similarly to Dr. Engebretson I was on one of the podcasts, I wish I remember which one it was, somebody just mentioned Brooke Castillo and they didn’t even type it up or anything in their notes.

I just typed it in Google search because the concepts that they were referring to really piqued my interest and that’s how I found your podcast. As I listen to you it just struck me how you explained exactly why I was feeling the way I was feeling, why I was doing what I was doing, and not doing what I wanted to do.

So, that pretty much started it all. I really went systematically through all of your podcasts available at the time, then signed up for Scholars, made lots of individual progress and decided to learn more and get certified and help others like me. That’s kind of the path that I took. A quick shoutout to Dr. Brewster. I’m a Dukie as well, so go Blue Devils.

Brooke: So, did you all know each other or no? Is this the first time you’re all meeting each other?

Ulya: For me it is, yeah.

Brooke: Oh, it is? Okay, all right. What about you, Dr. K?

Milena: Hello, my name is Milena Korostenskaja. I go by Dr. K, usually with those students.

Brooke: Dr. K.

Milena: And I am first and foremost, I’m a neuroscientist and this is how I came to what I did to the university. I teach at the University of North Florida and also, I teach once a year, one semester at my home university which is Vilnius University in Lithuania, one of the oldest universities in Europe.

Brooke: Wow.

Milena: Yes, and I teach, actually, for the students from the program from which I graduated. So, I was in the first cohort of neurobiology program.

Brooke: Wow, that’s amazing. That’s awesome, okay.

Milena: How I came to teaching, actually that was a teacher, he was a Department Chair and he was teaching physics and mathematics and I think, again, if we look at the thought pattern, yes, probably he was behaving a certain way and I was picking up on that because I remember from the early years I was putting all my dolls and I was teaching. I had a journal, I was giving grades, they were learning different poems.

Brooke: I love it. I did the same thing, all my stuffed animals, they were my students. I feel like when you’re a teacher you know it, right? That’s so great.

Milena: Absolutely, and I felt that need to teach, to share what I know. I even remember teaching children in the daycare the alphabet and how to write letters that my dad taught me. I was always doing that. Then, I also became very interested in science and I decided to pursue a career in science. I received two PhDs actually in biomedical sciences, yes, and in behavioral sciences, psychology. But that was all really research-oriented, brain research.

I was missing sharing all that information. I felt I know so much and it’s all like bottled in me. Like it’s all in a bottle, I need to share it. Actually, there was a need for a course on all this brain imaging methodologies that I learned going to different countries. I studied in Finland. So, in Vilnius I started teaching the first brain imaging course and also neuropsychology course, and then I got a position here already in the United States and I became a part-time professor at the University of North Florida. That was my first appointment and then I went – also, I was invited by Vilnius University to continue teaching an also innovative course on brain-computer interface. So, this is my area, how we connect our brain to the computers.

Brooke: Wow.

Milena: So, it’s adaptive neurotechnology course which is very, very interesting and students are absolutely excited about that. So, this is how I started teaching and I have a position as associate professor.

Brooke: Do you love teaching?

Milena: I absolutely love it. I absolutely enjoy it and although – I am busy in a way that I have many things to do, quite a few things, but I wouldn’t give up my teaching. I absolutely, absolutely enjoy it. I think what most interests me is that students that they have dreams. They’re dreaming. They want to do something in this world. They still have that connection to themselves and it’s so important to support it and help it to grow and help it happen. So, I think that’s the most beautiful thing with the teaching.

Brooke: Love that. So, how did you go from neuroscience to life coaching?

Milena: Very good question. Also, my dad he was already when I was little, he was telling me about the yogis in India and how they can sleep on the bed with the nails and all kinds of interesting stuff and that all this is actually a power of our mind. That concept I already had from very early years. I was reading a lot of literature, doing exercises, recording my voice with affirmations, all of that, and then I also wanted to get promoted at my institution and have just more people in my team.

So, I was told that, “You need to go to leadership courses.” Our institution was organizing those leadership courses, so I attended about 20, 21 leadership course –

Brooke: Wow.

