Got Goals? Join Brooke's brand new Big Goals Workshop here.

Marnie Lindsay

I help women who are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints who are navigating a faith crisis in their marriage and family.

I guide women through the complex emotions and unique challenges that they face as a result of their husbands’ questioning or leaving the LDS faith. With years of experience and a compassionate approach, I empower my clients to find their own paths forward and create fulfilling lives for themselves and their families while staying true to their faith.

Jackie Wiebe

Have you considered homeschooling, or are you currently homeschooling your children?

I believe you are capable of homeschooling your kids, and I’m here to help you succeed.

Whether you are thinking about homeschooling, ready to start homeschooling, or want ongoing support, I can help you.

As the founder of HomeSchool ThinkTank™, I am committed to helping parents homeschool their kids successfully.

Click here to sign up for a consultation, join the next workshop, or listen to my podcast.

Shelby Leigh Milford

I help devoted parents to cultivate a closer relationship with their children, while clearly defining & honoring their own loving boundaries.  Whether you are estranged, alienated, or just feeling like you are, I help you to rediscover connection with your (maybe not-so) little darlings.

I also help target parents to re-imagine and rebuild their lives following domestic abuse and/or the experiencing the effects of pathogenic parenting.  I show them that it’s entirely possible to live a purposeful & meaningful life, even while experiencing the grief of missing out on milestones and moments in their children’s lives.

If any of the above sounds like you, then I want you to know that you are not alone.  Feeling emotionally distant and/or living apart from your child can feel agonizing. Debilitating, even. This is a far cry from what you imagined parenthood would look like.  I GET IT.

To add insult to injury, there is a stigma associated with not having a “good” relationship with your own kiddo.  This alone has the potential to cause  a great deal of shame.  Not knowing how to respond when someone asks about your kiddos can often lead to you turning down event invites — which only compounds the issue — because now you’re lacking connection with your kids and your network!

The story you’re telling yourself will determine your level of connection with your child.  I work with my clients to become aware of the embedded thoughts and beliefs that are no longer serving their needs, and help them to cultivate and implement a new, more useful narrative.

So whether the current tension is as a result of a loyalty conflict with the other parent, or if this is simply due to a fallout between you and your child, I’ve got you.  

If you are in active litigation, I offer support by helping you to prepare for depositions and custody hearings by becoming poised, direct, and crystal clear in your testimony; delivering your message with purpose and integrity.

Celine Leclef

I work with ambitious professionals & parents who seek meaningful satisfaction in their CAREER, RELATIONSHIPS and BEST-FIT lifestyle.

We are capable of so much more than we think. And simple shifts in our thinking can make life extraordinary. That’s the beauty of coaching.
If you’re like my clients, you have a great life and a full plate. Yet there’s something more you want to accomplish, experience, and create.

I’m here to speed up your growth and make the inner work more fun.

To help you let go of old definitions of who you are, what you “should” do, and what you “could never,” so you can realize the most satisfying and meaningful possibilities for your life.

Let’s make sure your efforts add up to meaningful satisfaction in your career, relationships, and everyday life you REALLY want.

Emma Richter

I help those with chronic health issues to stop longing for the before, wishing for the after, and start loving the now. You deserve a beautiful life even without perfect health! Your diagnosis isn’t a stop sign; its a crossroads. I have a chronic health issue, too, and know all of the questions and concerns that come with a diagnosis. I have been at the crossroads where you are and can show you the road to a better way. I’m so looking forward to meeting you and working with you so that you can have a life that you want, a life that you love.

Let the doctors work on your body. Well work on your mind!

Bonnie L Butler

I help foster and adoptive parents find and renew their confidence after facing the unique challenges that accompany parenting traumatized children. I teach them necessary tools to improve and maintain good emotional hygiene which then helps them to parent their children more effectively.

Olivia Vizachero

Olivia Vizachero, a former BigLaw commercial litigator and criminal defense attorney, runs The Less Stressed Lawyer, a boutique life coaching practice for lawyers. As a Certified Life Coach, she works with lawyers who are over the overwhelm and want to live lives with less stress and far more fulfillment by teaching them how to manage their mindset and make themselves and their well-being their top priority. As a result of coaching with her, Olivia’s clients learn how to manage their time, set boundaries, stop people pleasing, overcome perfectionism, take more action, become more intentional, achieve their goals, develop business consistently, improve their professional and personal relationships, and, most importantly, feel better day in and day out.

