Got Goals? Join Brooke's brand new Big Goals Workshop here.

Julie Mann

After close to 40 years of struggle with every eating disorder, thanks to the power of coaching, I was able to heal completely. I am now the coach I needed and could never find.

I’ve created my own unique blend of coaching using the Life Coach School Model, Neuroplasticity, and Mindfulness to help people become truly free forever from binge eating, bulimia and emotional eating.

I help clients learn to rewire their brains, and truly heal forever, gaining back precious mental space & energy to create the lives they desire.

Nicole Terwey

Urges to overeat or binge eat too strong? I help women undo those urges in order to lose weight successfully and sustainably.

Melissa McClain

I am a Certified Midlife Reinvention Coach. I empower women 40+ to holistically reinvent themselves, their intimate relationships and age like a goddess.

I am passionate about helping women rock all phases of midlife transitions. This can look like divorce/separation, grief/loss, singlehood, perimenopause/menopause, aging. seasonal/female life cycles and empty nesters.

Then I help my clients create an empowered next chapter based on their deepest desires and what is true for them with clarity, confidence, and love. This also includes conscious dating, clearing the way for soulmate love, breathing passion back into current relationships, and sex magic.

I have created a proven 4 step coaching process blending Tantra, Embodiment, and Mindset coaching techniques to help my clients as they navigate and fully embrace the wisdom of midlife.

Dr Amruti Choudhry MBBS BSc

I help South Asian Women Professionals lose weight permanently by getting rid of the mental weight that is holding them back.

There is a huge stigma about mental health in the South Asian community, and I help decrease that stigma and talk openly about mental health in a way that is relatable and real.

I lost 42kg (over 92 pounds) and have figured out how to keep it off for life, whilst being that working mother, that loving wife, that caring daughter and that dependable friend. I teach my clients that it is possible for them to have it all, when they learn how to manage their minds.

The weight loss is a bonus when you deal with the underlying reasons you overeat.

I am a retired general practitioner (Physician / Doctor) in the UK and became a full time life and weight loss coach because I found my calling in life. I love empowering my clients to manage their minds and improve all areas of their lives. Learning the skills of how to lose weight permanently by dealing with the mind blocks are the same skills that can be used to achieve any other goal, which is why my clients get a whole life transformation.

Pete Beskas

I am a Coach for Dads, I use the Model to create awareness for my clients, allow them to take full responsibility for their change, and guide them into taking massive action to create the life they want. My coaching is simple, effective and actionable which is what every man wants.

Caroline Holke

Ready to get rid of the shitty parts of drinking and be happier? I empower women to regain control over alcohol and create a life that they love.

Elisa Boden, MD

I am a gastroenterologist and life coach for women with inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis).  I help my clients to create a health plan that works for them, manage discomfort, embrace their bodies and live a life free from the limits of their disease.

Jaime Marshall

I help millennial women weigh exactly what they want. If you’re sick of losing and gaining the same pounds over and over again or are tired of diet culture permeating all of your thoughts I can help you lose the weight, weigh exactly what you want, and keep it off. It is possible to both love your body and still want to lose weight. It is possible to both eat food that you love and finally keep the weight off. I’d love to show you how simple it can be.

Patti Britt Campbell

I help men who built a very big life, but feel stuck.

The pressures of today, the regrets of the past, and the uncertainties of the future have you wanting to escape.

I know the feeling.  And I know the way out.

I know how to create peace, clarity, freedom…and passion for living your wildest dreams.

I went through a deeply challenging midlife renovation of my own and I now have the experience, training, and cutting-edge tools to guide you through yours.

I’ve been working with men my whole life – I know what makes you tick and why you suffer.  I understand your problems, because they’re human problems.  My innovative approach makes logical sense, has immediate real-world application, and delivers lasting results.

I offer a highly custom, private coaching experience with a direct, but heartfelt approach.

You CAN completely change your life, simply by changing your mind.

Shurone Hills

I help women eliminate alcohol as a problem in their lives without losing out on the fun in life.

Kori Linn

I teach women, nonbinary folks, and men how to build WILDLY satisfying lives and careers.

Before becoming a coach, I spent several years at a Fortune 500 company, designing and executing communications programs that touched 25,000+ employees. While I had a lot of fun working in corporate, nothing compares to helping my clients create lives and careers that deeply delight them.

Through speaking, workshops, and one-on-one coaching, I teach clients and audiences how to cultivate meaning and fulfillment, at work and in the rest of their lives, too.

Whatever your goals are, we can achieve them together, and have a lot of fun doing it.

I’ve served clients and audiences at HBO, Google, Zillow, and more.

Sherry Price

I help successful women stop overdrinking without feeling like they have to give up drinking completely. You’ll learn how to have confidence and control around alcohol. You’ll learn how to be able to take it or leave it. We do the work of changing your relationship with alcohol while eliminating any shame, guilt, and/or embarrassment.

I’m the creator of the Drink Less Lifestyle podcast and program.