Do you think about becoming a life coach and then talk yourself out of it? Do your friends tell you you’re the best at giving advice, but you’re just not sure about taking the plunge into coaching?

This episode is for you, my friends. The life coaching industry is on fire right now, with more clients than ever before looking to get coached.

To help you get a better sense of what coach certification is like, I’ve invited the amazing Stephanie Griffin onto the podcast today to share what it’s all about. Stephanie is the Director of the Coach Certification Program at The Life Coach School, so she is the perfect person to talk to about what the program is like, who it’s for, and how to get started.

If you’re thinking of becoming a life coach, you need to hear today’s episode. Stephanie and I share the exact process of getting certified, the many job opportunities awaiting you after certification, and why being a life coach is the best job in the world. This episode provides all the information you need to finally make the decision and join this booming industry.

What you will discover

  • The exact process of becoming a certified coach.
  • Why sucking at the beginning is a beautiful thing.
  • What is required to become a life coach.
  • Why even the most nervous coaches leave this program feeling confident.
  • All the benefits alumni of this program get.
  • How to enroll in life coach certification.

Featured on the show

Episode Transcript

You are listening to The Life Coach School Podcast with Brooke Castillo, episode number 362.

Welcome to The Life Coach School Podcast, where it’s all about real clients, real problems and real coaching. And now your host, Master Coach Instructor, Brooke Castillo.

Brooke: Hello, my friends. It’s a very special day today. I have my very favorite guest I’ve ever had on the podcast today. I say that every time, but this time I really mean it, Stephanie Griffin. Stephanie is one of my directors at The Life Coach School and she is joining me to talk about how to become an amazing coach. Now, she is an amazing coach, but she also runs our certification program, so she known everyone coming through, watches them all become amazing coaches.

And the reason why I wanted to do this podcast is very selfish. I often am out in the world and people ask me what I do for a living and I say that I’m a life coach and they say, “Oh, how does one become a life coach?” And now, I will say, “Episode 362. That is how you become an amazing life coach. You listen to that podcast. We are going to cover all the details.”

And any of you who are thinking about becoming coaches, this is the podcast for you. Those of you who are already coaches, you should listen to it too because you can give this to your friends who look at your life and say, “Why not me?” Welcome to the podcast, Stephanie.

Stephanie: Thank you. I’m happy to be here.

Brooke: Tell us just a little bit about yourself, how you started working for me, becoming a coach, all of it.

Stephanie: Okay, I started working as the assistant to the program two years ago. It’s been slightly over two years ago. And I was working for the director at the time and I absolutely started to just absorb the information as I was working here and applying it. And shortly after I began working here, I just started noticing my own transformation, even in just a little bit of the information that was pulling in as I was working.

And I started to realize just everybody that worked at The Life Coach School and any certified coaches that I even talked to, there was a presence about them that was just different. And there was something about them that was so mesmerizing. Like, they took ownership for every word that they spoke. There was no emotional drama. And there was something that I just wanted to be a part of.

And when the opportunity for me to become the director came, I was, of course, all in because I love this program so much. But I also chose to get certified because of watching just the students’ transformation themselves, I knew I had work to do for myself.

And right before I got certified, I had found out that my biological father was passing away and I had to decide how I wanted to show up for that, because he was terminal. And it was imminent. And I knew that I had the skillset to apply it and I was really just – I hadn’t even been certified yet. I’d just started to learn the material.

And when I started going through that process, I realized how much impact it even had on my just personally and being able to go through that experience and just let go of my manuals of what that whole experience was supposed to look like and just let me feel it. And I knew, when I was done with that process, this was the path for me. And working here, being a certified coach, all of those things have just elevated my life in such a beautiful way.

Sometimes, I look back and I don’t even recognize myself because I just really like who I’ve become. And that’s just a little bit about my journey.

Brooke: I love it. One of the things that most people probably don’t know is that everybody pays to become a coach. We don’t pay for our employees to become coaches. And we actually, it’s really interesting because we pay for other trainings for other organizations. If our employees want to go get a degree or they want to go take another training from another organization, we pay for that. We also pay for all of our employees to get any level of coaching that they want.

We do not pay for our coaches to get certified through The Life Coach School. We want everyone who gets certified through The Life Coach School to make that investment themselves with their own cash. And there have been a couple of times where I have purchased certification for a friend or someone that I wanted to give that to. And even though it’s my company, I actually paid for the certification with my own credit card for that person.

