Got Goals? Join Brooke's brand new Big Goals Workshop here.

Sara Tamarin, MD

I help women physicians and other professionals envision and create the life they want–and to start living that life TODAY.

I know what it’s like to feel stuck–stuck in a relationship, stuck in a job or career, stuck in a body size, and even stuck in seemingly endless thought loops and negative thinking that feel impossible to change.

Feeling stuck feels absolutely awful. At times it can feel like the worst feeling imaginable.

Well, I’m so genuinely excited to tell you that transformation is possible, both big and small, and that feeling stuck does NOT have to be the end of your story. In fact, it can be the very catalyst for a life so incredibly awesome that you’ll have to pinch yourself to know it’s real.

I’ve used coaching to make countless transformations in my own life. And now it is my privilege, passion, and purpose to help you make those transformations in your life as well!

We all have this one, finite, precious life to live. I don’t want you or anyone else to regret not having lived it well and according to the life you were meant to live.

You are not stuck. Change is just one first step away.

Jackie Wiebe

Have you considered homeschooling, or are you currently homeschooling your children?

I believe you are capable of homeschooling your kids, and I’m here to help you succeed.

Whether you are thinking about homeschooling, ready to start homeschooling, or want ongoing support, I can help you.

As the founder of HomeSchool ThinkTank™, I am committed to helping parents homeschool their kids successfully.

Click here to sign up for a consultation, join the next workshop, or listen to my podcast.

Shelby Leigh Milford

I help devoted parents to cultivate a closer relationship with their children, while clearly defining & honoring their own loving boundaries.  Whether you are estranged, alienated, or just feeling like you are, I help you to rediscover connection with your (maybe not-so) little darlings.

I also help target parents to re-imagine and rebuild their lives following domestic abuse and/or the experiencing the effects of pathogenic parenting.  I show them that it’s entirely possible to live a purposeful & meaningful life, even while experiencing the grief of missing out on milestones and moments in their children’s lives.

If any of the above sounds like you, then I want you to know that you are not alone.  Feeling emotionally distant and/or living apart from your child can feel agonizing. Debilitating, even. This is a far cry from what you imagined parenthood would look like.  I GET IT.

To add insult to injury, there is a stigma associated with not having a “good” relationship with your own kiddo.  This alone has the potential to cause  a great deal of shame.  Not knowing how to respond when someone asks about your kiddos can often lead to you turning down event invites — which only compounds the issue — because now you’re lacking connection with your kids and your network!

The story you’re telling yourself will determine your level of connection with your child.  I work with my clients to become aware of the embedded thoughts and beliefs that are no longer serving their needs, and help them to cultivate and implement a new, more useful narrative.

So whether the current tension is as a result of a loyalty conflict with the other parent, or if this is simply due to a fallout between you and your child, I’ve got you.  

If you are in active litigation, I offer support by helping you to prepare for depositions and custody hearings by becoming poised, direct, and crystal clear in your testimony; delivering your message with purpose and integrity.

Karin Obertreis

I support professional women leave overwhelm and burnout behind by managing their mind and question the patriarchal belief system they grew up with. My vision is to help as many women as I can free themselves from burnout, overwhelm and self doubt so they can tap into their full energy and create the life they truly want to live.

Emma Richter

I help those with chronic health issues to stop longing for the before, wishing for the after, and start loving the now. You deserve a beautiful life even without perfect health! Your diagnosis isn’t a stop sign; its a crossroads. I have a chronic health issue, too, and know all of the questions and concerns that come with a diagnosis. I have been at the crossroads where you are and can show you the road to a better way. I’m so looking forward to meeting you and working with you so that you can have a life that you want, a life that you love.

Let the doctors work on your body. Well work on your mind!

Jenna Rykiel

I empower moms like you to build thriving businesses without burning out.

I believe that, as a mom, you are uniquely qualified to be a successful entrepreneur and I’m dedicated to empowering you to do just that.

I will help you plan for the next chapter of your life and business with more certainty, structure, and empowerment.

Because you absolutely can grow your business while growing your family.

Jessica Parnell

Mental toughness can be an athlete’s greatest strength or it can be their biggest weakness. We help Athletes, Coaches, and Parents develop a clearer understanding of their thoughts and feelings. Let’s Talk PMA, helps to unite the team to accomplish the goals and prepare athletes to get ready for success.

The ultimate goal of our program is to create leaders within athletes. When leaders are created, they can help those they are surrounded by to further the awareness of mental health.

Vicki Zollinger

I help women stop eating their feelings and start eating food while going from self-hate to self-confidence.

Lynn Grogan

Living true to yourself is an act of bravery.

This is especially the case if you’ve always done the things you’re “supposed” to do. College. Career. Marriage. House. Kids.

But what if you want to do things differently? That’s where I’ve found it gets challenging. It’s easy to get support and approval when you do things the way most others do. Bring up something outside of that and you’re suddenly the black sheep of your family. I know this firsthand having traveled full-time in my RV for nearly 10 years.

Going beyond the status quo and rethinking how you work and live can feel downright scary. I can help.

Glenn Lovelace

Your Goal Is My Goal

So your wife has transformed from coaching and now it’s your turn…

I’ve taken all things LCS and filtered through my beard to help “mansplain” WTH your wife has been spending all of this time, money and energy on so that you can NOT only reconnect with her in the MOST INTIMATE of ways…

BUT also produce all the RESULTS men are focused on…

I’m not going to sugar coat it – if you want to feel ripped in your clothes, make more money and have more sex let’s talk. I’m all about adventure, fun and living while you create real RESULTS. You’re never going to be this age again so let’s learn to live it up.

Before I sound like the typical man let me also say if you don’t harmonize and balance the EXTERNAL results with real INTERNAL work you’ll be left like most men – constantly chasing success BUT never arriving at real happiness and fulfillment.

There is literally NOT 1 coach for men out there like me…not 1.

Lisa Dunk

Cancer is a pain in the keister but it doesn’t to consume your whole life! We’re here to help you put it back in its box so you can focus on what really matters to you. We have game-changing strategies that will not only help you feel calm and confident but will help you communicate better with your medical team, friends and family and make informed decisions that are aligned with what is important to you.

Janelle Dessaint Kimura

I help people navigate their attachments to digital devices, over consumption of news and social media, and addiction to the adrenaline of fear to live free in an increasingly digital world.

Understand that our devices are simply a tool for our use.

Become more aware of your digital media habits and decide to be in charge of how and when you consume digital media content, what you think, and how you respond to the world around you.

Release the fear you feel from daily doom-scrolling and reclaim your mind and life. Decide which boundaries work for you and learn to honor yourself and your digi-goals.

Learn to reduce distractions, disconnect from and minimize the pull of the digital world to live in the present and focus on what really matters.

Ai creates a new set of challenges between understanding what is real and what is not.

I would love to help you learn how to minimize the negative digital impact your devices have in your life so you can consume with intention and be present for the people and things that truly matter.