Milena: And what was very interesting there were courses like coaching for improvement, coaching for success. So, there were a lot of words coaching, coaching, coaching and then I also heard that some people at our institution they’re getting personal coaches, mostly in leadership if they need help with something.

Brooke: Got it, yeah.

Milena: So, again, coaching, and then when I started teaching at Vilnius University [inaudible] so I do it remotely, I hear that some of the graduate of our neurobiology program they organized neurocoaching in London and that’s it’s very popular.

Brooke: Wait, wait, wait, neurocoaching?

Milena: Neurocoaching, yes.

Brooke: Wow, all right. I love this term.

Milena: Yes, so I was thinking, “Okay, I absolutely love neuroscience and coaching is something that I’m constantly seeing. This is the connection.” So, I found neurocoaching. I took the whole course on neurocoaching, but it was already advanced things that actually you can learn when you know when the coaching is, what the life coaching is. I understood I’m missing this big piece of how to work with the person, how to hold the space, and all those things.

I just started Googling. I found one place I went, it was in person and I decided that probably just in person will be difficult for me each time to go because there is nothing in Florida currently where I am. Then I started Googling again and I found The Life Coach School.

Brooke: Good job, Google! Good job.

Milena: Yes, and I immediately sign up. So, I didn’t wait because I already knew what I’m looking for and I watched several of your videos and I loved it. I think for a scientist it’s very appealing, it’s very clear. There is a structure, there is a model, I loved it and I signed up and I’m so happy that I did.

Brooke: I love your story. That’s so great. It’s so humbling to me to be exposed to so many people that are going through the school that are so much smarter than me. It’s so fascinating. I think that’s why Bev Aron was like, “Oh my gosh, you would not believe the caliber and the intelligence and the education,” you know you have two PhDs, the level of education that so many of you have. It just goes to show that it’s not knowledge, it’s not how smart we are if we can’t manage our own minds we’re still going to struggle. So, I love the indication that you all provide here that learning to manage your brain changes everything and understanding that and applying that to your life. I love that.

I would love to go through and have you share maybe one of the tools or some of the knowledge that you’ve learned that you apply to your life and how do you utilize it in your life? Let’s start with you, Anne?

Anne: Well, I personally apply – let’s see, because I work so much with the teenagers –

Brooke: Oh, and that’s fine. If you’d rather talk about what you used with the teenagers, that’s great, too.

Anne: Okay, I think I might.

Brooke: Okay, let’s do that.

Anne: Okay, so I have worked in a school where I pilot these interventions or curricula for kids who are actually long-term suspended. So, it is a public school and this is where they go. So, often they’re there for fighting. It could be for having a substance that was found on them, an illegal substance, but various reasons. One of the things we’ve actually worked on, goals – people always say, “Are you working on goal setting with teens?” And I say, “Yes,” and we do work on the typical goals of driver’s license, getting a B in a class, or such, but one of the magical things that I do with these kids is the impossible goal.

Many of these kids are low-income, have had many adversities. An impossible goal is sort of almost like impossible to wrap oneself around, bringing that to these kids. So, one of the young, black women that I worked with, a teenager, she said – really how I started is I say, “What is a secret thing, a wish that you have inside you that you’ve really not told anyone about that you’d like to be doing?”

Brooke: What a beautiful question. I mean, that’s a beautiful question for us to ask our youth. I love that. That’s so good.

Anne: Yeah, because knowing adolescents a lot [inaudible] themselves and we create a safe space. We work with just a small group, six or seven, and she said, “I want to be an African-American mystery writer who has a black woman as the main protagonist.” So, I said, “Wow,” and I went home and I started typing in “Black women mystery writers” to try to find if – is there a group out there? Is there something she can join?

But I came back and I basically said, “Great, let’s talk about how you can do this.” So, using the tools of setting a goal, what are the obstacles in your way?

Brooke: Yes.

Anne: So, she’s home, she has to babysit a seven-year-old little sister and, “Oh, that gets in my way. I’ve got to feed her,” etc. I said, “Well, why don’t you maybe bring her? Bring a chair over, have her come over and sit next to you, tell her you’re working on a book and you need some help with the characters, and their names, and what they’re wearing. Just see if you can get her engaged while you’re taking care of her.”