And so, I think it’s just important to note that about you. That was your own hard-earned money that you invested in your own training to get certified as a life coach. And we’re going to come back to that as we talk about the investment and what it’s like to make that decision, which is not a little investment and it’s not a little decision. It’s a big decision.

So, I created a bunch of questions that I get all the time. And I want to walk through kind of the whole process of becoming a coach. Because the process is extraordinary and I feel like anyone who’s alive on the planet today should know at least about the opportunity.

Maybe they don’t take advantage of it, but I feel like if there are people in the world that could be life coaches that don’t know about it, we need to let them know about it because I feel like right now at this time, the need for life coaching is so high. The opportunity to become a successful life coach is extraordinarily awesome.

And this is not an opportunity that many people through past centuries have ever had. And so, I want to get the word out, obviously for my business and the success of my business, but even more importantly than that, for anyone who has the talent and desire to become a life coach, I want them to know about it.

So, the first question is – before we get started, I just want to be clear about one thing. At The Life Coach School, we have two products. We have a product called Self-Coaching Scholars and we have a product called Life Coach Certification. Those are two separate products.

Self-Coaching Scholars is for our clients, is for anyone in the world who wants to get coached and wants to learn our tools. That is a monthly membership program that you can sign up for on the website. It’s a month-to-month commitment. You pay monthly $297 to be part of that.

Certification is our second offering, and that is a high-level training certification program that you take. It’s a year-long program, ultimately, six months on the first end of it to become trained and certified as a life coach.

We are talking today about certification. When you sign up for certification, you also get Self-Coaching Scholars included. We’ll specify that. But a lot of people, brand new people who are learning about my company are like, “Wait, I’m in Scholars. Am I a certified coach?” No, you’re not a certified coach if you’re in Scholars. And being in Scholars does not qualify you to be coaching other people. Please don’t coach other people if you’ve been in Scholars. You are not certified. There’s so much that you need to learn that we teach in certification that we don’t teach in Scholars because it’s intended for a different audience.

Alright, so first question people have is, “What is a coach?” What does it even mean to be a life coach? How would you answer that, Stephanie?

Stephanie: If you are a life coach, you are someone who is helping someone up-level their life, pretty much in any fashion. It can be applicable in so many different avenues of their life. But you go to a life coach when you are wanting to work towards something, change something, there’s something you are wanting to up-level. That’s my simple definition.

Brooke: That’s a good definition. They way that I describe it is I’m like a therapist, but a therapist will help you work on your past, then I’ll help you work on your future. So, people that are like, “A who? What sport do you coach?” that have no idea, I just say, “Well, you know what a therapist is? I’m kind of like that but we’re focused forward.” We’re focused on high-functioning people that are looking to move forward, and like you said, up-level their life. Where therapy typically is focused on people who have a non-functioning area of their life and they are exploring their past in order to understand and change what’s causing the problem to move forward.

Okay, what training is required to become a life coach?

Stephanie: You’re not required to get certified. There’s not requirement if you wanted to become a life coach. However, if you want to be successful, our product has so many things that offers life coaches that the can have all these tools to be an amazing life coach.

Brooke: Right, so that’s a really important point. Our industry, the life coaching industry, the consulting industry is not regulated by the government. And what that means is anyone can just say they’re a life coach. You can go to a weekend seminar and say you’re a certified life coach.

And it’s important that you understand that no training is actually required to do that job, unlike a therapist or a physician, which lots of training is required in order to even call yourself that. And then you are very regulated once you are qualified to do that job, you are very regulated by the government.

Life coaches, we have no regulation in terms of being a life coach, the training that’s required, the proximity of where we can work is not regulated. And that’s a beautiful thing on one hand because anyone can become a life coach. And I love that. I think we need more life coaches in the world. And the problem with that is anyone can become a life coach. So, it’s important to understand that there’s no regulation, so you can understand when you’re hiring a life coach what their training is, what is their credential so to speak, because none is required?

And when I started life coaching, when I became a life coach 16 years ago, this industry was just started. Nobody really even knew what I was talking about. And now, there are so many standards and ethics that are put into place that have been put into place to up-level our industry as a whole, which makes it such a beautiful, I think, industry to be a part of. I think there’s so many amazing life coaches out there doing amazing work.

