Got Goals? Join Brooke's brand new Big Goals Workshop here.

Amanda Dinsmore MD

Myself and two other Emergency Physicians started The Whole Physician with the singular goal of Healing the Healer.  Our ideal clients are physicians who are ready to create better lives for themselves.  We have experience with suffering from burnout, excessive self criticism, perfectionism, felt exhausted, and even questioning if a career in medicine had been a mistake (because we’ve been there!).  With over 50+ combined years in busy ERs, we’ve seen a lot and have been through a lot in our careers and also outside of medicine.  Heck, two of us even quit our jobs at least once!  We have found a new peace through coaching.  We have replaced much of our previous misery with contentment through the power of coaching and would love to show you how as well.  Being ER Docs, we believe in rapid results with a sense of (borderline inappropriate) humor.  We want to show you how to feel better STAT.

Kimberly Severson

Weight loss doesn’t have to suck.

I help my clients ditch restrictive dieting forever and lose weight without all the struggle and sacrifice.

There are so many reasons diets don’t work. They require SO much time and effort, take away the food you love, and make you miserable.

But, you don’t need restrictive diets to lose weight.

If you’re ready to be DONE with…

  • Feeling hungry and deprived all the time
  • Spending ALL DAY tracking, measuring, prepping, counting points/calories/macros, and entering it all into those exhausting apps
  • Constantly swinging back and forth between extreme restriction and going totally off-the-rails
  • Feeling frustrated and guilty after giving in to “forbidden” foods time and time again
  • Never feeling satisfied and constantly thinking about food
  • Feeling like you have to miss out on fully enjoying holidays, vacations, social events, and daily life because of food restrictions

…I can help. I teach my clients a radically different approach to weight loss.

Weight loss doesn’t have to feel terrible. It doesn’t have to take over your life.

I’ll help you lose weight in a way that feels like self-care, not punishment.

Your body tells you everything you need to know about when and how much to eat; I’ll help you learn to listen to its cues.

There’s a life beyond overeating and emotional eating; I’ll help you find it.

If you’re ready to say goodbye to dieting forever and reclaim an easy, stress-free, joyful relationship with food and your body, I’m here to help.

Deanna Larson, M.D.

I help both male and female physicians beat burnout.  After working so hard, sacrificing for years, and paying a lot of money many physicians are not happy in their career.   I can help you learn to love your job again and rediscover the passion you once had for medicine.

Christie Heppenstall

Can you really “do it all” without the burnout and instead, with heaps of joy and peace? Is it really possible to slay it at work, take that vacation of your dreams, work out consistently, nurture your relationships, and leave margin to soak in those precious moments?


It all starts with reclaiming your time, and learning how to manage it instead of it managing you. Spoiler alert- it’s not time that needs managing. It’s something much more profound and impactful!

I teach high-achieving professionals how to cut the chaos – so they can start living the life of their dreams. What’s just on the other side of “I’m too busy” for you?

  • Finally making that career change you’ve dreamed of
  • Getting into the best shape of your life – at any age
  • Gaining control over those pesky habits and lifestyle choices such as over drinking, over eating, or over spending
  • Curating and taking action to achieve your wild goals
  • Once and for all – living in integrity with your true purpose and passion!

Lindsey B. Faucette, D.O.

I help women who are successful and active and busy in many areas of their lives, but feel challenged when it comes to staying healthy and staying connected to fun and satisfying sex. I help them feel like they are in control of their health, more decisive in making health care decisions, and more excited and confident in enjoying great sex!

Through my membership-based medical practice, practical strategies, and laser-sharp coaching, I’m here to help you. My patients and clients tell me they know I’m on their side. They know they can trust me and I help then grow and relax knowing we are making life healthier and sexier.

As a physician trained in Integrative Medicine, and a connected and compassionate provider, I have extensive experience working with patients with unusual health challenges including autoimmune disorders, sexual struggles, and social and emotional conditions that affect their world.

When I’m not supporting women and patients become all they know they can be, you can find me snuggling and reading with my 4 and 9 year old children, planning my next travel adventure, or wine tasting on the beautiful Central California Coast.

Let’s chat! And until then Be Well, Stay Safe and DREAM BIG!

Jennifer Bulbrook

I am here to help you believe that you are worthy and that you are somebody no matter your mental health status.

Jennifer Bulbrook knows she is somebody, and you are too. So she created the I Am Somebody: Transform your Life Organizer to take you step-by-step through a process in order for you to achieve an emotionally balanced life. Follow the steps, do the work, and you will soon realize that I AM SOMEBODY!

Sheila Gravely

I help people create their healthiest, most vibrant lives – body, mind, and spirit. Using habit science techniques along with the latest scientific information about diet and lifestyle, clients make small changes to daily rituals to move towards greater vitality, better sleep, improved wellness, graceful aging, and emotional growth.

I help clients make positive and lasting changes to their physical and emotional well-being. I help the client develop a healthy mindset and daily habits, and encourage them every step of the way as they establish and accomplish their goals.

Beth Spenceri, MD

You’ve set and achieved goal after goal, realizing success upon success for years. But between the demanding patients, staff, insurance companies, and even your family, it seems there’s no time or energy left to dream up what’s next for you. The problem is: you’re not done achieving yet. Now what?

