Got Goals? Join Brooke's brand new Big Goals Workshop here.

Sue Campbell

I help writers, from newbies to bestsellers, transform their inhibitive mindset around marketing and realize their full potential as authors. Using the model and other tools, I’ve coached my clients to step out of their comfort zones to exponentially increase their author platforms and book sales, and —most importantly— finally prioritize their own creativity.

Shelley Ciupak

I help take high achieving moms from burned out, bored, overwhelmed to reinventing their lives to fit their purpose, their priorities and their dreams.  Through my program, I will walk you through a Reinvention Roadmap, so you have the exact steps you need to take to create a life that fits your exact desires moving forward.  Together, we will bust through your old belief systems that have been holding you back and keeping you stuck.

Mary Templeton Allen

Reorganize the universe in your favor and create your most intentional, connected life by letting go of the physical and mental clutter that keeps you feeling depleted, stuck, and overwhelmed in your home and relationships. Let your home become a magnet for opportunity and good fortune and a reflection of your highest self when you fill it with intention and self-connection. Change your space; change your life!

Kaitlyn Rapai

I help individuals combat burnout by organizing their mind, time and life.

Karen Gombault

I help women Overcome Overwhelm so they can see their potential.
Building a passionate career, while loving life outside of work is possible and available to you.

Laurie Adams

“Second Act” your choice results at age 55+ for women who grew up in the 60s and 70s when people-pleasing, putting yourself last and limited future choices defined your expectations. Whether you beat those odds for a fulfilling life, career, family, relationships, financial security or not, I’m here to ensure your second act is your choice, to get you off the back burner and into a fired-up life–yes, at your age! You learn to define what you still want most with my support and go through doable steps to realize true change. People-pleasing no more, but a life where those who mean most to you still feel your love.

Cloe Xhauflaire

I am an international actress and acting coach who will guide you towards freeing your instrument and mastering your uniqueness.I believe that an actor who knows his or her instrument is inclined to explore any kind of character. Knowing your instrument will not only give you the tools to create characters and book the roles you want but will also help you with any area of your life where you feel stuck.

Heather Lahtinen

I help photographers eliminate overwhelm and get out of their own way to create the business and life of their dreams.

  • You know that you are made for more, but what?
  • You have mastered the skill of overthinking. Which is really just the art of creating problems where they don’t exist, but you don’t know how to break the habit.
  • You feel like a fraud because who are you to pursue your dreams?
  • You get paralyzed by the fear of judgment that comes with self-doubt about whether or not you deserve a better life.

I am your number 1 fan & new business & mindset coach.
I am committed to your growth and deeply invested in your success.
The sooner we start working together to create a path forward, the sooner you will achieve your dreams.

My mission is to help you break through any thought patterns that may be holding you back from reaching your full potential. Whether it’s help with taking your life or business to the next level, or just support with getting out of your own head, I’m ready to be your guide.

You may not even know what you need help with, or where to begin, but that’s where I thrive. It’s my job to help you determine who you are and what you want to live a truly fulfilled life.

Melissa Brumm

We are more connected than ever thanks to new technologies and devices. Being connected can be a good thing for meeting new people and exploring new ideas, or it can become a burden to stay constantly connected, never log off, never stop working and constantly be consuming information, ideas and media. This prevents us from having the mental and creative space to think of who we are and what we want anymore. We are constantly inundated with people telling us what we should think, do and consume. And that makes us live our life for the expectations of others rather than for ourselves.

We have to take our time back from our phones and live our lives the way we want. We have to move away from the constant comparison, FOMO and brain fog that stems from over-using our phones. And the way to do that is to take space from your phone to learn who you are, what your thoughts are, how you can live a better life and how you can contribute to the betterment of the world around you.

Getting away from your phone allows you to have better relationships, more quality sleep, better mental health, more productivity & money, less anxiety, and more clarity & creativity and more empowerment to change the world.

Dr. Richard Mitchell

I help high achieving professionals overcome burnout so they can get fired up about their personal and professional lives.

Leslie Duffy

I help men and women with autoimmune disease feel empowered and in control of their health. I use Functional Medicine, Nutrition, mindset and habit change to create a life full of energy and confidence to deal with any obstacle and most importantly FOLLOW THROUGH.

Kristen Mattison

I help mom’s create joy and fulfillment in motherhood and reduce overwhelm and frustration so that they can enjoy their families.