There’s also a lot of people out there calling themselves life coaches who are just I say playing around having a little jobby instead of a hobby, it’s like a jobby. And if they haven’t had training, they can give life coaching a bad name. And so, that’s why I think it’s important to understand that no training is required. Not all life coaches are created equal in terms of their training.

But let’s talk about the training that we do and there are other organizations that provide training. But let’s talk about the training that we do. If I say, “I want to become a certified life coach. I admire Brooke and the way that she coaches and I’ve been in Scholars and I like the impact that it’s had on my life and I like her podcast, I would like to be trained as a life coach with The Life Coach School…” what is the training like?

Stephanie: We offer a six-month training, by the time you join certification to when you are certified. It’s a six-month journey. And the amazing part about ours is it’s all virtual. And that was even pre-COVID, all of that. It’s been a virtual experience, which is such an amazing thing because we have people from all over the world.

And then, when people join our program, they’re placed in these small groups where they can have this really intimate experience with a coach instructor that is teaching them along the journey.

So, we have these amazing classes that are released every week on different concepts. But then in those small groups, there’s the experience of being able to coach in front of an instructor, getting that direct feedback from your peers and your instructor, and growing for that entire six months and applying it along the way.

So, by the time you’re done, it’s my favorite – I have a lot of favorites about my job, but my most favorite thing is watching the students from the beginning all the way to the end. And the beautiful evolution of a student’s experience is so profound, watching them just absorb that information and start applying it. And when they’re applying it for their clients and then they’re also applying it for their lives, their transformations are quite astounding.

Brooke: I agree. A lot of people say. “I thought I was going through life coach training. I thought I was going to train to be a life coach and I thought I was going to be learning facts and figures and ideas so I could help other people. And what really happened was because I was practicing the coaching on myself and my peers, I was completely transformed through the process as I was learning all the material.

So, let’s slow down. Let’s back it up just a minute. I decided I want to become a life coach. I sign up for training. What happens next? I receive information in an email?

Stephanie: Yeah, you get your welcome email. And you’ve picked your small group time and you get your welcome email from your instructor. You know exactly when and where you’re going to meet virtually. And then, you have your very first welcome week, which is just to get to meet and greet your peers…

Brooke: Do I get materials?

Stephanie: It’s all digital.

Brooke: Okay, but what do I get?

Stephanie: You get a curriculum book, which has all of the materials for all of the concepts that we teach…

Brooke: That’s a very fat book, my friends. It’s like a textbook, but it’s all online, which is beautiful. So, you don’t have to lug it around with you in your backpack.

Stephanie: Yeah, and then we have this amazing workbook that’s just loaded with amazing worksheets for you to work with your clients. That’s such a valuable tool. And having it virtual, you can put your information directly into the worksheet and you can save them over and over again as you’re using for your clients.

Brooke: Yeah, let me speak to that because I think that’s really important. So, we give you this curriculum book that you can read about all the tools. Now, you’re also going to get a video with that where it’s going to be me teaching you and I’m teaching you about the tools and how to apply them. But then, with each tool, we also have created a worksheet.

So, that worksheet is something that you can use on yourself within your classroom. But after certification is done, you have complete and total authority to use those worksheets directly with your clients. So, when I was a brand-new coach, that was exactly what I needed. I needed something, like, if I was nervous and I didn’t feel like I knew how to coach or I didn’t know what to do, I could just be like, “Here’s a worksheet.”

And you can send those worksheets to your clients and have them do them as homework. But what I would do is just read the questions off the worksheet and fill it in, like an intake form. It was kind of like a little crutch for me in the beginning for me to utilize the tool in a way that gave me the prompts.

Eventually, you’ll probably have those worksheets memorized and you can send them as homework. But that’s one of the main benefits is that big pile of worksheets you get to be able to take your clients through them in a way that doesn’t have the pressure on you to remember, “Wait, what was that question I was supposed to ask here and what’s that thing I’m supposed to do here?” It’s like we provide you with the curriculum to take your clients through.

And you can go through any of the worksheets that are all categorized in a way like, “I know my client would benefit from this right now.” And you can pull it from there and use it with your client real time.

And then, the other thing we were talking about is, every week, you watch a video of me teaching you a concept, and then you get to actually practice the concept with your instructor in a small group classroom on Zoom where you can ask whatever questions you want. But you can also watch your peers practicing and you can practice as well.