I coach high achieving, mid-career physicians develop the sustainable skill of achieving big goals amid their busy lives, make big decisions and move beyond being “stuck”, and regain the control they’ve been missing in their lives. The key? Learning how to effectively manage their physician brains (a skill they never taught us in med school or residency).

Angela Mascenik

I believe that you can have any type of relationship with alcohol YOU WANT.

You are NOT powerless over alcohol.

You have the power inside you to CHOOSE.

My coaching helps you get to the root of WHY you are drinking. Once you understand that, you become powerful and can make permanent changes.


It’s about what you are seeking FROM alcohol that you might not currently have.

Things like relaxation, shelter from boredom, to feel less stress or anxiety, or make you feel happier, more joyful, or connected.

And once you learn how to get what you want from yourself, you stop looking to alcohol to make your life better.

And that’s when you stop over-drinking.

I can teach you how to find what’s inside you to fix this instead of relying on diets, fads, Dry January’s, avoiding social situations, and uncomfortable situations to help you drink less.

Your brain is wired to seek pleasure and avoid pain. It’s not your fault that you haven’t ‘figured it out yet.’

It’s actually quite normal.

The good news: you can learn how to over-ride this wiring system and once you do, that’s where all your freedom lies.

I ended a 20 year battle of over-drinking included:

  • drinking in response to a high-level anxiety
  • having a bad day and needing alcohol to shut off my brain
  • drinking because I wanted to still be ‘fun’ after having kids

These are just a few examples of how I used alcohol. Heck, I even drank just because ‘it was sunny outside!’

When you learn how to look to yourself for your emotional needs, you can change and never look back.

The other thing we let go of is shaming ourselves when we do over-drink.

This tactic doesn’t work. And you probably already know that.

What works is having compassion and curiosity for WHY you over-drank.

Again, if you understand WHY you do it, you can fix it. But when you are beating yourself up about it, you cut off the access to figuring out how to fix it within yourself.

Having someone who has permanently fixed this issue and has coached hundreds of women to permanently change their relationship with alcohol, is exactly who you need.

Also, I’m a lot of FUN to work with, we keep this topic feeling approachable and nonjudgemental, which is what we need more of.

You deserve to stop over-drinking and start LIVING!

Sterling Jaquith

Being a Catholic mom who is called to business… is a very unusual calling.

It can be a confusing calling too especially if you’re surrounded by moms who aren’t called to business.

And when you embrace your calling and dive into the world of business… you’ll find it doesn’t always mesh well with our Catholic values.

I will show you how to grow your business while raising kids and without losing your soul.

I teach women to discern the perfect business plan from the Holy Spirit. Then I give you coaching, accountability, and strategies to execute His plan.

If God has given you the desire to build a business, He will also give you everything you need to build that business while still honoring your vocation of motherhood.

I make multiple six-figures while homeschooling my six kids in Northern Idaho.

I have three business programs. One is perfect for the stage of business you’re in right now!

Pearl Tong-Ngork

Hey there, friend – I’m Pearl! If I look familiar, maybe it’s because I’ve coached you in Get Coached/Self-Coaching Scholars. 🙂 4,634 sessions and counting!

My clients are busy and overwhelmed execs and entrepreneurs. Teetering on burnout, they want a reset with fresh energy and productivity. I help through a mix of:
– health strategies,
– habit change and
– mindset coaching for overwhelm + stress.

This is more than just time management. We work on the triad of mind, body and spirit to ditch the overwhelm and unlock nice, clean energy. When you eat better, move better and feel better – you WORK better!

We’ll build skills like:
– Time Management ⌚
– Planning 📅
– Follow through
– Accountability
– Consistency
– Discipline
– Emotional Processing
…all while being non-judgmental and compassionate.

We focus on mastering the fundamentals of your whole health, whatever calls you:
▶️ Nutrition
▶️ Sleep
▶️ Exercise
▶️ Stress Management
▶️ Meditation
▶️ Recharge time

We do this in a way that meets you where you are. I’m diet-agnostic, so there are no “shoulds” here – just experiments and data-driven decisions. Want to try keto? Let’s do it. No flour, no sugar for 30 days? Let’s see what happens! YOU set the destination, and I’ll be the support and guide.

About Me – I offer a multi-faceted coaching approach because I’m a multi-passionate kind of human:
🔷 I’m a certified life coach.
🔷 I’m a certified health coach.
🔷 I’m a certified Master Reiki practitioner.
🔷 I’m an employee.
🔷 I’m a solopreneur.
🔷 I’ve worked 2 coaching jobs, 7 days a week while building my business and raising 2 kids.
🔷 I started and operated a clinical research department for 13 years.
🔷 I started my bakery during the pandemic.
💗 I love trying new things in my life, and I bring that spirit of exploration and experimentation to help my clients find authentic well-being.

I’ve coached over 4,600 sessions for The Life Coach School, so there’s nothing I haven’t heard before. If you’re ready for change, I can help you.

So if you want a compassionate, accomplished, and experienced coach in your corner, book a free discovery call and let’s start!

Julie Mann

After close to 40 years of struggle with every eating disorder, thanks to the power of coaching, I was able to heal completely. I am now the coach I needed and could never find.

I’ve created my own unique blend of coaching using the Life Coach School Model, Neuroplasticity, and Mindfulness to help people become truly free forever from binge eating, bulimia and emotional eating.

I help clients learn to rewire their brains, and truly heal forever, gaining back precious mental space & energy to create the lives they desire.