So, the idea is we work with the circumstances that these kids are in and then work also on their impossible dreams. She just lit up. We even had names. We had on the board the name of the novel, and we envisioned it with her. I get them up. They’re up, they’re drawing their models on the blackboard.

Brooke: I love it. I love this. This is so touching for me to think about how many children, young adults, are never asked what their dreams are, are never asked what their real dreams are. I think we ask questions like what do you want to do for a living? How do you want to take care of yourself? Or what do you think is practical for you to do? But what is your dream? And if the answer is I don’t know, pursuing that with our young people and telling them how important it is for them to harbor that and to have that and to listen to that within them, that is really beautiful. I love it.

Then, using the tool of, yes, every big goal seems impossible until you write down the obstacles and create strategies to overcome them. That’s how it is, but I think a lot of our young aren’t taught that just because something seems impossible doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t still do it, right? That’s amazing. I love that. That’s so great. What about you, Paula?

Paula: Yeah, so I think in terms of something that I’ve been using or something that’s been really impactful for me it was the “How to Get It Done Monday Hour One” approach. I think that this is really transformative. It just helps on so many levels to balance the differ requirements of the job in terms of the research and the writing and the teaching and the service and stuff.

I think that this approach and then the thought work that goes with it really helps to combat busy. It makes us look at where we’re intentionally spending our time. It helps me personally with my favorite mode of buffering which is procrasti-working where I’m like doing stuff that’s not actually going to create the result.

Brooke: You guys are teaching me all the new terms, I love it. So, procrasti-working, okay, say what it is again.

Paula: That’s like when I’m getting lost in my inbox or trying to make my slides look really nice, but you know.

Brooke: So good.

Paula: It’s not going to get the article written, so it really helps to get the priorities straight and then also ensure that I am setting aside time for family or for whatever just to be able to create that balance because also, once you figure out your ideal week and you lock in your workflow, you know how long stuff generally takes, it’s unbelievable how much your productivity just skyrockets and you get so much more efficient when you have it locked in. You learn to follow through on the calendar which is, of course, where the mindset comes in. But that was really huge for me, at least in terms of using the tools for myself.

Brooke: Yeah, love it. So, what Paula is referring to is actually in Scholars we put the whole Monday Hour One course in Scholars now so if you’re in there you can access that class, but one of the things that I used to get asked all the time is how in the world do you get so much done with such little help in terms of employees? Like, I’m so productive. It is using thought work, but you have to do it where you understand how the brain works.

So, being able to empty out your brain with Monday Hour One in the beginning of the week is so important and then understanding, “Okay, now I have a plan.” Anyone can have a plan, that’s the easy part. That’s why people say to me, “What planner do you use? What calendar do you use?” That is not the most important piece, right, it’s the thought work to get you to execute the plan. It’s so rewarding once you do it because you end up with so much more time getting so much more done and then planning for that time for your free time planning that first.

So, for those of you who don’t know about Monday Hour One, come on, people. Get into Scholars and get that course. That’s awesome. Okay, what about you, Ulya?

Ulya: I coach people who basically have similar issues as me so it’s kind of like there’s a lot of synergies with what I do personally and also how I help others. Some of the common issues that researchers encounter is really like this notion of dealing with a high level of uncertainty. You’re just doing such new stuff that nobody has done before and that’s where your contribution is and when you’re doing something completely new that the world hasn’t seen before it’s scary. You don’t know where you’re going. You’re really wanting to know the how and there’s tons of failures. You just don’t know how to get there until you get there.

This combined with also this general sense of that researchers and professors generally in academia should be self-sufficient to a degree, there’s a lot of focus on individual effort. So, one of the biggest things that I’ve been working on is changing this perception of what it means to have a coach. So, having or needing a coach is not a sign of weakness. It’s actually what you need to have to progress to the next level.