I think that is one of the man benefits of coming through our school. We’re not just throwing information at you. We’re actually supervising you, talking to you, giving you feedback on your coaching.

Stephanie: Yeah, and I think when we have your class when you’re teaching it, plus the curriculum with the written material, and then the worksheets that go together, you have all of that material to tie it in together. And so, your experience is just universal where you’re able to take it all and just really figure out how to apply it beautifully.

Brooke: Yeah. One of the things that will be the most important thing in any kind of training is actual coaching. You do not want the first coaching you do to be your first client. You want to be able to get six months of coaching practice in as you’re going through the training.

And in the beginning, you’re going to make lots of mistakes. You’re going to feel nervous. You’re not going to really know what you’re doing. And what’s beautiful is we set up the training so you can show up, give it your best shot, get some feedback, and then try again.

And so, by the time you’re done with certification, you’ve been coaching that entire six months, you feel very confident. You have made lots of mistakes and recovered, quote unquote, from those mistakes and learned from them. So, by the time you’re done and you’re going through your certification process, most of our students, if they’ve done the work and they’ve practiced and they’ve shown up, feel very confident passing their certification test and being able to become officially certified at The Life Coach School.

One of the things that was really important to me was that we not just provide a curriculum and certify people, quote unquote, by having them just complete the curriculum. I want every single person that goes through our school to pass a test to have a certain base of knowledge and to demonstrate especially that they can hold space for their client, which means a nonjudgmental loving space where they know they are not to give advice or tell their clients what to do, but to hold space to let them explore their own mind using the Model, the self-coaching Model, which is the tool that is the basis for all of our coaching processes.

Talk a little bit about what that was like for you. You went through the training personally and then you got certified. So, talk about from the beginning to the end what the transformation was.

Stephanie: Yeah, so in the beginning, you show up for your class and you show up in your small group. And after you’ve taken that material, you get to meet up with a peer and start coaching immediately with your peers. You’re encouraged to go and get audios and to find people for you to practice your coaching on.

And you go through the whole process of you think your very first audio needs to be perfect. And we hear that so many times from students. They’re like, “It’s not perfect. I need to do another.” You don’t. You just need to show up exactly where you’re at and be willing to do your best and grow from that. And by the end, you have that, where you have met the criteria. And if you’ve shown up and you’ve done the work, it’s not a problem.

Brooke: Yeah, it’s so funny. We have a lot of people that come in that have been trained from other organizations or have been listening to the podcast for five years or they’ve been in Self-Coaching Scholars. So they feel very confident that they’re going to be great at this.

Everybody comes in and completely sucks at it. And that’s a beautiful thing because listening to me coach, listening to another certified coach, listening to a podcast or being in Scholars is not the same as learning how to hold space. Learning how to hold space is a process that requires that you actually practice doing it and getting feedback. Because so many people think they’re holding space, but really, they’re in their own mind, they’re telling their own stories, they’re being very judgmental.

And people watch me coach all the time and try to mimic me coaching, and it’s painful to watch if they try and do that without having learned, through our school, how to hold space and not just learn that conceptually, but have also done the process and received the feedback. And once you do that, that’s when the coaching starts to really come together. And the more you practice, the more it starts to come naturally.

In the beginning – and we require it to be – very rote and very specific and very, “What is your thought? What is your feeling? What is your…” and by the time you’re done, you don’t even realize – the person being coached doesn’t even realize you’re using the Model because you become fluent in it by getting the feedback and the practice.

You don’t get fluent in something just by listening to someone else do it. And that’s what I love about our training, is it’s supervised. You’re engaged. You’re getting feedback. You’re with your peers. You’re all laughing at yourselves because you’re doing it terribly in the beginning, and then as you see yourself and others get better, it creates this sense of pride and excitement. And so, certification becomes easy at the end because, if you’ve been showing up, you’ve become a natural coach, which is such a beautiful thing.

What would you say is different, what have you heard is different, or what do you know is different about The Life Coach School certification versus other certification?

Stephanie: So, I think the thing that we hear the most is that there’s plenty of people that go to other schools and they end up going through their programs, and then they end up coming to us because it’s our tools. It’s the tools that we have, and having that direct feedback from the instructor and the direct feedback from your peers, the amount of work that you do in those six months, going to all the application calls and practicing those materials and having those practicum calls directly with your peers where you’re practicing those coaching sessions in front of your peers and you’re getting the direct feedback, really that’s what sets us apart.

