Got Goals? Join Brooke's brand new Big Goals Workshop here.

Janelle Dessaint Kimura

I help people navigate their attachments to digital devices, over consumption of news and social media, and addiction to the adrenaline of fear to live free in an increasingly digital world.

Understand that our devices are simply a tool for our use.

Become more aware of your digital media habits and decide to be in charge of how and when you consume digital media content, what you think, and how you respond to the world around you.

Release the fear you feel from daily doom-scrolling and reclaim your mind and life. Decide which boundaries work for you and learn to honor yourself and your digi-goals.

Learn to reduce distractions, disconnect from and minimize the pull of the digital world to live in the present and focus on what really matters.

Ai creates a new set of challenges between understanding what is real and what is not.

I would love to help you learn how to minimize the negative digital impact your devices have in your life so you can consume with intention and be present for the people and things that truly matter.

Darcy Christ

Helping women break free from dieting and create a peaceful relationship with food and themselves with Intuitive Eating.

Shelley Ciupak

I help take high achieving moms from burned out, bored, overwhelmed to reinventing their lives to fit their purpose, their priorities and their dreams.  Through my program, I will walk you through a Reinvention Roadmap, so you have the exact steps you need to take to create a life that fits your exact desires moving forward.  Together, we will bust through your old belief systems that have been holding you back and keeping you stuck.

Jenna Bear

I help midlife women to feel happier, more alive and excited about their life in six weeks.

After experiencing the power of Life Coaching, I almost immediately left my long-time corporate job in communications, coaching and human change behavior to become a professional certified coach myself.

Now, I’m on a mission to help other women like me to understand how the biggest barrier between you and the life you want (at any age!) is your mindset, and why that is. There are facts about your brain that every human needs to understand for achieving a big, bold, and inspired life.

Together, we will uncover where you are sabotaging yourself through a causal coaching model. Then, I will teach you how to recognize this and use tools to redirect going forward, meaning that your life is improved not for just today or tomorrow, but for as long as you live!

Nothing can be more valuable. Let’s connect in a free consult to see if we’re a good match for this work!

Sarah Elizabeth Latham

We are our Brain (Mind), our Body (Health), and our Business (Purpose).

I help midlife entrepreneurial women create confusion-busting, CLARITY-bringing resources that brush away the cobwebs of confusion.

Confidence and clarity are crucial to finding purpose, and building a business.

If our brains are clouded with cobwebby eating, drinking, thinking, and feeling habits, forward motion is sloggy and not very fun.

Cloe Xhauflaire

I am an international actress and acting coach who will guide you towards freeing your instrument and mastering your uniqueness.I believe that an actor who knows his or her instrument is inclined to explore any kind of character. Knowing your instrument will not only give you the tools to create characters and book the roles you want but will also help you with any area of your life where you feel stuck.

Fritzi Strowmatt

I help working moms keep their hair on their head while raising their children.  Whether the stress and chaos comes from work and/or relationships, a working mom needs a coach to assist with identifying the underlying thoughts, which are causing her feelings.  Once there is an identification of the underlying thought (s), results can transform connected relationships.

Leticia Ringe

I help you create conscious romantic relationships that turn you on and allow you to live your fullest potential – whether you’re single or in a relationship right now.

Kendra Last

I help my clients heal after experiencing narcissistic abuse from a parent, romantic relationship, sibling, or other person. I help men and women gain sure, immovable self-confidence, so they forever create safe spaces for themselves to feel and process any emotion. I believe each human to be their own expert.  I act as a guide, helping them to see that the answers are already inside them.  I love helping my clients find the power in their own mind, and move forward creating amazing lives they love and want.

Emily Byrd

What a liberation to realize the “voice in my head” is not who I am. Who am I then? The one who sees that.”
-Eckhart Tolle

Barb Hatfield

As our child grows, it seems like parenting gets harder – it doesn’t have to.   I help parents make the transition necessary for raising their emerging adult.
It’s not just our child that is evolving.  A change in the way we parent is needed too as our child gets older and we prepare to launch them into the world.

Sometimes it’s just not possible to discuss your struggles with friends or family.   Coaching with me will provide 3 things – (1) a place to completely unload all your struggles and speak openly and honestly without any fear of judgment; (2) sort out the drama from the facts so you know exactly what needs to change; (3) learn how to take your parenting to the next level and build a lasting relationship with your child.

Let your transformation begin. The first step to change is just a phone call away.



Iryna Ishchenko

I understand the emotional challenges that come with taking care of aging parents with dementia. It can be an overwhelming and exhausting experience, and it’s easy to forget about your own needs. That’s why my coaching is focused on helping caregivers prioritize their own mental and emotional well-being. By taking care of yourself, you’ll be better equipped to provide the best possible care for your loved ones.

I provide coaching support to caregivers who are struggling with grief, guilt, resentment, and anxiety. I’ve been where you are, and I know how it feels to be overwhelmed and stressed out by caregiving responsibilities. But, I also know that it’s possible to overcome these challenges and thrive as a caregiver. If you’re ready to start feeling better and living a happier, more balanced life, I’m here to help. Let’s work together to create a positive and fulfilling caregiving experience for you and your loved ones.