So, the analogy that I like to use is professional athletes. If a professional athlete is training for say, Olympics, have you ever seen one without a coach? They’re relying on their own, old selves trying to coach themselves all the way to the Olympics. You just don’t see that. There is a good reason why you need a coach, because you are trying to achieve things that are very difficult to do. You’re really trying to see what you’re made of. You’re pushing yourself beyond what you think you’re capable of going, and for that process to really unfold in a way that is conducive to having a good, well-rounded, well-being in academia you really need a coach.

Basically, what it results in is with a coach you work, you see the things that you cannot see, and with the help of the coach you are able to unleash your creativity, stop being an obstacle to yourself, and most importantly, enjoy sustainable productivity instead of just crash and burn and then just pick up yourself again and then muster all of your energy, sprint, sprint, sprint, and then you crash and burn. That’s unsustainable productivity.

I think one of the key things in my work has been really letting people know that it is possible to have high level of productivity and not burnout, high level of productivity and enjoy your life, your experience. Achieving something doesn’t have to be the end goal, but experiencing, seeing what you’re made of is the experience and that’s the most important thing.

Brooke: I love that. As you were talking, I was thinking, “If there was a professional athlete that didn’t have a coach, we would be like ‘What’s wrong? Why?’” Right? We would be confused. “What do you mean you don’t have a coach?” So, I think it’s kind of interesting to think about our own lives as having a coach being a reflection of how serious we’re taking it and how serious we’re taking our goals and where we’re heading and acknowledging that, yes, we need a coach that has perspective from the outside.

I always am looking for coaches and wanting people to coach me because they can see things I can’t see. I was like imagining a gymnast, why does a gymnast need a coach? Because the coach can see what they can’t. When they’re in the middle of doing it, they can’t see what they’re doing and so giving that feedback, that’s really, really well-said. I love that. What about you, Dr. K?

Milena: Yes, so the most transformational for me and also for my clients is allowing emotions, exploring the emotions. That really makes all the difference in life because we are not used to doing that. We are subconsciously are just afraid of something that is not comfortable in our body. So, if we feel anxious, we don’t acknowledge that. We just feel “Something is weird, I better do something different. I better go and eat because it might make me feel better.” Instead of just look at it.

So, this is some neurochemical reaction in our body that just simply doesn’t feel comfortable and this is all that it is. This one I can call anxiety. This I can call worry. This fear, and when we give a name to this something that is happening in us it stops to be scary. It’s not scary to us anymore. We don’t need to run. We don’t need to do something about it, we can just look at it. As simple as that and continue with the things that we were doing.

What I noticed in my clients that many of the clients they are even ashamed of feeling a certain way. They’re feeling guilty, they feel shame for not feeling good, how we have a label. It becomes so liberating for them to just know there is nothing wrong with feeling one way or another.

Brooke: Yes.

Milena: Look at those feelings and just let them happen. Still, do what you want to do. So, I think that’s the most powerful that I’ve learned and that I am teaching. And even not trying to lose weight I actually started losing weight because I don’t need to run and eat each time, I feel uncomfortable.

Brooke: Yes, that’s so well-said. Yes. I recently was at a mastermind and there were only two women there and there was a bunch of men, and they want to know how I make money. They’re always interested in how I make money and they said, “Tell us some of your rules for life.” What I ended up telling them, I’m like, “Do these guys really want to know something I think will be helpful is you got to feel your feelings.” They kind of rolled their eyes at me and I asked them to all name feelings and feel feelings. By the end of the conversation they were so excited and so riveted by it. I think it’s one of the most simple things we teach and it’s by far the most powerful.

So, for those of you who listen to the podcast and listen to us talk about allowing your feelings and feeling your feelings and you kind of maybe dismiss that, I think bringing that back and like, what exactly does that mean and are you actually doing it? I think that will have the most profound impact on getting the results that you want in terms of allowing yourself to feel your feelings makes you the most powerful version of yourself. So, I would agree with that.