We have the whole process from start to finish. When you leave us and you’re certified, it’s because you’ve done the work and you’ve shown up.

Brooke: Yeah, it’s so good. And a lot of people will be nervous to sign up and to show up for class. And I have friends that have gone through it. Like, “Oh my gosh, I’m so nervous to coach and I’m so nervous to get feedback.” By the end they’re like, “This is so fun. This is so amazing. I’ve learned so much.”

And I think, for adult learning, so many of us, we haven’t learned something new for a long time so you can be a little bit nervous about the idea or think you’re too old for it or think you’re not good enough for it. And I just want to encourage any of you that are listening that that is absolutely not the case.

We have people all age ranges, all perceived levels of growth. We all start at the same place. We all suck in the beginning. And we’re all amazing by the end, if we keep showing up.

So, what happens after six months? So, I go through the six months process, I feel great, I take a test, I get certified, I’m now a certified coach. I still have six months left in my program. What does that look like?

Stephanie: There is additional training that is provided as your alumni benefit, where you can either dive deeper if you’re wanting to be an entrepreneur and you, we have so many tools there to help you guide that process if that’s what you’re choosing to do and you want to start your own business.

Or, if you’re wanting to be a coach for an organization or as a contractor for somebody, we have another program that will help guide you for that and deepen your coaching skills in a further level and help you master it even more. So, both paths are there to help you grow further in whichever option that you’re choosing to go.

Brooke: Yeah, when we were designing the curriculum and designing the tracks for The Life Coach School, I presented it to the team and I said, “Listen, I think there’s two ways that people want to show up to be coaches. Some people really want to have their own business. They want to be life coaches. They want to start their own business. They want to be entrepreneurs. They are going all out for that track. And some people that come through the training don’t want to have their own business at all. They want to go work for another coach or they want to go work for a corporation or they just want to use it for their own personal development.”

So, we created these two different tracks; the entrepreneurial track and the applied coaching track. So, you can have both of them and you can utilize the tools in both of them. But we recommend that you pick one first. If you’re going to be an entrepreneur, we recommend that you learn all of our entrepreneurial tools as they are specific to life coaching.

There’s a lot of entrepreneurial programs out there in the world, business programs out there in the world that you can take online. But the ones we’ve designed are specific to life coaches.

I have been a life coach for a long time, I understand what it requires in order to create enough value for your clients and your customers. And I have a very specific approach to business that involves understanding your own worthiness and the value that you offer to your client in making sure you overdeliver to that client.

I feel like if you build a business based on love for yourself and love for your clients, you will win every single time. And so, the whole entrepreneurial program is based on my own personal approach to building my own business, which is extremely successful, and also having a balance in my own life where I’m able to not work 80 hours a week. I’m able to take time off. I’m able to be with my family and my friends and take care of myself and create financial success and really help my clients change their lives.

And so, that whole entrepreneurial program is set up that way. And then, the applied coaching program is for those of you who want to dive deeper into getting more understanding of coaching, getting more practice in terms of setting up your own schedule for how you want to practice in your own coaching and really focusing on studying the tools more and understanding all of the options that we have and all of the worksheets and all of the curriculum, taking even a deeper dive into that to study it on a deeper level, and maybe possibly get hired by us at The Life Coach School or one of our coaches. Anything else you want to add about that?

Stephanie: Yeah, and just the additional training after you’re certified, it’s all self-guided and you can do it at your own pace. And so, it’s just, once you’re certified, the rest of that training is really just you can do both if you want, if you’re not sure and you really want to work on building a business and be able to apply those concepts deeper. You have the option to have both. So, it’s available for you as an alumni benefit whenever you decide that you want to further that.

Brooke: Yeah, the other thing that I we offer that I think is so cool is access and membership to Scholars. So, as a coach in Scholars, you get some pretty cool benefits. Do you want to talk about that?

Stephanie: Yeah, it’s such a great benefit because you get it the moment you sign up for certification. So, the moment you’re all in, you can start learning that information if you haven’t been in Scholars before and start learning, like, Monday Hour One is always my go-to. I love sending people to that, first just to learn how to manage their time is a great avenue for them to just start.

But it’s a tool that when you’re working with certification, it works together so beautifully because there’s so much content there that just enhances what you’re learning, but the meat of the certification is so good. It’s just a great tool to have as an extra benefit.

