Got Goals? Join Brooke's brand new Big Goals Workshop here.

Krystal Sodaitis

Neurodivergence runs deep in my family. Physicians are often diagnosed (formally or through self-discovery/diagnosis) well into adulthood. While the diagnosis may come with some understanding and validation, many still have questions. Unsure where to go with their newfound knowledge that’s where I come in.  I have neurodiverse docs discover their “what now.”  We address the guilt, shame, and limiting beliefs that come with a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning disorder, autism spectrum disorder or any other disability. Our brains are amazing and I help docs embrace the different yet glorious ways their brains work. I work with you to harness your gifts, not squelch them.

Nancy Hauschildt

I help high-achieving introverted women leaders stop hiding their brilliance and authentically upgrade their presence, influence, visibility, confidence, and authority.★

Heather Ross

When you discover that your child is struggling with addiction, your life as you knew it ends. You live in fear for their life, self-doubt
creeps in, and the desire to help your child becomes all-consuming. Yet the advice you often get involves what not to do. It can be
agonizing when suggestions like tough love clash with your parental instincts.
But here’s some hopeful news: studies show that staying connected with your child significantly improves long-term outcomes. Your
unparalleled understanding of your child, coupled with your unwavering determination to support them, is an incredible superpower!
As a mother who has walked this path myself, I understand the daunting journey both during and after recovery. Instead of telling you
what not to do, I give you science-backed practical tools. They help you create the best possible conditions for your child’s change
process and give you your peace of mind and happiness back independent of your child’s addiction or recovery status.

Barbara Childs, RN MSN MBA

I am a Certified Life Coach through The Life Coach School specializing in The Art of Balancing
Chaos & Order and how to be comfortable with uncertainty when it happens to you and you just
don’t know how to handle it!

You must confront chaos and make it back into order. Otherwise, Your life becomes unbearable.

Chaos is unexplored territory, it’s the feeling we know as anxiety and fear. It’s the things
and situations we don’t understand.

Order is explored territory, the things you know. It’s stability and structure, your plan for the next day.
It’s also the comfort of tradition, the customs we use to treat each other.

Yet, it can also mean personal stasis and a lack of growth in us. We like being in order.
What we don’t like is when we are forced to leave order for chaos.

I’m here to help you find a vision for yourself, envision your possibilities for your future
and to help you develop your own sense of self. During uncertainty you can be a force for good
in the world! Your focus is sharp and clear when you are forced to make decisions in an instant
concerning yourself or your family.

I had to figure out myself how to move from chaos to order in an instant.
I had to figure it out, not just for me, but for my family.
Like when my three year old was diagnosed with leukemia and I was given three hours to pack a bag
and get back to the hospital for the Flight For Life ride to UCLA from Las Vegas knowing I was leaving
behind my three other children.

When I was only 12 years old and I had not only anxiety, but extreme fear when my family was
told we were evacuating from the American Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon because of the 1967
Arab-Israeli war. We had only two hours to pack a bag and get to the American University of Beirut
where we would be assigned a flight and no one knew where we were flying to.

Life is amazing, scary, and wonderful. You have to enjoy the ride!

Join me in my life coaching program today!

Fausto Montalvan


What I Do

Everything I offer is to empower you to make simple but powerful shifts to help you on your journey to becoming the best version of yourself. These strategies and tools are simple to apply, but when compounded daily – make a huge impact in your life.

Laura Cazier, MD

Physicians spend decades training to care for others, but we are too often negligent in caring for ourselves. We often don’t have a “safe space” to talk about and reflect upon the many stresses we experience in our lives, both at home and at work. My passion is to provide that space, to help physicians “heal themselves,” find joy in their lives (including in their work), and set and achieve goals so they can become the version of themselves they always dreamed was possible.

Cecelia Baum Mandryk

The habits you have and maintain create the person you are and the results you have in your life.

You don’t struggle with getting to the gym, changing your relationship with food or alcohol, shifting how you talk with your friends or about yourself, or your work-life balance because it’s difficult.

You struggle because you’re using willpower to change your actions instead of self love to change your mindset.

I help women in their 30s and 40s cultivate self discipline using self love.

Using wisdom over willpower, we name and create the habits you want so you can feel amazing in your life.

I changed my life through habits when I:
– Clearly named what I was changing and why
– Worked with belief, action, exception, obstacle, and failure plans
– Learned how to recognize my thoughts and feel my feelings

And I can help you do that same.

Whether you want to change your life or just your morning routine, I’m your coach. Let’s get started.

Helena Husfelt

You can have the pregnancy, and family of your dreams but first you have to align to it energetically.

I help women get pregnant using an intuitive simple fertility boosting process.

I work with specific energetics individual to you to boost fertility and dramatically increase pregnancy by processing blockages on a cellular level and get past the resistance that keep you from conceiving.

Energetic treatments allow you to experience the new belief and FEEL new desires before you have the C-line evidence to manifest the family of your dreams.

Susan Soares

Are you an overwhelmed Mental Health Professional teetering on the edge leaving the profession?

Are you at your wits end of just barely keeping your head above water? Do you feel that the only thing that will make things better is if you found another job?

I care deeply about Mental Health Professionals who are experiencing burnout. We are on the front lines serving the mental health needs of others and in order to be effective in our jobs, we must learn to put ourselves first.  We weren’t taught this in graduate school, but the lesson is vital to our own wellbeing.

I leverage the principles of coaching to help you become the best version of yourself personally and professionally.  Sick and tired of burnout?  I can help you find a way out.

Sara Camak

I help moms of children with rare genetic disorders find relief from caregiver burnout.

Amber Titensor

Being a teenager is a trip and parenting them is a wild ride! I coach teens through all the ups and downs that come with being a teenager. The main attraction of my coaching practice is my Teen FLAME Program. It is focused on helping teens build mental & emotional strength and resilience. Both teen and parent(s) learn the foundational concepts of:

Mind Management

1:1 Coaching Sessions lend an opportunity to dive deep into their very unique and individual needs and situations.Teen/Parent workshops help teens and parents problem solve and connect on a deeper level.Unlimited questions via email offer endless support during the program.

The Teen FLAME Program is for any teen in any situation who is open to growth and learning.
It’s fun, it’s personal, it’s concepts are life-changing.

I truly believe in today’s teens. I teach them to believe in themselves.

Charlene Lam

I help grieving people to feel less alone, more supported and better equipped to deal with the practical and emotional aftermath of losing a loved one. My vision is for you to emerge with your livelihood, health and relationships intact so you can move forward (when you’re ready) with living your own fullest life!

After my mother died suddenly in 2013, I leaned into my creativity to guide myself through grief. I designed my Curating Grief coaching framework to help people process their grief in a creative, accessible way.

Feeling burdened by the weight of stuff, responsibilities, resentments and regrets?
Want to feel lighter? Want to feel better?
It’s possible! Let’s figure out your life after loss.