Olivia is also the host of The Less Stressed Lawyer Podcast. She co-authored a pandemic anthology titled #Networked with 19 other women lawyers. #Networked, which hit #1 on Amazon’s New Release charts, tells the story of how these 20 women came together in March 2020 an overcame the confines of COVID-19 social distancing to create connections, cultivate community, and build businesses in the midst of a global pandemic.

Before launching her coaching practice Olivia worked as a complex commercial litigation associate at Michigan’s largest AmLaw 200 firm and as a criminal defense attorney at the boutique criminal defense firm in Detroit.

Lynn Grogan

Living true to yourself is an act of bravery.

This is especially the case if you’ve always done the things you’re “supposed” to do. College. Career. Marriage. House. Kids.

But what if you want to do things differently? That’s where I’ve found it gets challenging. It’s easy to get support and approval when you do things the way most others do. Bring up something outside of that and you’re suddenly the black sheep of your family. I know this firsthand having traveled full-time in my RV for nearly 10 years.

Going beyond the status quo and rethinking how you work and live can feel downright scary. I can help.

Carlynn Marshall

I help married women create the marriage and life of their dreams. They will learn to believe in their innate power to cultivate a deeply fulfilling partnership and life with their spouse. Through supportive coaching, I provide personalized strategies, expert guidance, and a transformative space for women to explore their desires, overcome obstacles, and foster a loving connection in their marriage.

Martin Skopp

Life throws us curveballs, big and small, and they hit hard. But here’s the thing: we’re tougher than we think. In my coaching, I help folks dig deep, find their grit, and bounce back stronger. Together, we’ll tackle those negative thought loops, process the tough stuff, and take charge of life with confidence using concrete principles of self-leadership. By the end, you’ll not only overcome your setback, but elevate your self-awareness and transform the way you experience and live your life.

Kenna Bryan

You know you are more than your singleness but it feels all consuming.

Hey friend, I see you.

You love the life you’ve been given. You’re doing all the “right” things. But…

  • You are tired of waiting and wondering when it will be your turn for marriage.
  • You feel forgotten or that maybe God skipped you.
  • You want to maintain hope during this time of seemingly unfulfilled promises.
  • You’re tired of waiting for the right person to come along so you can truly start living.
  • You can’t help but feel there’s a void in your life that only a romantic partner can fill.
  • You wonder what more you can be doing.

I understand the deep longing for marriage companionship and the pain of unfulfilled righteous desires.

I spent many years feeling discouraged, wondering when and if I would ever be married.

I loved my life for the most part, but the unfulfilled expectation and righteous desire of marriage seemed all consuming and it hurt. A lot.

I felt tired of waiting and so tired of feeling like my singleness was preventing me from living the life I wanted.

Thankfully…I learned to manage my mind and to finally live the life I wanted to live and love it!

I’ll teach you the very same tools that helped change everything for me.

These tools helped me transform my thinking and allowed me to fully and completely love my life as it was.

I was able to finally feel completely at peace with my life regardless of my dating or marital status.

Your relationship status doesn’t have to change to feel the fulfillment, hope, and joy you’ve been longing for. I’m living proof!

If you’re reading this and it resonates with you, let’s chat!

Book a free consultation call and we can see if one-on-one coaching would be a good fit for you.

Janelle Dessaint Kimura

I help people navigate their attachments to digital devices, over consumption of news and social media, and addiction to the adrenaline of fear to live free in an increasingly digital world.

Understand that our devices are simply a tool for our use.

Become more aware of your digital media habits and decide to be in charge of how and when you consume digital media content, what you think, and how you respond to the world around you.

Release the fear you feel from daily doom-scrolling and reclaim your mind and life. Decide which boundaries work for you and learn to honor yourself and your digi-goals.

Learn to reduce distractions, disconnect from and minimize the pull of the digital world to live in the present and focus on what really matters.

Ai creates a new set of challenges between understanding what is real and what is not.

I would love to help you learn how to minimize the negative digital impact your devices have in your life so you can consume with intention and be present for the people and things that truly matter.