Brooke: Right, and one of the things that happens when you join Self-Coaching Scholars is you get a coach, basically, once a week where you can be coached.

And having a certified or a master certified coach coaching you every single week as part of the process of learning to become a coach is priceless. And I think that’s one of the things that helped me build my own business, is just understanding how effective coaching is. And I’ve always had a coach because I believe in coaching, and that helps me sell it. And it also helps me show up as a coach.

So, that’s another thing that I think. You will be coaches by your peers who are going through certification. But you also have access to someone who’s already certified, very seasoned coaches that have gone through our qualification program that are there to coach you 20 minutes once a week. That’s so extraordinary.

Stephanie: Yeah, isn’t it the best coaches get coached, right? You have a clean mind. You can show up for your clients even better.

Brooke: Right, and within Scholars, we have programs for our certified coaches to be able to have advanced trainings and also get coaching on their coaching, which is so great. And we also have business coaching calls for coaches and anyone else building a business that if you need feedback on your website or you’re trying to get help getting clients, that’s all available to you as well.

One of the questions I get a lot is, can you really make money as a life coach? And what do you say?

Stephanie: I say that is up to you. I say that is up to you to decide what you want to think about your success.

Brooke: Yeah, and here’s the truth. Some coaches make no money. They don’t show up for the work. They don’t make offers. They don’t put their business together and they don’t make any money. And some coaches, many coaches, make what our friend Stacey Boehman says pro sport money. Like, many of us are making an amount of money that blows our own mind.

As part of The Life Coach School, we have an awards program for our coaches. We have what we call two-comma coaches, those are coaches that make a million and over. And we have six-figure coaches. So, if you want to see the coaches that have gone through the school that are currently active in the school that have made six figures and seven figures and soon to be eight-figure coaches, you can go to and see a list of all of the coaches that have done that.

And I have to say, I think one of the pure joys of my life has been watching the success of our students. When I first started being a coach and I first made six figures, I had a lot of people say to me, “Well, you can do it because you’re charismatic. You can do it because you’re smart. You can do it because you’re the one that created the Model.”

And for me, I always wanted to show that if you have the Model, the self-coaching Model, you can create anything I can create. And our students have proven that over and over. And the more success we have, the more success we have. Which I couldn’t even have imagined how many people would have benefitted from becoming life coaches.

So many of my students have retired their spouses, have been able to quit jobs they hated, have been able to literally impact industries with the Model and their approach to that specific industry. So, you can go to and scroll to the bottom and hit LCS Directory, and that will show you all of our coaches. You can search by different categories to understand the breadth of niches that we have, the specializations that we have, but mostly to just see the caliber of people that have gone through our certification and who are now out in the world making literally millions of dollars, hundreds of thousands of dollars doing exactly what they love doing, working from home virtually, and changing the world by helping their clients. I’m so honored for that, for all of that success.

And if you have a question – I think some people will be like, “Well those people can do it because of…” whatever reason you have in your mind. I really want you to check yourself there. I want you to question that you’re not capable of doing that because so many people have said, “I don’t know about that for me.” And I’ve said, “Absolutely, you could be a life coach. This could be your trajectory. This could be what you do in your life.” And then they’ve actually done it. And now, they’re literally living their dream.

And so, for nothing else, just go explore our coaches. See what they’re up to. Go to their websites. Go to their Instagram. Go to their Facebook. See how amazing it is to actually be a life coach working in the world today.

Our industry is on fire. The life coaching industry is so needed right now that it is growing at a pace that is beyond any other industry. It’s crazy to look at how many people are coming in and how many clients are now seeking out life coaches to help them. The more we expose ourselves to the world, the more people understand that life coaching is available to them and they need it.

Now, some of you may be like, “Well, isn’t that industry saturated? Aren’t there so many life coaches now? Haven’t all of the clients been taken?” And all of you have to do to get a grip on that is to go out and talk to 10 people that aren’t part of the industry, and half of them will have no idea what you’re even talking about.

There are so many people in the world today that don’t understand the benefits of life coaching who will and then will be seeing out you to coach them.

Okay, a couple more questions. What is it like being a coach?

Stephanie: Well, I think it’s the best job ever. You get to decide what that looks like for you and you get to decide who you want to take as clients. You get to decide, if there’s a niche that you’re wanting to work on, what that looks like. And you get to decide where you’re wanting to go with that as far as how much you want to work. It’s really up to you to decide, what’s that ceiling for you, or if there even is one.