Well, thank you guys so much for coming on and stating what you’re using in terms of life coaching. I think it’s so impactful to have people as smart as you. You guys have multiple degrees, you understand, especially your degrees in psychology and neurobiology and still knowing that the basics of mind care, the basics of emotions, the basics of time management are still so important. It doesn’t matter how advanced we get, how much money we make, how many degrees we get, we always have to come back to the basics of taking care of ourselves.

So, I really appreciate you all sharing that. If you guys can end with maybe just if someone wants to find out more information from you or anything – kind of the last thing that you want to say, especially if you offer coaching outside of your regular job, you could offer that as well. So, let’s start with you, Anne.

Anne: Well, I’m working on a book called Transformational Resilience and so I have a coaching site called and it’s really about how you tell that story about your past in a more empowering way, attach it to your dream goals, and then the middle part that’s so important is having a feeling, a sort of centered sense of agency in the present. I work with a lot of – the school-based kids and that kind of thing, but also everybody is dealing with adversity and the idea of taking adversity and turning it into a strength in your mind it’s not letting it go or pushing it away.

Brooke: Yeah.

Anne: Your adversity is you and it’s something to embrace and you could, in turn, help others because you’re aware of the adversity. It’s a whole kind of approach that I’ve been writing about and I’m working on research articles that I’ll be submitting very soon that incorporate doing the kind of work that I’ve gotten from you with these teenagers. So, we’re going to see the model in a research article pretty soon.

Brooke: Yes, let’s do it.

Anne: I’m excited, very excited.

Brooke: That’s excellent. All right, what about you, Paula? Any final words?

Paula: Yeah, so I work with people who have ADHD or who generally struggle with concentration and follow through, feel like they’re always putting out fires. I have ADHD as well, so that’s something that these tools had been really helpful for me with. So, we work together to learn how to manage their minds, strengthen their focus, finish what they start, work with their strengths.

My website is and I also have a podcast which is –

Brooke: imbusybeingawesome?

Paula: Yes, that’s the kind of busy that I want to be.

Brooke: That’s awesome., perfect.

Paula: And I have a podcast which is all about focus and time management, productivity mindset which is the I’m Busy Being Awesome Podcast. We just hit episode 60 which is super fun.

Brooke: Wow, congrats.

Paula: People can follow along on that.

Brooke: Love it, okay. What about you, Ulya?

Ulya: I work with women professors on tenure track and we make productivity goals and just come up with ways to unleash the creativity and develop heightened sustainable productivity and enjoy the tenure track journey for everything that it offers. It doesn’t have to be this grueling, awful, anxiety-ridden, overwhelming experience.

Brooke: Good.

Ulya: It sounds unbelievable, but you can enjoy tenure track, produce high-quality work, enjoy teaching, and spend time with your family without being pulled apart. You can find me at and check it out. Come and join our community.

Brooke: So, is it woman, M-A-N or M-E-N?

Ulya: Women, M-E-N,

Brooke: Awesome URL. All right, Dr. K, bring it home, baby.

Milena: I help STEM professionals overcome the fear of failure to create the careers and businesses of their dreams.

Brooke: Nice.

Milena: Yes, so STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. So, what I want to encourage everybody to keep dreaming and to learn the skills to make those dreams a reality and that’s absolutely possible and I can give many examples of how it happened in my own life. So, I’m sharing this with a lady with whom I work and with many other people. It’s possible to find me and get in contact with me at my website which is


Milena: .org, mm-hm.

Brooke: Love it, all right. Awesome.

Milena: I also started a podcast which is Neuro Careers in STEM. So, I have first episode and many more are coming. So, thank you so much.

Brooke: Awesome. All right, you guys, thank you so much for coming on the podcast and sharing your experiences of being a professor and using The Life Coach School tools. Please, if any of those topics sound good to you as a listener or you’d like to get more coaching, please look them up. Find their URLs, we’ll also have everything in the show notes. I will talk to you all next week. Thank you, everyone. Talk to you soon.

Hey, if you enjoy listening to this podcast you have to come check out Self Coaching Scholars. It’s my monthly coaching program where we take all this material and we apply it. We take it to the next level, and we study it. Join me over at Make sure you type in the “The” I’d love to have you join me in Self Coaching Scholars. See you there.

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