Brooke: That’s so good. I love that. Being a life coach for me is like, “Are you kidding me? Is this allowed?” That’s what I’m always saying. I get to help people elevate, up-level their lives. I get to choose the hours that I want to work. I get to choose the price that I want to charge. I get to choose the amount of time that I spend with each client, whether I work in groups.

I would say being a life coach is total freedom. It’s not that it isn’t a lot of work, especially building that business; a lot of work. But worth every single day, worth every single hour. And I will say that one of the things that is so cool about building a business and becoming a life coach is the tools that you learn in certification are the exact tools you will use on your own mind in order to create a successful business.

And so, it’s a win-win-win. It’s a win for you. It’s a win for the amount of contribution that you’ll make to the world. And it’s also a win for the clients that will get to coach with you.

So, if I’m interested in this, what is the best way for me to get enrolled, if I want to become a life coach?

Stephanie: Yeah, if you’re wanting to join us, come to We have four videos there that really dial in the experience, what you’re looking for if you have questions about the career, if you have questions about the school. We have such great valuable information there and a brochure that really dives even deeper.

And you can just sign up there and we will get you started immediately and get you access to Scholars. And we’re excited, if anybody wants to join us on this journey to the most amazing career with the most amazing people…

Brooke: What if I’m freaked out? What if I’m nervous? What if I feel like I need to talk to someone to make sure I’m a good fit?

Stephanie: So, if you have questions, I would say go to [email protected].

Brooke: If you email the team at The Life Coach School and you want to actually talk to someone who is a certified coach, someone that works at the school, that’s been through the program, who knows everything about it and you want to present any special issue that you have or any special concern, we are happy to talk to you on the phone, answer any questions that you have, address any concerns that you have.

We want to make sure it’s a good fit for you. We want to make sure that you’re ready. We want to make sure that you understand what we provide and the value that we provide. So, absolutely, if you want to email with our team, [email protected], you can ask any questions you want. If you’d rather talk to someone on the phone, just let them know that you’d like to jump on a phone call and we’d be happy to do that as well.

The process of becoming an amazing life coach starts with managing your own mind. That is really, I think, the first step is really becoming a client and understanding the effect of the tools. If you feel in your heart – I feel like life coaches know they’re life coaches before they get certified. They can feel it in their heart. They feel a desire to contribute. They feel a desire to help.

Their friends usually tell them, “You give the best advice. I always come to you with my problems.” If you feel like that’s you, then you’ll go through the certification process and study the tools and get certified. And then the next step is really deciding whether you want to work for somebody else as a life coach.

And we have full inquiries coming into The Life Coach School all the time, “Hey, I need to hire someone. Do you have someone? Do you have a list of someone?” Which we then provide to other organizations that are looking for life coaches. You can always apply to work at The Life Coach School. There’s many corporations that are looking for life coaches right now, so, whether you want to build your own business or work for yourself.

And ultimately, being a life coach is about being present for your own life and whether you decide to actually become a life coach as a profession or just become a life coach to yourself, the benefits will be literally forever. Once you go through a training with us, as a certification, you can’t ever go back to not knowing what you now know. And I think that’s such an honor, to be a school that provides such an incredible opportunity for that.

So, if you have any questions, please email us at [email protected]. If you want to learn more, go to I want everyone who has that desire in their heart to know that they have this opportunity right now to become an amazing life coach.

We have the training. It’s available. It’s open for enrolment right now. We have some space for you. We want to invite you to join us. Any last words, Stephanie?

Stephanie: Yeah, if this is something that you’re considering, really just decide and go all in. If it’s something that you’re in the fence, part of the biggest thing that I think I learned from my experience in certification was just don’t sit in indecision. Just decide. Either you’re in, you know you’re ready for it, or it’s just not your time.

Brooke: That’s so good. Don’t wait. Don’t say you’ll do it later. Don’t say, “I’m not ready.” Just say yes or no. No is valid, or yes is valid. Just don’t be in between. That’s beautiful advice. Thank you, Stephanie for coming on the podcast, taking time away from your workday to share with us the process to becoming an amazing life coach. It’s so awesome to have you working for our organization. I love that you’re a coach yourself and that you care so much about all of our students going through. So, thank you so much for all of your hard work.

And I will talk to you all next week. Take care, everyone. Thanks, Stephanie.

Stephanie: Thank you.

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